
Saturday, May 05, 2012

Simply Handsome & Sexy in a V-neckline Shirt

Running Into the Sun, the promoter of Kim Hyun Joong Asia Fan Meeting 2012 has this photo of Hyun Joong which I am shoving here.

Simply handsome and sexy wearing  a very low V-neckline shirt, yah? 

Before I end this post,  let just post this here as I am sure many are still craving for videos from last night's fan meeting.  I forgot to mention in my earlier posts one highlight in the fan meeting that  is the video that was show during the gap when Hyun Joong was changing for his next number. In the video there were five things that were shared that he would like to do for his girl friend and they are : to cook for her, write her love letters, give her romantic gifts, mimic the moves of romantic scenes and sing only for her. Hmm... sounds like not much of our Hyun Joong, right? Anyway, those are things to put some cute touch on the footage with a huge white bear that later on was given to a lucky fan. After the video Hyun Joong adorably on stage 'Kiss Kiss'.

 And with this I am shoving a very nice video of xiaochu shared on YouTube channel. Much thanks!

 If you want to see more videos taken by xiaochu, you may click HERE and enjoy them all.

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