
Sunday, June 17, 2012

[Vid] Young Saeng at SBS Inkigayo 06.17.12

At SBS Inkigayo today, Young Saeng made another performance. Here is the cut of Young Saeng's 'Crying'  stage courtesy of 's YouTube channel.


  1. Thanks, Liezle.

    Heard that today is the Goodbye stage for Crying. Hopefully he will start fresh music stage instead of disappearing. Else this promo is even shorter than the 1st mini album.
    He need to get himself more heard.

  2. Hi kelly! Yeah, sad to to learn about it being the goodbye stage in Inki. I wish after 'Solo' promo we will be able to hear soon what's going to be up with YS.


  3. Anonymous5:59 PM

    He deserve to get number 1 at least once, but there is not chance for him. Sad to hear about the Goodbye Stage for Crying. I just think maybe 'Crying' not give more impact for his main song, maybe he should choose Intimidated or Hello Mello.. huhuhu.. Young Saeng ahhh..ottokke~ps

  4. In a country where groups is strength, 1st place for soloist is always more elusive.

    However this album receives better reviews than previous. I think that is more important for an artiste who spend so much effort in it. Furthermore he is doing well in album sales and in this era where people just download, that is also a good sign.

    I love this 2nd mini album lots. Without even having to watch his stage and MV, just listening to him is good enough. That is the wonderful part of good vocals. It follows his fans wherever they go :)

  5. Anonymous10:28 PM

    i will always love you..ys
    i will always support you..ys
    i will always be with you..ys


  6. Anonymous11:15 PM

    After this YS will release his 10 songs album and a solo concert in japan xD

  7. Oh, i almost forgot about that! thank you 11:15. ^_^ Now, i remember blogging about it. ^_^ Ei, I keep on forgetting things lately.


  8. Anonymous12:29 AM

    i think young saeng do very good and i think this just test for him !!
    what he doing after his fall in all those stages??
    but really i'm with kelly
    and YS is the best this month
    and always ..
    because he has thing not every body have it ,which it the amazing voice .

  9. ~liezle.... After reading your comment about how you so liked his "pants" on MC, you know where my eyes automatically focus now.....yahaaaaaa.....

    He continues to have me 'Crying, Crying, Crying... Cuz I can't see you no more'. :(...
