
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Highligths of Kim Hyun Joong Asia Tour 2012 Day 2 in Taiwan 05.19.12

The 2nd night of Kim Hyun Joong Asia Tour 2012 in NTU Sports Center in Taiwan just started and the live Twitter update for today is courtesy of @OnlyKHJtimes (

As you read @OnlyKHJtimes tweets you would wish that you were in the venue having fun with the rest of the fans and Kim Hyun Joong.

Here are the happenings at the last night of fan meeting in Taiwan from @OnlyKHJtimes...
  • Love the crowd tonite!!! U:zoosin is out!!
  • Love the crowed tonite!!! Such energy!!! Guess everyone had an early meal before coming? Dumplings? LoL
  • ah it's "Please"...+ nipple-peeking time. XD~
  • Many ppl came today, so firstly thank u all for taking time to come today. This is 2nd time seeing u guys today.
  • How many of u came yesterday? Many ppl raised hands. LoL
  • To make sure u all do not get bored today I will put in more effort to make a better show..and the contents will be a bit diff.
  • Thank u a lot of fans and reporters who came yesterday. As I saw many good reports today and I was encouraged. Thank u all...with this song.
  • Komapta! ~ from the bottom of HJ's hearts! ❤
  • Today is 2nd performance, maybe would feel tired but seeing so many of u came to support me today so feel energized.
  • To me, my happiest moments is to dance, sing, act in front of u all. Hope the following 2 hours will bring happiness to everyone. ^_^
  • Kiss Kiss... And there's suddenly a bunch of sweet pink light sticks mixed in with the sea of green! XD!!!
  • A lucky girl was suddenly chosen from the crowd at the end of KK! Ying Shuang Xi?? Got the bear + pic opt with HJ on stage!!!
  • HJ: Is it fun? "Yes" crowd answered. HJ: Then I won't say too much but give u my next song, 'I'm Your Man'... LoL
  • Lemme drink some water. Wait ah...ok done drinking. Now I will bring you...Smile... ❤
  • Crowd so responsive!!! Squealing aloud at every cute gesture from HJ in this song!!! And HJ's smiles are...PrICELeSS!!!
  • Straight on to...'Because I'm Stupid'... *happy sigh* this every time. Fans many singing aloud!! ;-))
  • Jihoo Sunbae + Kim Hyun Joong sitting suavely on stage = SCREAMSss from all corners of the stadium! LoL
  • HJ raises mike and let crowd sing some parts... Love the energy here!!! ^_^
  • MC is out on stage! He observes that today's show is more HiGH than yest!
  • He asked whether its like a FM. Fans: NO! MC: it's like a full concert isn't it? Fans: YES!!!
  • MC: I have hosted many FMs and not one as grand as this one! Fans: Yes! MC: it shows he really loves u all. Fans: YES!!!
  • Under fans passionate screams for his name, HJ reappeared on stage. Talk time!
  • Crowd singing Happy Birthday song for HJ in Korean!!!
  • HJ: many ppl celebrate my birthday for me, I feel like I shd live longer. LoL
  • HJ: as long as I can I will continue to sing on stage for everyone. So I will take good care of myself. Thank u very much.
  • HJ: I have received the gift from everyone. (meaning the birthday song.) I am now feeling very good.
  • HJ: And with this feeling, I want to invite 5 fans to join me on stage.
  • OMG!!! One fan who was chosen is wearing a bridal gown!!!!
  • I'm not kidding you... LoL... Daebak!!!
  • Five posters/cards to be chosen from today! But they're all diff from yesterday! Wah!!! Exciting!!!
  • The girls all chose their numbers and the cards are shuffled. First card: Secret (jay Chou movie)!

  • Second card chosen: my sassy girlfriend! Aigooo...another hug-pose!

  • Third card: Joker/U:zoosin! The small girl aged 12 taken backstage. "we dunno what u will get. Just go backstage first".
  • Fourth card: gone with the wind pose! HJ holds the girl by the waist!

