
Thursday, May 03, 2012

Surge of HQ Pix : Hyun Joong @ Fairmont Hotel PressCon 05.02.12

Brace yourself ladies as you are about to see tons of his royal handsomeness from the press conference yesterday at Fairmont Hotel.

Get ready with your cute fingers to do the the clicking and saving as there are more than fifty photos of Hyun Joong that are up of grabs.

First batch of photos is from kavenyou photographed by Xualin.

Next set is from

Last set of high quality photos is from the shutterbug of

One more sleep to go and Kim Hyun Joong Asia Fan Meeting 2012 will finally kick off in Singapore on the 4th of May at 8PM at Singapore Indoor Stadium.


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    So many gorgeous pics of our boy~ Thank you God for creating this beautiful boy! May hyunjoong always have God's blessings^^

  2. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Why so handsome?
    Good luck for his FM.

  3. Anonymous11:14 PM

    He's ridiculously beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Liezle.

  4. Anonymous11:19 PM

    leader's cheeks are full round :) love it.
    wish all your fans meeting successful.
    can not wait your new role in the new drama, fighting !! dear leader, all the best to you ^^

  5. Anonymous12:04 AM

    i envy the lady interpreter! she gets to see all our boys up close!

  6. aigoo.. you girls are killing me with these gorgeous pictures of HJ.. i would give an arm & a leg to be in singapore right now.. :(

  7. Anonymous3:24 AM

  8. Anonymous5:42 AM

    like the ring leader wearing, very stylish, the bracelet also not bad :)

  9. Honeypizza11:01 AM

    would like to take the credit also to you for taking your time to post this lovely Photo's of Mr. Kim ^ ^ keep up girl!
