
Monday, May 07, 2012

[Vid] Hyung Jun Cut Scenes in EP 7 of 'I Love You' 05.07.12

In tonight's episode of 'I Love You', Hyung Jun and Yoon Seon who often quarrels in the drama had a cute scene that attracted the attention of the viewers. In the scene, Yeon Ah played by Yoon Seon vent her anger by trying to hit baseballs from a pitching machine. Jung Min Chae, played by Hyung Jun, who saw her and helped her hit a ball. It seems that the love line between the two will start to heat up soon... don't miss the last seconds of the video.

Check  cut scenes of Hyung Jun from tonight's episode 7 of 'I Love You'. Thanks to for sharing this in ,.

be in the embrace of Kim Hyung Jun like Yoon Seo” and so on.

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