
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

[Article] Kim Seung Woo to Join Kim Hyun Joong in 'City Conquest'

Another actor has been revealed today to be joining Hyun Joong for his upcoming drama 'City Conquest'. Senior actor, Kim Seung Woo, known for his role as General Manager in Hotelier (2001 with Bae Yong Joon & Choi Ji Woo) and Miss Ripley (2011 with Park Yoo Chun & Lee Da Hae) will be the father of Baek Mir (played by Hyun Joong) who he resents as he grows up and enters the black society to seek revenge from those who destroyed his family.

Earlier it was already reported that Nam Gung Min will also be in the drama. You may read HERE for more about his role.

Meanwhile, read the article about Kim Seung Woo's joining the 'City Conquest' courtesy of wonderrrgirl's translation on her Wonderrrland blog.


[News] Kim Seung Woo, cast in City Conquest as Kim Hyun Joong’s father
Source: 머니투데이 스타뉴스
Translator: Wonderrrgirl / Wonderrrland

Actor Kim Seung Woo has been cast in drama City Conquest and will be making a return to the small screen.

Accordingly, through ties with ‘Iris’ director Yang Yoon Ho and PD Baek Jin Dong, Kim Seung Woo has made a decision to film City Conquest.

In City Conquest, Kim Seung Woo is set to star as Baek Seung Hyun, who secretly took care of the president’s secret funds for military development and possess a certain hidden influence and power, showing off his masculine aspect.

Baek Seung Hyun will play as Kim Hyun Joong’s father in the script, a character who finishes with all matters accurately and reliably, as well as a stout husband who takes care of his family boundlessly.

Even though Kim Seung Woo will only appear in five episodes, he is a very important chracter in the drama’s story development. It is expected that much anticipation will be placed on this chracter and his overwhelming charisma.

The drama, which will be adapted from the manga, is a story about the main lead character, who resented the father that abandoned himself as his mother while he was young. As a result, Bae Mi Reu (Kim Hyun Joong) grew up harboring thoughts of revenge against society. The drama aims to start airing during year end, with filming starting from 10 July onwards in Tokyo, Nikko Edomura, Tochigi prefecture.


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Kim Seung Woo was in Iris, really good actor. The director is the same one who directed Iris, and there's Nam Gung Min. Our Hyun Joong in in good company. This project is attracting quality actors. I'm happy.

  2. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Wow this actor is now in 1day2nights, isn't it? Amazing actors.. Very good hyunjoong!!:)
