
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

[Article] Jung Min and ROMEO in Tokyo

Before I end the night, let me share with you another translated news about Jung Min with regard to ROMEO.

Loads of thanks to everyone who did the translation particularly to @charismajo  of PJM Internation Fan Club for the English translation since majority of my visitors are English speaking fans. Without charismajo's translation, English speaking fans of Jung Min will probably still be lurking in the dark as to what ROMEO is. Thumbs up to charismajo!


[News in English] Park Jung Min showed up with another character ''ROMEO''
Japanese to Korean: YongChi@PJMIFC
Korean to Chinese: 피오나@PJMIFC
Chinese to English: charismajo@PJMIFC
Redirect with full credit [Park Jung Min International Fans Club]

 Korean group SS501's Park Jung Min (25) debuted in Japan as a rookie singer ROMEO, and held ''ROMEO 1st CONTACT'' on the 12th in Tokyo.

Jung Min, with the help of two Japanese creative directors, finished the first single ''Give Me Your Heart'', which will be released on the 5th September using the name ROMEO.

ROMEO sang his first single ''Tonight's the Night'' (will be released on 31st October) to 444 fans who won the lottery and bought platinum tickets. Different from the usual Jung Min, ROMEO wore a black jacket and was coquettish. His performance attracted all the audience.

ROMEO was set to be the subliminal character of Jung Min, who woke up while Jung Min was asleep.

After ROMEO performed, Jung Min showed up wearing white t-shirt and black jeans, and greet with fluent Japanese ''(I) Heard that there is someone who imitates Jung Min, (that is why) I came here''. ''Although I want to meet ROMEO, I felt very sleepy and slept on the car'' he said sadly. ''ROMEO has already gone? This is impossible. Please don't be fooled as he is different with Park Jung Min. Although he looks the same as Jung Min, his make up is heavy!'' he continued with laughters.


News translated in Chinese

[News in Chinese] 朴政珉以另一人格ROMEO 登場
日翻韓: Yongchi@PJMIFC
韓翻中: 피오나@PJM IFC
轉載請注明 [ 朴政珉國際後援會 ]

韓國組合SS501的朴政珉(25)以新人歌手ROMEO (羅密歐)於日本出道,並於12日在東京舉行展示會「ROMEO 1st CONTACT」。

政珉在得到兩名日本創作總監的幫助下,以ROMEO的名未於9月5日發表第一首單曲「Give Me Your Heart」。

這天,ROEMO的第一首單曲「Tonight's the Night」(10月31日發表),向在網站抽獎中中籤的、購買了白金票的444名歌迷展示。跟平常的政珉不同,穿著全身黑色外衣又妖艷的ROMEO,其演出深深吸引住觀眾們。




And here is the original version of the news in Japanese

[News in Japanese] ジョンミンの“別人格”新人ROMEO登場
韓国のアイドルグループ「SS501(ダブルエスゴーマルイチ)」のパク・ジョンミン(25)が新人アーテイストのROMEO(ロメオ)として日本先行デビューすることを記念し12日、都内でショーケースライブ「ROMEO 1st CONTACT」を開催した。 

ジョンミンが日本のクリエーター2人とタッグを組み、ROMEOという名で9月5日にファーストシングル「Give Me Your Heart」をリリースする。 

この日は、サイトの抽選で選ばれ、プラチナチケットを購入したファン444人に、ROMEOがファーストシングルとセカンドシングル「Tonight’s the Night」(10月31日発売)を披露。普段のジョンミンとは違う、全身黒の衣装に身を包んだ妖艶なROMEOのパフォーマンスに、観客は息を飲んだ。




  1. Liezle I like the way you put it: lurking in the dark for Romeo. Rawrrr. ^^

  2. Anonymous1:19 AM

    so the concept of ROMEO is something like jekyll & hyde then?

  3. tetsu_girl4:15 AM

    thank you so much to the translators & sharers! :D

  4. Anonymous4:59 AM

    so Romeo will be our Minie's new stage name in Japan ? :(

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I'm so lovin this. And since my initial also starts with a "R", I'm lettin my imagination run wild.... XD XD XD

  6. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Hi Liezle, there's a slight error on d Chinese translation at d last line. Should be "化妆浓很多呢!" instead of "浅很多"as Romeo is supposed to have darker make-up but was translated as "lighter" in d Chinese version. Might be a typo error tho. :)

  7. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Why JM always choises heavy make-up.
    It's horribly.

  8. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Romeo a dark alter-ego of Jung Min, I get it now.

  9. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I just wish he have more dance steps for the songs. Miss seeing JM dance. :(

  10. Anonymous8:26 PM

    The dance is simple like other members.
    Only Kim Hyun Joong shows improvement in dancing and much investment for dance.

  11. Anonymous2:02 AM

    I couldn`t care less if he has a complex choreography or a simple one.As long as he keeps coming out with songs I enjoy, he can just stay there stiff as a stone for all I care.After all, I don`t love Jungmin because of his dancing abilities but because of his beautiful voice.

  12. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Oh yeahhh.... D sexy waves n d pulling of shirt are more than enough to give me a major nosebleed. Oh myyyyy...., *q*

  13. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Totally agreed with Anon 2:02AM & Anon 8:55AM.

  14. Anonymous4:30 PM

    make your message a bit readable. you remind me the one who always stroll here & compare hjL with the other members a few months ago. at the end you seems admire only khjL.
    i thought you have learn your lessons, but i guess you get bored again.
    what kind of benefit you get, to make the others hate on hjL; are you happy to see the fans of the group fight with each other. you really need help !!!!!!
    sorry for the butting in, mal is always have my respect.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      @ 4:30 pm
      Anybody can say their opinion freely. Why do you think it's just fighter when some say HJL is more better than others? Leader shows us his great dances and songs by several stages and concerts. It's really amazing! But other members are not. That is point! Not confuse this with other matters.

