
Wednesday, April 04, 2012

[Trans] Kim Kyu Jongs 'The First Romantic Party Gift in Bangkok' PressCon Q&A

I am so grateful to K.xeiti of OnlyMin for sending the translation of the Q&A during the press conference of Kyu Jong in Bangkok for his fan meeting. I have actually been very curious as to what happened to the presscon and what were the questions thrown at Kyu Jong.

Really thanks you very much K.xeiti for this!


[Trans] Kim Kyu Jong brought gifts and happiness to his fans in Thailand
original article:

TH-Eng trans:

Please repost with full credit only

A guy who has a warm smile ‘Kim Kyu Jong’ one SS501’s members who has released his solo album ‘Turn me on’ with his agency B2M entertainment with the solo debuted song ‘Yesterday’ flew directly from Korea to show his talents to his Thai fans in ‘Kim Kyu Jong’s The First Romantic Party Gift in Bangkok’ on March 31. 2012. One day before the event Kyu Jong has his press conference at Swissotel Nai Lert Park Hotel.

Sa-was-dee-krab SS501’s member Kim Kyu Jong, many of you are coming here today I felt a warm welcome and really appreciated

What gifts have you prepared for Thai fans this time?
Of course that there will be a new stage that have never seen elsewhere before and some songs that I will only sing it here, I have prepared a lot of gifts which you have to come to the party, there are many of them that will be given only during the party and can be tell only if you join the event.

It has been a long time since you last visited besides missing your fans here are there anything else you have been missing?
There are many things I missed, warm sun light, my fans’ smile, and also Thai foods. Because I haven’t been here for a long time, so now I am thinking of what I would like to eat.

Is there anything special you would like to eat?
Tom-Yum-Kung because I haven’t eat it for a long time and now I am pretty good at eating it.

What about in the past, you weren’t good at eating it?
At my first visit, I can’t eat it.

And this time, the soup is condensed? (Milk soup)
I want it really spicy please.

What is the feedback from other SS501 members about your new album?
They have seen the new album before the teaser released, I showed them the clip and the song and they commented that it is nice and they like it, it is a new look of me so as the song.

Do you feel lonely coming here alone?
At first, I was really worried and excited how this event will turn out, but now all those feeling has gone, I am happy spending time alone and this time I am planning to spend the time and have fun with fans and when I go back to Korea I will talk to other members about it.

Can you talk a little bit about Luna (f(x)) in 'Saving Ajumma Go Bong Shil'?
It is really fun. We are going to film the last part of the series soon. For Luna, I got a chance to see her for the first time at the Musical she played, I admired her as a young artist who is very talented, her acting skill is really good and she is also a great singer I really appreciated to work with her.

There is a kiss scene with Luna
Just kissing the cheek not kissing like that..t kissing (laugh*)

Did you offered to play this scene yourself?
The truth is, I was only making fun with the script writer that I want to have some cute scene for our couple, for example like cheek kissing with Luna. I would like to act in the series which has a romantic story so that people will be excited and looking forward for what will go next in the series. But it turned out that the script writer took my words and considered it seriously, so he put more kind of that scenes into the series. I was surprised and we (Kyujong and Luna) were shocked because this scene was filmed before we get used to each other so it was really excited.

Have you ever been in the romantic love like in the series?
Actually I have never been in the romantic love like in the series before but I have been dated and it was like a first love. My first love happened when I was in high school, the girl was my senior, I want to keep that as good memories forever.

Have you ever faced a serious situation that pressured you?
Of course, even though I always have a smile on my face but I also do have a time that I worry about something or have to think a lot in some situation.

What about your solution?
I like to read a book, especially the poem or quote which is mostly philosophy. To said the true, I actually don’t like reading a book that much but I tried to read them because you can learn something from it, books gave you a good advices, suggestions, and ideas. Sometimes the situation I am facing was not too tough, I can feel suffer but at the same time I still happy with it. I am trying to see things with a positive attitude and trying to be happy all the times, anyways the time is flying and moving forward just spends it with fun and happiness.

Do you know about Song-Karn day (Old new year)?
I have heard and known about it, also saw it a lot in the television but I have never been here at the time.

Do you want to be here and play the water war during the festival?
Definitely, I really want to play the water.

The festival is next month
Can I talk to my agency? (Laugh)

Can you say something about the event, series, and your new album?
I have been looking forward to see Thai fans for a long time, and this time when I got a chance I have prepared a lot of gifts, I hope that the gifts will also bring happiness to all fans so don’t forget to come to the event I assured that it will be a great party that we can have a lot of fun together and I am going to sing all the songs from my album don’t forget to come to listen to them. For the series which is now still filming, if you have a chance don’t forget to see it and, last if I have an opportunity I will definitely come to Thailand during Song-Karn festival.


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    "Trying to see things with a positive attitude and trying to be happy all the times"-- i so love it! kyu-jong ah why so sweet? u are now a grown up will always be our eternal center who never failed to cheer us!~ fighting! if it's KYU, ALL is WELL^^

  2. slimz180811:01 AM

    Thanks alot for sharing this everyone! Missed this FM and is really thankful for all the sharing by fans all around ^^
    The series is ending soon.. wonder what's up next ...

  3. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Kyu,you are really my inspiration..thanKYU so much...:-)
