
Thursday, May 24, 2012

[Pix] Hyun Joong with DJ Ah Ken of Radio 100.3 05.02.12

Singapore's DJ Ah Ken of Radio 100.3 had a chance to interview Hyun Joong when the latter was in Singapore for the 1st leg of Kim Hyun Joong Asia Tour 2012.

Here are photos of Ah Ken interviewing Hyun Joong on the 2nd of May that I lifted from the post of 00lanse in Baidu which she got from Radio 1003 @ Facebook. Btw, DJ Ah Ken is known to like K-Pop and is a fan of many Korean idols.


  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I like Ah Joong T shirt....very nice

  2. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Nice T shirt.
    Love his muscle.
    Sexy leader.

  3. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I'm loving his arms. :)
