
Friday, June 22, 2012

Young Saeng Graces the Cover of KBS World TV Guide July Edition

Heo Young Saeng graces the cover of KBS World TV Guide July issue as the magazine gives its take on the second mini album 'SOLO'. The magazine spread includes a number of new photos of Young Saeng taken by the shutterbug (Han Seung Hoon) of  Love Letter Studio.

Here are photos of Young Saeng from the magazine as shared by 金氏鱼 in Baidu which came from  loveletteb1 .

Following are more studio photos of Young Saeng in which shooting took place on the 15th of May.


  1. Anonymous10:25 PM

    young saeng so handsome in these photos~ ^_^
    he kinda looks like hyunbin in a glimpse..keke :P

  2. Anonymous11:44 PM

    YS needs more experience to express his face and show poses naturally.

  3. Anonymous12:28 AM

    omg!! young saeng ah~ where's your chubby cheek??? >,<

  4. Anonymous12:33 AM

    my gorgeous world prince ^^
    love you so much saengie <3

  5. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Wow.... YS is so handsome and all his poses so natural and stylish! Love his trendy look and thanks there's no muscle/naked man - not my cup of tea really^^

  6. Anonymous8:00 AM

    HEO YOUNG otter..prince..I LOVE YOU SO MUCH^^

  7. For those photos that he looked away from the camera and seem to be in deep thoughts, he looked real attractive. Who says one must smile when taking photos? Mysterious is better :)

  8. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Agree with you. I liked the wide shots, esp the ones not looking at camera. His eyes in close ups, while nice, kinda makes me think he looks tired after a long day.

  9. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Everyone has his/her own preference ^^^ Good for you that you prefer Young Saeng's outlook cuz he seems to be the least muscled among the 5 members. Whenever he sports sleeveless tops, honestly his arms don't seem to be that well-toned ^^^ I guess it's good he has a good voice and likes being mysterious since his fans prefer him that way.......

  10. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Love everything about YS, his charm, his look, his body, his voice, dance and his visibility! He is just perfect^^^^^

  11. Anonymous10:57 PM

    OMG!! He looks gorgeous in these photos. Where can we buy this magazine? I want to have one. I'm so happy that he's in the cover page and looks that great.... faint.... Really look forward to see him more and new album!

  12. Anonymous1:24 AM

    I really like these photos and the cover. Very grand and YS is really a Hallyu star :-)

  13. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Saengie ah...

    Love ya with muscled toned arm or no muscled toned arm love ya with six pack or no six pack love ya with smile or no smile.........

    Aigoo... LLLOOOVVVVEEE YA!!!!!!!!!

  14. Anonymous6:49 AM


  15. Anonymous7:02 AM

    saengie ^^
    all the best for you " my prince"
    love you so much <3

  16. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Y.E.S loves you young saeng..fighting ^^

  17. saengprince10:23 AM

    oh my prince otter.. he became MORE and MORE handsome.. you are always my first prince in my heart...^^

  18. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Not sure if anyone will still read these comments but if you are, please be happy for me. My friend in Japan just ordered this magazine for me!!!! It'll be available on Jun 30 and she'll then mail to me. I can't tell you how happy I am becos I don't think I can get it easily in Canada where I live. Love Saengie^^

  19. Anonymous10:49 PM

    @anon8:09, congratulations! I know the type of feeling. You will be happier when you get the magazine in your hands :)

