
Tuesday, June 05, 2012

S/Tweet Treat from Kyu Jong 06.03.12

Two days after ThanKYU with Triple S sweet Kyu Jong tweeted that he misses his pretties, his members and people who are in charged with carrying out the business for him.

Here is the complete translation of Kyu Jong's tweet in which he also attached photos that he posted 9-hours ago in Twitter.  Much thanks to @superstarsubs for the translation.
2kjdream alrdy missing everyone.. ㅠ ♥ Missing R little pretties, 501 n the staffs, everyone..!! sob sob..!♥♥

Sigh... when July comes and he enlists, I will certainly miss Kyu Jong. But I do hope that he will have time to give us updates once in a while otherwise, we can only resort to watching old vids and looking at photos.

Ei, for the next two years, here is another set of wonderfully captured snapshots of Kyu Jong from the fan meeting  that we can look at.  Thanks to candy for sending the photos. Credit as labeled.

Kyu Jong's 90° bow.

And, another set of pix to grab and treasure for the next two years. This set is from


  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    i also feel the same kyu jongie~ miss the five of you already!! >,<
    i hope jung min doing fine, but from the picture with kyu, there is band-aids at his neck..why?? i hope those injuries are not what my crazy mind is thinking right now..jung min be safe ok!! tc!!

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I already miss kyu so much T_T

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    aaah same here. looking at the recent news of 501 reunion makes me go back to old vids and songs of 501 which eventually makes me miss him more even before he starts off military duties. aaaaahhhh 2 more years? ottoke?

  4. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I have a question. Will KJ be able to use twitter to communicate with his fans when he's at home resting during his military service? It's not considered illegal, right? It would be nice if he could drop us little messages of his wellbeing every now and then. I'm like a mother worrying for her child... kekeke

  5. Anonymous5:42 AM

    to someone asking the use of twitter, I don't know if he will keep posting news on twitter. but, i think it's possible. I don't know the nature of serving a military duty, but from what I gather, Heechul from Suju keeps updating his twitter during his military duty period. but if there's difference between departments in which they serve, there could be some issue.

  6. Rain updates as often as possible on his Twitter account, and he!s serving in the Department of Public Relations. Hopefully Kyu Jong will be able to do that too. I'm going to miss Kyu Jong so much :-(

  7. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Liezl why do you always close the comment box when HJ fans argue with the other members fans but let it go on and on if the arguments are for the other members fans.? Just saying...

  8. Anonymous7:37 PM

    @ 5:42AM & DeeDee2023, THANKS for answering my question. At least now, I can harbour hope that he will communicate with us.

    I don't know Korean, but after reading the comments on anti-fans of HJL, I feel so bad for him. There's a chinese phase, "one type of rice feeds all sort of people".... you can't make them all behave in your expectation.... what we can do is stay UNITED for our precious idols. I don't like reading such anti-comments that breed ill-feeling as unknowingly you fall into their trap... they will not change their mindset... there's no end to it.
