
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Another FanCam of Hyun Joong from Yesterday's Lotte Duty Free Fan Meeting

Here is another video of Hyun Joong from the 2012 Lotte Duty Free Fan Meeting with Henecia Japan that was held yesterday. Much thanks to for uploading in her YouTube channel as well as to @LuvKHJ4ever for tweeting the link.

Please DO NOT edit and re-upload video from any streaming sites including YouTube.

Btw, in yesterday's fan meeting ccording to the tweet of @howlovelylala which originally came from the tweet of @harukhj Hyun Joong was asked about the letter he secretly got from a fan which the camera caught. Here is what Hyun Joong has to say about it.
Kim Hyun Joong talked abt the news and the fan cam taken the moment he grabbed the fan letter, HJ mentioned that actually he can't get every fan letter but he liked that and glad to see the news


  1. Anonymous1:25 AM

    His voice is amazing.
    I don't think he can sing so good.
    He puts much emotion, so strong but very soft.

  2. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Great song of HJ.
    HJ shows again, that he can sing very good.
    His voice is better and better.
    Love him more and more.

  3. Do you have the video with translation where Hyun Joong responded to the fancam?
    I love to hear what he said and whether he knew he is being filmed

  4. Anonymous1:40 PM

    OMG, I just love his version of this song. I went to hear the original after hearing HJ's version and I just have to say that HJ put more emotion into the song. There was no comparison. I've been putting this video on repeat for hours now.

    I think HJ new he was being filmed but I don't think that he did it for publicity since HJ is always doing stuff like that for his fans. I believe he was sincere about it.

  5. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I'm still so into this performance of his. In my opinion, his ballad performances are the best. You can tell that he's singing from his heart. His voice is just amazing!
