
Friday, June 15, 2012

Yesterday's Pix of Kyu Jong

I saw these photos on Baidu and it seems that they were taken yesterday, 14th of June with a fan (he even gave her an autograph).  The photo according to the post of 00lanse were lifted from mminh95推特.

Today, we saw Kyu Jong sporting a new hairstyle in his interview with KBS Radio Arabic MCs.  With this photos it looks like he had the hair style since yesterday (or probably much earlier).

P.S.  hee, can't think of a nice title for this post. ^_^


  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    OMO I don't know if its the hair or the necklace but he looks gayyy here, sorry :(

  2. I think there is another picture shown Kyu Jong on the grass field and his signature too.Will send to u by email.

  3. Anonymous4:58 PM

    i love kyu jong hair..he look so handsome..wear short pant make him look so sexy n manly..kyu sshi..
