
Monday, June 11, 2012

Hyun Joong Expressed His Gratitude towards Chinese Fans in Weibo

Fan meeting and Hi5 in Beijing is over and fans have only good things to say about Hyun Joong (and Mr. Jeong who according to fans is very polite... txs to @baebb for this!).

Beijing is the final destination of Hyun Joong for his Kim Hyun Joong Asia Tour 2012. He will be back in Korea tomorrow and probably have some little rest before resuming his next project which is the filming of his new drama 'City Conquest'.

For some highlights at the 'talk' session in the fan meeting, here are just a few of them from the tweets of @baebb. Thanks as well to @June_chapelle.

Q. if he has a kid/daughter, would he show her to the fans?

he said it depends on the child... but it's a question that should be answered in the 7th show.

Q.what kind of aliens do you like?

he he said he likes all types, but isn't there only 1 kind? anyway he added of all that he knows, he likes u:zoos in the best!

Q. Thought you don't like mushy stuff, but why are you getting more sweet tongued more and more lately? (fans like it though...)

HJ feels the shows will be boring if he's as quiet as before. he's actually a Type B man, but haha, he's getting better.

Talk emcee just asked HJ to say I Love You in mandarin and he just did!

He repeated I Love You in mandarin 3 times and said it's very impt to remember that!!

As this is the last stop of Kim Hyun Joong Asia Tour 2012, Hyun Joong left a message in his weibo account. Here is a photo of him writing his message and the translation which was shared by @5StarsAs1 in Twitter.

'Thank you to all the CN fans for the support. Because of everyone's support, I will work harder - Kim Hyun Joong' in trad. Chinese.'

According to @5StarsAs1, Hyun Joong used the traditional Chinese word to express his gratitude towards the Chinese fans.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Love his love to fans.

  2. Anonymous2:09 PM

    love his serious looks. he looks so cute in the pic like a little student sitting still & in practice (~J~)
    can not see it very clear how he wrote, but it seems pretty tidy & neat ^^
    thanks leader :)

  3. Anonymous11:52 PM

    A diligent and darling boy! His 'Hanja' handwriting is very good! And look that arm!!! He's so sexily buffed now^^^

  4. Anonymous7:43 AM

    If he can write in traditional chinese he must be one bright kid..thats uri hyunjoong
