
Monday, June 11, 2012

[Article] Uncalled For Remarks to Young Saeng by Nuvane

Geez, so this is the news that a friend told me about this morning Sigh...

Thanks to Honeyee for another translation in Love501 blog.

Such an uncalled for remark from this Nuvane group.  Their remarks certainly will elicit irritants from fans. I hope they learned something from this.

I saw last night hyeongjin's tweet but couldn't quite understand it. I just saw the translation shared by ‏@SaengFamVn in Twitter which I am shoving here for everyone's info as well. I believe that this has something to do with the comments and tweets from the magic group. I like Hyeongjin for doing this for Young Saeng.

[@hyeongjin2 twt trans] In this world , although there is the freedom to express the personal views , either you like or dislike , but behind the freedom , I want to let the 88 years dongsaeng know that must be responsible . The hyung who born on 80 years with the hyung's attitude to talk with you , mutual respect is the principle of life , instead of Diss( direspect to the other) !!! I will not do that kind of thing , haha .

RT @hyeongjin2 : 세상엔 좋고싫타를 표현할수있는 자유가 있지만 그자유뒤엔 책임이 있다는사실을 88년동생들에게 알려주고싶네요 80년생형이 형으로써이야기합니다 서로존중은못할망정 대놓고 디스는아니죠!!! 저도그런거할줄암니다ㅎㅎ

Btw, those who are asking, Nuvane is a Magic Team and not and idol group.

And today, I just saw in Twitter that someone from the group wrote an apology which you may read HERE (in Hangul though).

[News] Nuvane, “Heo Young Saeng’s like a beggar” insulting remarks.
Source: Star Today
English Translation: Honeyeee @

Magic Team Nuvane made an criticism remark towards group SS501′s member Heo Young Saeng.

In the afternoon on the 9th, at the end of MBC TV ‘Show Music Core’ , member Jang Hyo Won of Nuvane wrote on his twitter “Heo Young Saeng’s like a beggar”. This was written after seeing the performance of Heo Young Saeng who has performed his title song ‘Crying’ from the 2nd mini album ‘SOLO’ which was released last month on the 22nd.

This resulted in fans of Heo Young Saeng attacking Jang Hyo Won. Through a search on the internet, information found proofed Nuvane as a public figure. Such action as showing disrespect is unacceptable.

With the attacks from Heo Young Saeng’s fans, Jang Hyo Won aggravates it by tweeting “Because I’m scared so I’m going to shut down my account…is fake. What’s with you all”. Nuvane’s leader Kim Do Hyeong too tweeted in response to the angry fans “Gosh! That fellow’s fans are scary kekekekeke Only a word and there’s an explosion in twitter”.

Fans rebutted Nuvane with posts such as “A person whose name will appear upon searching on the Internet is someone of a public figure and this is not what the behavior that one should have.” , “I hope you guys hear people calling you beggars too” , “This is absurd” , “Quick apologize” and so on.

Eventually Jang Hyo Won apologized on the 10th in the morning “Specifically mentioning a particular artiste as an performing artiste myself, there seems to be a problem with respect. I apologize to the artiste and fans.” Leader Kim Do Hyeong too apologized “I apologized too as a leader for my team member’s mistake”



  1. Anonymous12:51 AM

    I don't think saengie's fans should retaliate, why stoop so low like the other party? And what's with the beggar remark, I don't understand. So uncalled for.

  2. Never heard of them before. Probably seeking attention at YS' expense.

    They are not apologetic at all from the way they first react. Nowadays with such new media, many people never think before they type. It take a responsible person to think for others before they make comments.

    Glad that our boys are responsible adults and peace loving ones.

    I think fans should just treat these people as transparent else they will get more attention.

  3. Anonymous12:59 AM

    What does he expect - as a public figure, he should know better by passing such disrespecful and uncalled for remark

  4. Anonymous1:00 AM

    actually i don't like to had a fight with other people,but seeing that guy comment really make fans angry coz we never heard other artist call him like that..if other fandom insult ys,that i could understand,but he's an artist or so whatever..why did he call him beggar?

  5. Anonymous1:06 AM

    what a low blow to get attention how pathetic!

  6. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Calling beggar to an artist who is so popular around Asian. They should look at themselves before commenting to other people. I want them to apologies in National TV not in twitter!!

  7. Anonymous2:17 AM

    thx for sharing, that's the 1st time I feel can't tolerate, I don't like fighting, but they really don't know what is the meaning of respect, and the apologise seems not fr true heart, that boyband was really awful!

