
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

[Article] Kim KyuJong Releases Mini Album

Tic tac... tic... tac... Time is ticking and it'll soon be the 23rd of  July.  It can't be help we just have to embrace the reality of it. But tic tac... tic tac... 2 years will be gone soon and Kyu Jong will be back.

Before the 23rd, there is a date in which many are anticipating.  It is the release of the 2nd mini album of Kyu Jong.  Here is a article about it which xiaochu translated and shared on Quainte501 and SGNoonas blog.  Again heaps of thanks!

[News] Kim KyuJong Releases Mini Album Prior to Enlistment ‘Thanks to My Dear Fans’

Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @ &


Singer Kim KyuJong will release a mini album prior to his enlistment.

Prior to his enlistment on 23-July, Kim KyuJong will release a mini album ‘Meet Me Again’. This album is filled with his love and memories of fans and will be released on 18-July through online and offline stores, without any special activities/promotions.

Kim KyuJong is making a promise to meet again after a 2 years hiatus to his fans, who has been with him for 7 years since his debut as SS501 till his recent solo activities. He has been enthusiastically participating in the album production recently.

Title song ‘Precious Person’ has lyrics filled with gratefulness to his fans, another song ‘Thank you’ has made its debut in his fan meeting held in Seoul on 3-June, Kim KyuJong participated in the lyrics-writing for this song.

In addition, in duet song ‘One Luv’ with composer TaeWan, Shorry J from Mighty Mouth is featured rapper. This mini album’s first press limited edition will have a unique serial number.

Kim KyuJong has announced his enlistment in a handwritten letter posted in his own official homepage in June.


  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    luckily the album is not just only 3000 copies like what we said before~I must buy it! Enlistment date is just around the corner, what is your feeling now? How does Kyu Jong feel now? hehe...

  2. Anonymous11:01 PM

    I like this poster soooo much...its sooo fit him...good luck with album sales kim kyu jong manse!!!

  3. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I know this is off-topic but please hear me out...
    I'm Haru Sky, a Vietnamese Triple S...
    Recently, there're several Vietnamese artists plagiarized SS501's Love Ya illegally... The vid is on Youtube and the artists even proudly put it as their own official MV which is unacceptable... We Vietnamese Triple S tried to settle this silently without bothering SS501, tell them to take it off... but they didn't listen and continue promoting their song... unfortunately, the MV soon be seen by Steven Lee and even Young Saeng watched it... we're worry that this matter might change Young Saeng's and Ss501's good impression on Vietnam and lots of other things... we TSVN and SSVN fansite had joint hands and made this vid to apologize to other Triple S communities and SS501... Please help us spread this around liezle...
    We'll appreciate you collaboration...
    Thank you
    Sincerely from a fellow Triple S *bow*

  4. Anonymous3:53 AM

    hi I'm the anonymous from 3:48
    this is the vid with link youtube...

    we made it in engsub so international fans could understand...

    credit goes to and

  5. Anonymous8:34 AM

    @3:48 AM
    How do you know it was seen by Young Saeng & Steven Lee?

  6. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Waiting patiently for Kyu Jong's album =) Will wait for Kyu Jong's return :)

  7. Anonymous11:25 AM

    anon 3:48am - i think thats a pretty good gesture you've done, and very considerate of you too. but i don't think you have to worry much about the boys having a bad impression of vietnam. afterall we know a minority of people do not represent a whole nation, there are black sheeps in every country. i'm sure the boys understand about copyright and piracy, it happens everywhere.

  8. Anonymous11:55 AM

    @ 8:34 because Steven Lee retweet the link to that Vid and Young Saeng reply him with one sentence, "Unbelievable! even the dance is similar!" this matter has been around for more than 2 weeks and we Triple S Vietnam are still spamming that artist facebook demanding him to take it down... but the singer instead of listen to us, he replied us cockily and shamelessly claiming that he didn't plagiarize... unacceptable... and this isn't the first time Vietnamese artists illegally cover SS501... they covered Because I'm Stupid, U R Man, Find and now Love Ya... we wanted to keep quiet and remained peaceful but we can no more with this insolent attitude of this artist... this matter is stressing us out real time...

  9. Anonymous2:53 PM

    This happens in every country. Don't feel bad. It's sweet of you guys to stick up for SS501. They'll feel your love for them. Keep up the fight. :)

  10. Anonymous3:38 PM

    hi, all
    please support kyu's new album. kyu will be very happy if he knows the great amount of fans love his song and be waiting for him.
    words are not important sometimes, but action can say it all. please let kyu know u are really care about him & appreciate his great work.
    thankyu !!

  11. They probably lack creativity, thus need to reference to others' works.

    It shows the popularity of SS501 in Vietnam.

    Kyu's album will be out this Friday. Lets give him full support.

  12. Anonymous7:40 PM

    i'll wait for their comback together someday

  13. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I want to have this album...BADLY...

  14. Anonymous12:36 AM

    kim kyu joong fighting, album sale #1, on top at every charts !!!!
    love from Arabia & america

  15. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Get your idol artist right which one is it you mean or are you wishing all the KIMs in SS501? I hope its the later but dont forget also the HEO and PARK..

  16. Anonymous11:30 PM

    good question !!!! my dear @2:15pm, u love puzzle right? ok, now give u few more, "sweet chocolate, kyuzz, kyu joongie, angel, kyute......" guess who is he, want more @_@

  17. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Since you want to play why not?What is a little puzzle game from you.Is kyucopies one of his name too?:D

  18. Anonymous12:45 AM

    2:06am, :( nonoooo i dont like that name, but u can call him kyucops, kyuhearty :)......
