
Saturday, June 16, 2012

[Pix] Hyung Jun is Back in Korea 06.15.12

Prettyboy has already shared in the board photos of Hyung Jun when he arrived yesterday from Japan revealing his new hair color (though some have already noticed the new color when he left on the 11th of June).

Much thanks to the shutterbug once again of Prettyboy for sharing these photos. Btw, these photos are better seen big.  He is looking good after this trip.

Prettyboy Hyung Jun


  1. You know the 5 boys that we adored sometimes looks like each other with their hairstyle or clothing. For example, in some of the above Baby's photos looks like Young Saeng and some are like Leader. For Kyu Jong, he has a similar resemblance to Leader. The same goes to Jung Min, Young Saeng and Leader too. I don't know to relate it but try to look at the 5 members photos and compared when they appeared. Maybe 5 as 1 is so true and rooted deep into their style and personality.

  2. yup.the picture above looks like young saeng style.look at the pant..hehe

  3. Anonymous4:56 PM

    you right..always be same..from hair to clothes..really2 impress..501

  4. Anonymous6:27 PM

    How come the other four have never been style icons then?