  8. Anonymous2:18 AM

    thx for sharing, that's the 1st time I feel can't tolerate, I don't like fighting, but they really don't know what is the meaning of respect, and the apologise seems not fr true heart, that boyband was really awful!

  9. why they must say a fan that make we feel sad..why they like not sincere apologise?apologise openly not just in twitter..poor sangie..but whatever they say HEO YOUNG SAENG is the best for us..

  10. Anonymous11:04 AM

    How come they do that to our Lovely Young Saeng.. Not respect at all to do that especially Heo Young Saeng is a famous artist in Asian. How come? they should apologies through TV station not in twitter. No wonder Ys's fan get angry. As a Triple S and Y.E.S, this news just give me sad. Be strong my Otter <3 (SP)

  11. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Let's not get angry over such comments. I bet saengie doesnt even take it to heart because it's a waste of time to get angry over such person and crappy comment.

  12. wow...bunch of insecure people @NU_HALO and @MagicDirector..if YS is a beggar he'll definitely receive more love from everyone, unlike for these @NU_HALO and @MagicDirector..they're more likely to end up in a jail, because they're disrespectful..

  13. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I'm calm but I'm angry too!! This is called harrassment, humiliation and can't be tolerated. I'm glad that YS fans already taken action. Really hope that Saengie won't be affected and be strong....

  14. Anonymous1:40 PM

    what's the specific reason for him to called YS like that? his outfit?dancing?or overall performance?he shouldn't address the artist for something he may feel 'lack'. people have different standard for subjective things like that.and the apologies seems so fake...

  15. i want to ask bothers me?who is Nuvane??still upset after reading this post early morning..

  16. Anonymous3:30 PM

    LOL who the hell are they anyway?? never heard before.. -_-
    attention seeker much, in a pathetic way~
    a beggar!!! who live in the streets, wearing thorn clothes and asking for money??
    if young saeng is a beggar, i would gladly take him home!! keke
    just kidding~ ^_^

  17. Anonymous3:38 PM

    who are they?
    what really upset me here was the leader didn't apologized after a member of his group comment something wrong.. mostly, leader are the one apologizing in be half of his group mates.. but here, the leader seems to tolerate it.. poor Young Saeng oppa T_T he didn't do anything wrong.. he don't deserve this..

  18. Anonymous5:37 PM

    ok...all I wanna know now is why are they calling him so rudely? There must be a reason. If they just pop these words out of no where, they must be something wrong. I don't mind who are they, and it is not worth to have a fuss with them. I think YS don't even care about this, too.

  19. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Thanks hyeongjin hyung, because you are always take care of our sangie. Thank you so much and I like your statement on twitter. hehe^^ (PS)

  20. Other than our boys' personality, I think Hyeong Jin has also influenced them a lot, being with them for so many years. Really thank you, Hyeong Jin, for taking care of them so well and "bringing" them up to be responsible adults.

  21. Mishelle9:42 PM

    hyeongjin did well, its only natural as a hyung he has to do it, being an older person and also being their manager. although i don't really understand what he said about the 88 or 80 year thing, who's the one born in 1988? saeng is 86, no?

  22. Dear Hyeong Jin sshi, thanks you for step up for our Prince, we really appreciate it... seriously, I'm piss off when I first read the article this morning, so disrespectful!! I hope one day ppl will call u a beggar as well so that u know how offended that is. learn to mind ur word~~u have no idea how protective a fan can be..

  23. Anonymous6:03 AM

    thumbs up for hyeong jin sshi!

  24. Anonymous9:49 AM

    hyeong jin is they manager right..even tough i don't understand so much what he said about but gladly he depent young manager oppa so much..hahaha

  25. Hearing someone insulting our boys makes me angry. Who are they to judge other people? Wait till i have some free time and then i will go to the nuvane site to give them an earful.Kudos to Hyeong Jin for his determination to stand beside Young Saeng. When soft and gentle people like our boys get insulted publicly, i don't think they will be able to do anything to defend themselves. So Green Peas and YEs out there plz give support to our SS501 boys.

  26. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I'm upset as hell with the comments they did to YS. They don't deserve to be in the industry they're in as they are disrespectful and big mouthed people especially the one whi made a comment.YS and SS501 are such a humble and well discipline artist that respects the people around them. SS501 fans let's continue to support our boys and pray for them to be much stronger..Mansae!