  • The fifth card: the "bride" got a pose of a movie (dunno name) + the pose is jus hero + heroine stand together.

Liezle :Sorry don't know the title of the movie,
 can't get the original poster.

  • The 'bride' fan asks if she can suggest a slight change of the pose. and hold HJ's fans while staring him in the eyes. HJ of coz agreed!
  • HJ went off stage and back again now with "Marry Me"! He has such beautiful smiles today!!!
  • The 12-yr old fan is now on stage with HJ..on that special bed...and well u can guess what is happening... LoL
  • Final poster after Marry Me: Playful Kiss! And the 12-yr old girl gets to kiss HJ on his cheek!!! *dies of jealousy*

  • Aigooo..many fans on the floor seats hv stood up and crept closer to the stage: preparing to grab U:zoosin dollars!!
  • All busy grabbing!!!
  • Pandemonium!! LoL
  • And it's now Lucky Guy!!! Fans jumping and waving to the beat! OMG I can feel the floor moving.... @,@
  • OmG everyone is standing on the floor and the ground is subtly shaking...
  • Everybody, e-e-everybody, shake it shake it shake it!!!!!
  • Special dance stage...eliciting screams from all corners... Oh my ears.. LoL
  • Hahaha...the audience is just pure POWER tonite. HJ is really hearing the love of fans who are with him in Taiwan, right here, right now!
  • HJ: today's time flies really fast. It seems to fly faster than I could have thought.
  • Fans making sad sounds when he said that. ;-)
  • HJ: I would stay longer if I had more...really hard to leave. Its the last song tonite: If Youre like Me.
  • HJ said many things tonite. Briefly: he is very touched by fans support + he knows he is called god of rain coz it rains every time he comes
  • But I hear rains brings prosperity. I hope nxt yr I come, it will be clear day. U will wait for me right? Fans: Yes!
  • And he is thankful for all the words/msgs of encouragement + support from fans all these while...
  • T.T.... Can't believe it's the final song now... HJ ahhhh...can't let go of u!!
  • Encore calls throughout the hall!
  • Calls of encore turns to "u:zoosin"!
  • And it's now One More Time!!!
  • Crowd stood up, waving light sticks and sang along with him...
  • Party time!!! LoL
  • Floor is shaking!!!!
  • I got a lot of fond memories in TW! I wont forget everyone! 1-2-3 Xie Xie!!
  • His shirt nearly got pulled off by one of the dancers who gave him a towel just now? LoL
 Could this be the one @OnlyKHJtimes talking about?
Much thanks to @Pluto0606 of @Hyuniversal0606 for the snapshot.
  • That was the best encore stage I think! ❤❤❤....Taiwan fans~daebak!!!
End of a wonderful 2-day concert in Taiwan for Hyun Joong.  Now it's the Hi5.

Heaps of thanks to @OnlyKHJtimes for the live and exciting updates. Got excited reading all the tweets.

Now that the 3rd leg of the Kim Hyun Joong Asia Tour 2012 is over, next stop will be China and this will happen on the following cities and dates:

Chengdu :: June 1 :: Sichuan Gymnasium
Guangzhou :: June 2 :: Tianhe Stadium
Shanghai :: June 9 :: Shanghai Gymnasium
Beijing :: Jung 10 :: Beijing Mastercard Center


  1. Anonymous12:10 AM

    sure the fans there went wild under the power of uzoosin (~,^)
    thanks for sharing the excited moments :)

  2. Anonymous7:17 AM

    wawawa, 3rd post is sexy sexy *_~ who was the lucky one @!@
    2nd one also my favor, heee, want to see hj's facial expression of that, but girl - please be nice to him (◠‿◠)
    right now i am anxious to know what will be the partS like this interaction in the following FMs.
    good luck, wish hj you have the successful fans meetings in China too.
    thank u all

  3. Anonymous11:16 AM

    This is the world star.
    Wish all best for his next FM in China.