  15. Anonymous8:11 AM

    If fans satisfy with JM's dance, so he doesn't need to improve more, right?
    I want to see all members have good singing and dancing, so they can be on the top in Kpop and strong impacts in Japan.
    But they must invest and improve more.
    I only see it with HJL.

  16. Anonymous11:46 AM

    @8.11am That's your "opinion" but sorry not agreed by others. Why can't you just ignore the charm of other members and leave your comments with HJL's article - his fans would love to see it. Be respectful of others - freedom of speech is not an excuse.

    @4:30pm Very well said and totally supporting you! Thanks!

  17. Anonymous1:10 PM

    JM is blessed with awesomely beautiful voice which is primary for a singer. Dance is important too but it's just secondary like icing to the cake. JM never fails to touch the hearts of fans whenever he sings; be it with or without any dance moves. We could just close our eyes and be completely melted. The same goes with other members. 
    Not having complicated dance steps doesn't mean they are not improving and not doing their best. They are just making the best out of what they are blessed with and good at in their own way. 

  18. Anonymous1:13 PM

    This site is for everyone who loves any one, two, or all five. I have my biases but like all of them, separately and together as SS501. Just hoping that those who choose to like or dislike any of them, still respect HJL, HYS, KKJ, PJM and HJB, the readers who have followed these fine young men over the years, and Liezle who works hard to produce a quality blog that has reliable info on our boys.

  19. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Respect individuality and diversity.

    Don't be too emotional and upset for every comment that does not agree with you. So what if others don't like Jung Min? These people here are still fans of SS501 that is why they are here.

    It is the violent reactions that a word war. So be cool. Let them have their say and leave them alone.

  20. Anonymous7:11 PM

    A peaceful blog does not reflect honest views. Any controversy will die down anyway.

    Much as it should be avoided, one cannot help but compare the members because they have different styles. Others will always stand out in the eyes of the fan.

    Would you beat up the SS501 fan who prefers another?

    Let us value each other.

  21. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I beleive we are all adults here. We should have at least some mutual respect for others. It's basic etiquette. Everyone has their freedom to compliment and praise the highest of their bias. But please do so at their respective posting and not going to other's post and belittled them. If you want others to respect your bias, do the same to other's too.

  22. Anonymous11:46 PM

    i think it's childish . i can go to hjl posts and say other members are better singers and they truly are . i don't care how much hard work he puts in to it. Koreans are known for being hard working other members are hardworking by saying that his singing or acting abilities suck i will just embarrass myself.which is what 50% of his fans are of so many reasons i never will be a fan of him.some of his obnoxious fans . sorry to the nice ones i didn't mean to offend anybody.

  23. Anonymous11:49 PM

    i dont care about dance steps . he will never be as good as jung min or Young Saeng vocal wise .

  24. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Well said.

    Say what you feel for that is being honest and open.  That is not being childish at all. That is my point of view.

    Being childish is throwing insults or getting a fit at someone who has a different view.  Others are jus being trolls. That you can only change with modelling or teaching by example but not shaming the person. Anyway, these are my thoughts. U may have better ones.

    At the end of the day, a true fan will not be moved by any bad comment. 

  25. Anonymous7:39 AM

    @9:00pm Totally agreed with you and exactly what I want to say. Thanks very much!!

  26. Anonymous3:51 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    The dance is simple like other members.
    Only Kim Hyun Joong shows improvement in dancing and much investment for dance.
    8:26 PM"

    hahaha, i guess the moment you are the one laughs so happily, right?! you again have been successfully put kim hyun joong & his fans on the sharp edge of the sword after monthS. this is your only purpose & intention - to drive the other fans to hate khjL & his fans more. you made it again !!
    i guess you will never stop to play such game, unless kim hyun joong is steped down by your workS + everyone gives up on supporting him ...... then you might be able to rest in peace, i guess !!!!!!
    as your expecting, the fans have reacted as what you expected. again khjL & his fans become the target.
    so far, with my 2 comments, you and yourself made follow up messages + the others, you have got 26..., i can tell you are hoping to turn here in chaos, you are such creator !!

  27. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Not sure about jung minnie having a better vocal or kyu jongie for that matter. Young saengie, yup, and hyung jun baby to a certain extent but the former, i don't know, sometimes he's too over? Over-exaggerates, the way he forces out his vocals that is. Hyun joongie even though he has a lighter, raspier singing vocal, has a natural vibrato which is not forced. It'll come out naturally whenever he sings. So even though he's not the best singer, i definitely prefer listening to him especially when it comes to ballads or young saengie or even hyung jun baby, but not so much him. No offence, have always felt jung minnie is too...too...'shrugs' but that's my opinion only.

  28. Anonymous9:15 PM

    What is with having better vocals. It's a matter of opinion. I will listen to Hyun Joong anytime.

  29. Anonymous10:53 PM

    @9:00pm Well said. Too bad though. this place has became a battle of egos.*sigh* It looks like I have to find another source to update myself on Jungmin`s activities.Anyway,keep up the good work Liezle.
    Peace people ✌(◉‿◉)✌

  30. Anonymous11:10 PM

    I don't understand why that person @8.26pm is so insecure, can't resist the charm of others and read all their postings, and every time belittle them - so irresponsible with no respect.

    I like the comments of 9:00pm and 3:51pm. Can we re-post these comments if that person does the same again?

  31. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Quite agreed with your analysis @6.56pm. As for 9:15pm, what is better vocal is not a matter of opinion, there are objective musical standards and ears to evaluate. But whose vocal or who you like is totally a matter of opinion or bias.
