
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

[Article] Jung Min Can Now Resume Activities

We have all been waiting for this.  Finally a decision has been made with regard to Jung Min's contract with his agency.  We can finally see him soon! Woot!

Here is translation of the news about the case that Jung Min filed against his agency.  Much thanks to VITALSIGN of AllKPop for the news.


[News] Park Jung Min wins court case to terminate his contract with CNR Media
Source + Photos: Star Today via Naver

SS501‘s Park Jung Min‘s provisional disposition to terminate the validity of his contract with CNR Media has been accepted by the court.

Back in April, the singer had submitted the disposition on grounds of not being properly paid for his work. At the time, he had claimed, “Aside from the 150 million Won I received last year, the company has not been paying my income properly. I am asking to have my contract terminated.”

On July 31st, the Seoul Central District Court granted the provision, effectively terminating his relation to the company. Officials explained, “Park Jung Min has won the case in terminating his contract. We will be discussing the details of his future soon.”


  1. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Woot Woot Woot!!!!! I'm so ecstatic now that I'm almost jumping all over the place!!!! Finally it's light at d end of d tunnel!
    JungMin fighting!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Yay! Finally Jung min wins the case. Hope that he could find a good company that treats him well.^^

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Let see which is his next company.
    Can JM creat his own company like Rain?

  4. This is a piece of good news. Finally, JM can go on with his activities with a light heart :)

  5. Anonymous3:14 PM

    WOnder about his project Romeo in Japan: is it with CNR or with other company?

  6. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Finally!!!!! Im so happy with this positive news.... I hope JungMin will find a better company this time... (I hope JungMin will consider B2M, since Kyu is still not around. I wish B2M can get JungMin signed) ^__^

  7. Anonymous4:14 PM

    woohoo!!! congratz jung min!!!
    now find a better company than CNR ok? maybe b2m?? young saeng all alone there..keke

  8. Anonymous5:19 PM

    How about S-Plus??? Then we will be able to see our Tom & Jerry couple chasing each other on stage again!!! Hahaha
    I'm so so excited now .... Wwwwoooohooooo...

  9. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Yeeeeey! Great news! I always liked the Tom amd Jerry tandem, nice idea 5:19! :-D

  10. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Though he won the case I hope PJM doesn't experience what JYJ did. These companies can blacklist their former talents and make life difficult.But I hope not for PJM, so he can go on with his life as performer. Good luck!

  11. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Hope it is NOT difficult for him to find new company.

  12. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Yeah entertainment agency in korea is scary.They only want to make money out of idol's talent and sweat.Some are like a mobster agency.They gives good things for idol to use but idols cannot owned them at the end of day idols makes so little money after contract ended.So its very important for jungmin to slowly find the right agency this time round i mean a very honest one the ones that willing to invest in his talent and willing to gives many support before thinking bout profits.Because jungmin has wasted a lot of time over CNR failure to promote him properly and the mess they created of Jungmin's career he needs to work very hard to find a reliable agency....may god be with you always.Fighting!!!

  13. Anonymous4:56 PM

    congratulation Jung Min .....


    I also hope JYJ win over SM.

  14. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Well, we know now, after 5+ years (since 2012 07 31 - today is 2017 11 13) that they are REALLY SCARY and bear grudges FOREVER!

  15. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Jung Min is too soft-hearted - did not ask for monetary compensation?
