
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

[Article] Young Saeng to Enter into Japanese Market

Again Young Saeng did surprise us with this news.  A Japanese album which will consist of 10 songs and a concert.  While  others would only release single album, Young Saeng will have 10 songs.  I am looking forward to this and the kind of genre that he will have for his Japanese album.

Much thanks to @cll_slam10 for the translation of this news and sharing on at StylishHYS.


[News] Heo Young Saeng Will Embark Into Japan... New Album in August... Solo Concert In September
Chinese Trans: 王小卯0317 @ HYS Baidu Bar
Eng Trans: cllslam10 @StylishHYS
Pls repost with credits

SS501 Heo Young Saeng will be embarking into Japan in August this year.

A representative from the company which Heo Young Saeng belongs to told nocutnews during an interview, "Recently after releasing his 2nd solo mini-album, Heo Young Saeng will be releasing his Japanese album in August and will be holding a solo concert during September this year." Ever since after venturing out solo, this is the 1st time he is embarking into overseas.

The representative stated that they planned to have Heo Young Saeng's newly release Japanese album to contain 10 tracks. Among all the solo songs which Heo Young Saeng has released in the domestic market, they will be choosing 2~3 songs to be re-recorded in Japanese version. Other than that, they are planning a different diversified music styles for the remaining songs.

Prior to this, despite the numerous invitations from overseas, Heo Young Saeng will only consider after he has fully prepare, only then will he meet up with his overseas fans, thus he kept delaying his overseas activities. He is very apologetic to the fans expectations for this year,but being a solo singer, firstly he wants to determine whether he possess a strong personal style.

Currently Heo Young Saeng still have his inadequacies, although having this thoughts, after releasing 2 solo albums in the domestic market, going thru 2 years, he can't possibly reject the invitation from his Japanese fans. Thus he decided to hold a solo concert in Japan during September, showcasing his different style, preparing his new album.

Recently, Heo Young Saeng accepted an interview, he said, "In actual fact after releasing my 1st solo album last year, I did have the intentions to meet with my overseas fans, but there are only so few of my solo songs, with this unprepared circumstances, I really can't meet up with them. To repay the love that I receive from them, by holding an unprepared concert to earn money, I will feel very guilty. Thus I wanna confirm that I am fully prepared before standing on the stage showcasing my music."

He continued, "Of course I am worried that the fans will leave, but I still want to stand on the stage impressively." He also said, "Holding a concert in Japan after releasing my Japanese album, having this idea of carrying this 2 tasks, showcasing more stuff, having a great time, hoping to create the kind of stage where the main theme is music. Wanting to show an enriching music stage."

On the other hand, Heo Young Saeng has released his 2nd mini-album "Solo" on 22 May. This time round, this album revolves on the artiste Heo Young Saeng himself, searching for his own personal music style and the growing stages, album concepts, planning, forming, lyrics compositions etc which he personally gets involved in. There are a total of 5 tracks in the album which included the title track "Crying".


  1. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I think the success of HJL motivates YS much.

  2. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I'm so proud of you Saengie and that's why we love you. As your true fan, I'll wait and support you forever. Go Saengie go for your dream!

  3. Such a sincere guy. He really thinks a lot. This news really come as a surprise. I am really happy for him. Hopefully there are no changes.

  4. Anonymous8:02 PM

    He has a great heart for music. and very gifted too. No wonder whatver he did is so impressive, unique and perfect.

    Just one thing, sometimes we only want to see or hear from you - too quiet makes us worry. Solid promotion is also important for sharing music. We love you and have full respect to you!

  5. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Actually i'm really happy when i read about that...He really has talent and beautiful voice~ But no matter what i think to be a great artist not only depend on talent or hardworking but it also depend on how u projected ur image in public~ I hope he will getting more exposure as solo artist when he hold first solo concert and not too self-conscious or being more care free about himself...I think he's doing great now~ As YES will always truly support him and we will see what will he show us in the future~

  6. Anonymous8:58 PM

    i'm so proud of you, ys!!
    you really think deep about your music, that is why i love you~
    plus you are talented!!
    i hope you can make success just like leader and who knows maybe more~
    triples and YES japan please support ys~ ^_^

  7. Anonymous9:43 PM

    his japan concert would be one i really hope to be able to get a ticket to. would really love to hear him live. :)

  8. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Yea, if YS has the same charm of HJL.

  9. A stage focus on music sounds real good and suitable for him. Allow him to display his good vocals. Better than playing games. Hopefully it is a real concert. His second mini-album makes me look forward to his live. All the best, YS!

  10. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Hope YS will also have other overseas activities. He needs to understand that many fans in other places are dying to see him. You don't have to be perfect and we want you to earn money for yourself and future family - not to be poor^^

  11. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Everyone is unique and successful in his/her own way and style, doesn't have to be like others. I love who he is - he is HYS!!!

