
Thursday, July 05, 2012

Kyu Jong 'Meet Me Again'

B2M (@b2ment) today tweeted the information on the upcoming 2nd mini album of Kyu Jong before enlisting on the 23rd of July.

@b2ment : [김규종] Meet Me Again 2012.07.13 Release

According to B2M's notice the album is limited. There will only be 3,000 copies to be released.

'Meet Me Again' will serve as Kim Kyu Jong’s final gift to fans before he begins his mandatory military service. One of the tracks in the album is 'Thank You,' which Kyu Jong already performed at his recent fan meet in June. He penned the song’s lyrics to show his  sincere gratitude to the fans for their love and support.


  1. dragonflyhope8:52 PM

    3000 copies just doesn't make sense and it can't be right... Surely they're talking about a limited ed pre-release, and that there will be a version available to all later, or something ?

    If 3000 copies is all then it's a crappy final gift. It's more like a slap in the face on everyone but 3000 people, like a thank you for nothing.

    "He penned the song’s lyrics to show his sincere gratitude to the fans for their love and support."

    That. I just can't believe that Kyu, sweet Kyu, would limit his gratitude and goodbye to so few people. I find it very hard to believe he had any say at all on the matter if it's true there will be no more albums than that.

  2. Anonymous9:41 PM

    So true,3k copies doesn't make sense..i hope that b2m know's really sad if i can't get a copy of his album..they should know that kyu's fans are more than that~and since this his last album b4 his going to army for 2 years,i'm sure there's a lot of fans want to buy his album.

  3. Anonymous12:19 AM

    what doesn't make sense is, since its a gift, it should be FREE. so why isn't it?

  4. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I was also wondering about the 3K copies too. It's too little. At least make it 10K copies. I'm sure he has way more than 3K fans. I just don't get it.

    @ 12:19 AM - Well you do have a valid point but the people that worked on the album has to get paid for the work that they put into it and not just him. So it being "free" would never happen, unless he personally pays for all those people himself. That's a lot of money to be asking of him.

  5. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I don't understand why fans ask their idols for free concerts, free CD,...
    Idols have to pay much for any products.

  6. Anonymous1:52 PM

    anon 1:42 - that is definitely a misconception that idols need to pay alot. from what i see, they can be filthy rich because their daily expenses are all fully covered. they don't need to pay a cent for their overseas trips, their house rental, mobile subscriptions, meals etc at the same
    time earn from endorsements. given all that, he's definitely capable to give out millions of free cds. not that i'm hoping, of course. poor people like us pay for EVERYTHING. thats how the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. we feed people like them.

  7. Everyone please don't put any argument here about who's rich and who's famous. Say about other things and don't argue.

    For myself, since I'm not staying in Korea,most probably I will not be able to get the limited 3000 cds. So sad :( I hope anyone who managed to get a copy or the B2M Managament themselves could upload it into youtube so other people can listen to it even though we might not be able to get the Kyu's last CD before his enlistment

  8. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Meet me again, and thank you...just the titles make me happy that he is consistently sweet, but sad for the two years without Kyu. I hope B2M rethinks the 3000 copies, or have a second issue. Or have the songs available for download.

  9. Anonymous12:09 AM

    $1:52pm, y said it all, that s why somebody is able to have free concerts to please & try to keep fans

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      @ 12:09 AM You understand your idols free concerts like that? What a pity! Shame on you!!

  10. Anonymous12:10 AM

    $1:52pm, y said it all, that s why somebody is able to have free concerts to please & try to keep fans

  11. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Seriously, what is wrong with some of the comments here. Some people are obviously here to pick fights which I've no idea why. Sigh! I agree that 3k copies seem a little too little and I really wish that I will be able to get my hands on one!! Anyway, I think I will miss Kyujong alot. Sigh.

  12. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Why are some of you so narrow minded here? Can't handle the truth? You all who can't take healthy arguments and opinions should not be fans. Stop wearing these rose-tinted glasses and wake up to reality.

  13. Anonymous11:48 PM

    12:10 AM If that is the case then that means every idol not only 'somebody' can afford to give free concerts. So does that mean the other idols are stingy not wanting to give out free concerts? Or perhaps that 'somebody' has always been a generous soul who has always wanted to give free concerts to his fans since way back? I don't think that 'somebody' needs to do this in order to please and 'try' to keep his fans dear. He's not that desperate but just wanting to show his gratefulness for his fans loving and enduring support who by the way would rather he not be too generous either. I think his fans are more than willing to pay for his concerts, FMs, albums etc as seen from his most recent overwhelming successes. His fans love him for his sincerity, hardwork and humility so try not to malign 'somebody' for being his true self hmm.

  14. Anonymous5:47 AM

    @ 11:48 PM

    THANK YOU!!! You wrote what was on my mind. :)
