
Monday, June 04, 2012

[Vids & Pix] Kyu Jong ThanKyu with Triple S 06.03.12

ThanKYU with Triple S ended but the memories of the fan meeting of Kyu Jong before he enlists next month will linger as it was a day when all members of SS501 gathered as one again after two years and affirmed their friendship and announced again that that they have never disbanded. These are just few of the many highlights from the event.

Here is a video when all four (except Jung Min who was either at the backstage or amongst the crowd) went up on stage to give their greetings to Kyu Jong. Ahh... I miss this kind of a scene.

Much thanks to  for sharing this video of OnlyOne Kim Hyun Joong in YouTube. Please DO NOT edit and upload in any streaming sites including YouTube.

Below is the precious greetings of SS501 courtesy of YouTube channel.

Here are more videos taken at the fan meeting which I am sharing here.  Thanks to veggiedelight for sending the links.

This is a nice fan cam from HeStory which was uploaded in their YouTube channel. Please DO NOT edit and upload in any streaming sites including YouTube.

One of the things that Kyu Jong said above according to @shirbo21 is "Eight years passed by fast. Two years will be fast too."

Sharing here as well, one photos from HeStory.

This video is from the YouTube channel of In this video Kyu Jong was performing and giving away balls with his signature to the fans. Btw, Kyu Jong performed 'Wuss Up', 'No More Yes', 'Get Ya Love' 'Sky' and his new song which he himself composed and will be included in the mini album that will be released before he enlist.

This is the ball that was given out with Kyu Jong signature.

Thanks to the owner of this photos for sharing on Twitter.

In this video, in mark 1:25 you will get to see them introducing themselves in unison 'We are SS501!'. Thanks to for sharing in YouTube.

Now let me shove here  various photos from sources. Thanks to everyone who tweeted and sent to my email. Likewise thanks to the owners of these photos. Credit as labeled. 

During the interview of the members, Young Saeng said that Kyu Jong has a very nice chest and that amongst them he has the nicest. Hyun Joong said something also about Kyu Jong's chest. To knwo the reaction of Kyu Jong, click HERE.

In another segment, a fan said to Kyu Jong 'we will wait to see you after 2years'. Kyu JOng  pinky promise with her.

Likewise, he also pinky promised with Jung Min who stayed at the side until  almost the fan meeting was over.

From Twitter, it was mentioned that amongst the five members, Young Saeng left the earliest because he still has a radio show to attend to to promote his 'Solo' mini album.Kyu Jong was the last to leave.

Also from Twitter, it was confirmed that all had dinner.


  1. It was a truly momentous occasion and seeing them smile... laugh and just be in one place together... it put a smile on my face... Just WOW!

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I'm curious what YS said and then pointed to the fan (he's so cute), and what KJ said about YS. These 2 are so close, always look at each other's eyes. Among all, I really worry about YS without KJ - he'll miss him most as they're together all the time and have gone through so much. If YS wins #1, I'm sure he'll thank KJ. I feel that his song Crying is written for him too.

  3. maybe cause KJ n YS at a same management they look more close..SS501 members really close..they so adorable..what can i say...tearss

  4. mishelle8:16 PM

    anon 9:43 - they were talking about ghosts and kyu said there are even more ghosts when he's tog with saengie. then someone shouted 'are there any in here?' then saengie suddenly stood up and pointed at the fan lol. they're truly adorable.

    watching these vids make me realize our boys have indeed grew up and they're becoming more like men instead :')

  5. Anonymous8:22 PM

    i'm just so so so glad they belong to this group and not any other group. SS501 belong to tripleS and tripleS belong to SS501. we must be together forever.

  6. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Thanks very much Mishelle!! I'm really grateful for your translation. They are so funny and cutie^^
