
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hyun Joong @ Beijing PressCon 05.13.12

After  another very successful fan meeting in Hong Kong last night, Hyun Joong left for Beijing at around 7:30am  and arrived at around 11:15pm. He went to Beijing for the press conference of his Kim Hyun Joong Asia Tour 2012 slated in four cities in China which are Chengdu (06.01), Guangzhou (06.02), Shanghai (06.09) and Beijing (06.10). But prior to China FM, for the 3rd leg of Kim Hyun Joong Asia Tour 2012 two fan meetings in Taiwan is scheduled on the 18th and 19th of May  at the 3/F of NTU Sports Center at 7PM.

Here is a video of Hyun Joong leaving Hong Kong from the YouTube channel of .

At the presscon @wangziqi gave us update. I am shoving here her tweets. Much much thanks.

Chinese to English translation by babyvfan /
Credit as well to 八爪娱。

credit willpower for the photo above
  • HJ : Hyun joong just greeted the media in Chinese ' hello, I'm Kim Hyun joong'

    • Hj says that fans are very passionate, he felt happy

    • As Hyun Joong's birthday is during Asia tour this year, organizer made special fm ticket on 6thjune, hj signed on it, and auctioned off.
    • Hj donated the money from auction to charity
    • Will be donating, auction is online
    • Kim Hyun joong also donated 20 million won himself to the charity

    Q&A ( please note that this is not the correct order of the Q&A)
    Q: what's so different about this fm tour?
    Hj: this time differs from before, specially prepared. So must come to support my fm

    [Probably was asked what he will do in his free time in China]
    Hj: in Beijing will go to eat Peking duck. Wish to see panda in Chengdu

    [He was probably asked about this since today is Mother's Day]
    HJ : couldnt celebrate mothers' day with my mom today, but i have celebrated it early with my parents on 8th May. (korea's parents day)

    Q: What comes to your mind first when talk about china?
    HJ : the great wall of china

    Q : this time, what's so different about the fm?
    HJ : it's very different and special, want to interact with fans.

    Q : what would you be doing now if you didnt enter the entertainment career?
    HJ : i would probably be a trainee now.

    Q : can you reveal about 'City of Conquest'?
    HJ : it's my new drama, will be a very manly images, please anticipate and show support.

    Q : what's your fave role you have acted?
     HJ : i like all roles i have acted, each role are different, showing a different side of himeself.

    • After Asia tour, hj says he will be promoting in japan for a period of time. Then new drama at the end of the year

    • Organizer gave HJ 'tiger' stamp as present
    • He prepared 4 different surprises for 4 stops of Asia tour in china
    • Press conference ended, hj expressed that he is very excited, will work even harder, to give the best on stage
    • KHJ kept on mentioning that he anticipates chengdu the most.. but he kept us guessing on why.. keke, maybe he will visit panda first!
    • HJ left for Korea also today. 
    Here is a very short video from the presscon lifted from HERE.


    1. Anonymous10:37 PM

      did the schedule change or something? i thought he was supposed to go to taiwan after HK. how come he's in beijing?

    2. Hi 10:37.

      Prior to China FM, for the 3rd leg of Kim Hyun Joong Asia Tour 2012 two fan meetings in Taiwan is scheduled on the 18th and 19th of May at the 3/F of NTU Sports Center at 7PM.


    3. Anonymous11:20 PM

      exactly, then why is he in beijing now? he should have gone to taiwan 1st isn't it right? his china FM isn't until june.

    4. Anonymous11:44 PM

      maybe its a form of marketing strategy by the chinese organiser to have hyunjoong to come for presscon first and to have an online auction to attract fans for the fanmeet later....just my pov i may be wrong..happy mummy day

    5. Anonymous4:06 AM

      KHJ donated 20 million KRW for needed children again.
      this press conference was for it.
      and for 4 stops of chinese FM, there's an auction for row 6 number 6 seat(as you know, it's KHJ's birthday), and it will be donated same as KHJ's.

    6. Anonymous1:03 PM

      It must be very tiring for him. From performing in Hongkong to press on in Beijing and then back to Korea for more rehearsal and trained for acting and then to Taiwan within 1 week. OMG please take care and god bless Prince of Asia Kim Hyunjoong.

    7. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Due to KHJ's tight schedule, he has his drama teacher accompany him on his HongKong trip to help explain the drama script to him whenever he has the free time. I am amazed at his stamina... but he does look kind of tired at the presscon in HongKong. Hope he has enough rest.

      My imagination runs wild, when he mentioned that he hopes to visit the Pandas in China. Certaintly didn't want him to look like one, rest well, my Prince.
