
Monday, July 16, 2012

[Article] Hyun Joong Received Treatment on an IV Drip

Oh, I thought it was only on the 15th that he had a drip.  Apparently, he has been receiving IV drip since the 14th.

I really do hope that Hyun Joong will not overwork himself.  Filming for the drama has not even been halfway.  Like what I wrote earlier, I hope people around him will make sure that he gets enough rest, eats well and have a balance life.


[News] Kim Hyun Joong Receives IV Treatment Between Japanese Concerts
jbarky / Soompi News

For two days from July 14 and 15, Kim Hyun Joong was so exhausted he needed to get IV treatment. He had a collaboration performance at the Japanese Saitama Super Arena. He also, had an exclusive live performance during the “Kim Hyun Joong Heat 2012,” to commemorate the release of his second single album “Heat.”

For the two events there were nearly 60,000 Japanese fans and although he was in a bad health condition, he received IV treatment in order to keep his promise with fans. Despite a bad health condition he tried his best, and moved the hearts of fans.

A representative of Kim Hyun Joong’s agency stated, “Currently Kim Hyun Joong’s popularity has reached a new peak. ‘Heat’ which was released on July 4, sold 183,000 copies for the first week. The album went past Yamasita Tomohisa, and reached #1 on the Oricon Weekly Chart.”

Currently Kim Hyun Joong is focusing on promoting “Heat” and also Japanese location filming for “City Conquest.”


  1. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Please...leader take care of yourself. Dont overwork. You dont have to prove anything to the fans. We know who you are. All the fans love you more and more everyday.
    Then again for someone who is not well, you look super hot. Hmmm...

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    His mom and dad came for the second concert.
    I bet they're very worried about him.
    Hyun Joong ah,I know you are workaholic but PLEASE PLEASE don't overworked yourself.

  3. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Always hard working.
    And Hyun Joong goes so far with it.
    But please slow down.
    Fans are by you.

  4. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Oh no! I hope they don't overwork himself again. His health always is an issue since long ago.

  5. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Everytime when I hear any SS501 members go for IV treatment, my heart missed a beat. Hyun Joong ah... please take care of your health. It's so heart pain to see you cry... please slow down.

  6. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Poor thing. Too many things on his plate. Holding several concerts, the high 5 events, guerilla performances, visits to cd shops, and the drama shoot is more than enough to get anyone exhausted, even for a workaholic with the best intentions. Hyun Joong, take care. After the Japan shoot you will probably have a day or two to rest, then go to other places to shoot drama. Just focus on that one thing, and find time to eat and sleep normal hours.

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM

    This news broke my heart. HJ, take care! We love you!

  8. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I really wish that Hyun Joong can have some free time like other members to rest and relax.
    He works over physical limit of human.
