
Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Hyun Joong Heats UP Japan witn 'Let's Party' MV

Today, Hyun Joong released the music video for 'Let's Party', the second track from his second Japanese album 'HEAT'. To commemorate the release he had a guerrilla event in front of Gundam in Odaiba at 1:30PM.

I have seen 'Let's Party' MV and it's a cool song and MV. Honestly I am contemplating whether to post the MV here, but where I've seen it is not the from the official YouTube of Hyun Joong. Anyway, I am sure many have seen the video. If you're one of the few who has not yet and wants to see it, you may go to YouTube search engine and look for 'Let's Party' MV.

Like I mentioned I am in dilemma whether to post the vid here or not. Anyway, let me just share here with you surge of photos from yesterday's handshake event that was held at Palette Town just near Gundam. I am sure with these photos, I am able to make for the not having the courage to post here the unofficial link for the second track MV.  Thanks to @_tomato99 for the tips.

First set is from

The following set is from


  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    nice pics!!! love all. Congrats HJ for making a history again in Japan with HEAT!!!

  2. Anonymous2:41 AM

    love every photos of him. Good job khj ! wish u all the best

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    What Hyun Joong dreams, he realizes day by day.
    Love every things what he does.

  4. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Nice photos of him. Love the new song too. Go leader!!!

  5. Anonymous3:28 PM

    So beautiful!!!!!!!! I'm speechless....

  6. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Cannot stop loving him.
    Why can Hyun Joong be so amazing, cute, cool, handsome,...

  7. Anonymous2:13 AM

    He's heating up my computer with his crazily hottness!
