
Saturday, June 30, 2012

[Pix & Vid] Hyung Jun and His Special Guests 06.29.12

Everyone must have seen and heard about it.  Yes, Kyu Jong, Young Saeng and Jung Min went to the Seoul Showcase and Mini Concert of Hyung Jun.  And from the tweets, the boys seems to have a lot of fun on stage though Jung Min did not go up again.  But he was acknowledge by Kyu Jong and Hyung Jun.

Here are screencaps from the lifted from the tweets of @ivannah501, @YS_YoonHa95, @alisongan1103 and more.

According to the tweet of 501wangja 
the 3 were looking for Jung Min amongst the crowd.

Shoving this vid here from 's YouTube channel.  According to @HappyBoys_SS501's tweet,  Kyu Jong was  shock because Hyung Jung treated only Young Saengy.

Here are highlights when the three were on stage. Loas of thanks to @crazynoona for sharing this moment on Twitter.
  • The first to come up on stage was Kyu Jong then Young Saeng.  
  • During the talk, Kyu Jong said that although he is busy, he made it at the Showcase since it is for Hyung Jun.  
  • When they were seated, Young Saeng said that Hyung Jun should not be sitting in the middle but Hyung Jun said very cooly 'No it's alright.' 
  • Kyu  Jong complimented Hyung Jun and he was so happy with the compliment.
  • Young Saeng said that Hyung Jun eagerly waited. He also said that Hyung Jun is very stylish.  With that comment Hyung Jun clapped happily like a boy.
  • Hyung Jun is so happy that he keeps on dancing towards Kyu Jong and Young Saeng.
  • Hyung Jun said that Jung Min is at the venue too.  Then fans screamed so loudly.
  • Kyu said it would be good if he get 1st. So he can give free concert..Baby Jump jump to Kyu and sayang Kyu then YS!!! Cute
  • Fans waiting for them to dance U R Man but the two didn't prepare.
 Other special guests who came to support Hyung Jun are...

courtesy of @LEJahng
Noona cousing, Omma Kim and Adorable Choco

Ji Suk of Rainbow, So Yi Hyeon  and Kim Ki Bum

Another photo of Ki Bum

JQ who is featured in one of the songs of Hyung Jun 
in the album 'ESCAPE'

Here is vids of Hyung Jun's special guests taken at the gallery. Video was lifted from 's YouTube channel.


  1. Anonymous9:43 PM

    omg!!! really???!! im so happy to hear this~ sad about jung min cannot go on stage again..i hope to see him on stage with YS, KJ ang HJB!! if only leader was there...we could have another reunion!! ^_^

  2. can you post some more pic of our hyung jun brother ki bum

  3. Why wasnt park Jung min on stage?

  4. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Side track a little - look at the faces of baby's mom and cousin. Whoever thinks they look natural must be either blind or in self denial. They just have the same plastic surgeon thats all.

  5. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Liezle, found this, I haven't watch yet.

    120629 김규종(KyuJong), 허영생(YoungSaeng) - 김형준(HyungJun) 쇼케이스 무대 영상

  6. Hi 10:22! I just posted the same link that I saw in Twitter on a new post. Anyway, thanks for the link!


  7. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Baby promises free concert if he wins 1 cup.
    Who knows how long to wait?

  8. If anybody has the translation of the videos, do sound. Thanks.

    Managed to read some translations here and there from tumbler. Understand that Kyu Jong asked Hyung Jun when he treated Young Saeng, and where was he then. Hyung Jun replied that Kyu Jong was sleeping and Kyu Jong was adament about the answer. Cute guys :)

  9. Anonymous1:12 AM

    kim hyung jun cousin and his mom look so pretty and the cousin look much alike kim hyung jun and his mom look more alike his brother kim bum so beautiful family<3 they are so lucky.

  10. Anonymous1:12 AM

    kim hyung jun cousin and his mom look so pretty and the cousin look much alike kim hyung jun and his mom look more alike his brother kim bum so beautiful family<3 they are so lucky.

  11. Oh, the way that Baby behaves towards Kyu and Young Saeng is so adorable and makes smile so wide. Love thier brotherly bonds so much. Poor Jung Min sittting among the audience. If Jung Min can go on stage, the Tom and Jerry scene sure would makes us happy again.
