
Saturday, May 26, 2012

S/Tweets Treats from Kyu Jong 05.26.12

This afternoon we got some sweet tweet treats from Kyu Jong.  The bonus about the tweets is that he included photos.  Here are the the English tweet translation of Kyu Jong courtesy of @xiaochu1004 shared in Twitter.

3:11 PM - 26 May 12
weather is so so so goodddd heehee have a nice weekend everyone^^~~

3:15 PM - 26 May 12 when I was filming~~yesterdayyy heehee I am going through my photos. old memories keep popping up heehee wooaah time flies heehee ^^

6:46 PM - 26 May 12
received autograph from singer Heo~~ exciting exciting yoohehe^^ crying daebakkkk♥♥

Btw, yesterday Kyu Jong recorded for 'ShikShin Road'.  And according to B2M Kyu Jong will appear in the show on the 2nd of June which is a Saturday at 12NN.

With regarding to the filming yesterday, @ss_road a photo yesterday of the filming. Here is the tweet in English courtesy of xiaochu shared on Quainte501.

2012-05-25 @ 2:11 PM
Tah-dah! Coming filming day of ShikShin Road♬♬♬ today's shiny guest is the very hot hot (issue) these days! The rising UmChinDal~ Han JiWoo who was searched for even for Overseas Miss Korea^_^ Please give lots of questions

Also yesterday dancers and friends @movejm and @takejo2020 of Kyu Jong and Young Saeng tweeted photos together with them.

@movejm: 오랜만에 규종이와~ 너무 좋다 !!! ㅎ

@takejo2020: 영생이와~~~~짜이야~

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