  12. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Y.E.S, @Kelly Unnie
    i agree with U, artists are suppose to sing only the songs but should not spend the time on games on the concerts.
    he has the best vocals and singing skill among the others, he can manage it ^^
    young saeng the best !!!!

  13. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The voice is not all.
    To shine the singer needs more charm.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      His voice is already a charm... His smile is a charm as well... He doesn't need a face to win people hearts...

  14. Anonymous7:18 AM

    ys is like a hot cake now, invitation is everywhere like snow. every company want to work with him.
    he is gonna to bring fame to b2m. hope him will not be over work himself.
    L U :)

  15. Oh! YS really CHARMs this ahjuma here with his voice and I am glad cause I can bring his voice along whenever I go :) His voice soothes me when I get tired.

    I still cannot get over this surprise from him. Hopefully I can be there then. Yet to see him live.

  16. Anonymous10:14 AM

    when some of u start talking about reminds me about ADELE words when her company CEO told to lose her weight and she said "i make music for ears not for eyes"...I totally agree with her...looks isn't all about when u want to be a great artist...artist will be remember bcoz of talent when they gets older and looks will fade away~ YS has a complete package as artist...he just not so lucky or have a good chance to show it! YS fighting!!!

  17. Anonymous11:26 AM

    YS for sure has the charm and the look and the talents - HJL will tell you. I try to ignore some unfriendly comments which make no sense. Funny thing is, that person can't resist the charm to keep coming back here and won't go away.

  18. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Oh please these are my two favourite artist please dont start a misunderstanding and im a firm believer that competition is healthy so please support them as what they are and respect each biases opinion.
    P.s i agree youngseang is now like a hotcake wanted everywhere and by everyone hope he can increase his stamina...hehehe

  19. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I'm glad he waited till he was ready. It shows that he's really into the music that he's making.

  20. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Poor YS. Every comment say only talent of YS under he is not handsome. Why? YS really handsome and other members of SS501 too.

  21. Anonymous5:27 PM

    As an artist, he should be known more for his voice than his looks. You should be proud that people are talking about his amazing voice and not his cute face. There's nothing to be sad about.

  22. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Come on ppl! HYS has his own charm just like KHJ has his own. Let's not belittle one in order to enhance the other cuz it certainly taint your credibility... Whatever we may think the fact remains that both are talented in their own way/right and ppl, even if HYS has the best singing skill it doesn't guarantee that he'll be as successful as KHJ. Some of you seem to imply that hyunjoong's popularity depends on or is becuz of his looks and that once that fades he'll no longer be that popular? Is that a desperate prayer? A rather snide remark and totally uncalled for don't you think? I guess his hardwork and efforts to improve himself don't count or the fact that he has a certain something, stage presence or aura, or the 'it' factor don't either? Well then, all I can say is, let's hope HYS does achieve success through his superior
    singing skills cuz if not...well, I wonder what other
    asinine reasons you'll bring out for HYS leader's
    achievements~ Do update your infos ppl, each of them has improved tremendously and none has stayed stagnant, including the much-maligned leader-sshi, no matter how reluctant you are in accepting that fact. So rejoice and hope for the best for everyone of them^^ Let's not vent your frustration or whatever in belittling a member's hard-fought achievements.....

  23. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Amin,Amen,Hallelujah finally we could live in peace.Well said anon 1.19

  24. Any discussion here - YS only. Don't digress to avoid reading in between lines.

    That is the best way to keep peace here. Lets keep Liezle's blog a peaceful place.

    And on the eve of YS' comeback, kudos to the YES and TripleS who will be there at Music Bank to give him their support. Thanks so much to all of you.

  25. Anonymous8:49 AM

    this adorable shy prince is always full of pleasant surprises!

    GO Saengie GO!

  26. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Hyun Joong has that X factor that placed him where he is now. It is not the cute face (there are so many cute faces out there including YS) but that certain something that talent or whatever can not make up for. And stop maligning him, he is not just sitting around and enjoying his luck. He works hard to develop himself and give his best to his fans.

    And what is wrong with games when you sing 15 songs besides for a fan meet??Games are FUN....

  27. Anonymous9:23 AM


  28. Anonymous10:01 AM

    prince saengie TOO charm and hot for us Y.E.S ^^
    fighting <3

  29. Anonymous12:59 PM

    You can do it young saeng oppa <3
    Love ya ^^

  30. Counting down by the hours to YS COMEBACK!

    How I wish it is today...

  31. Anonymous12:10 PM

    saengie sweetie you'll definitely rock the stage with your charm and talent!

    it's truly a great joy listening to your sweet voice, watching you performing on stage, doing what you love doing most so enjoy every minute of it - for the one on stage as well as the ones below the stage!
