
Monday, July 23, 2012

[Media Pix] Until We Meet Again Kyu Jong 07.23.12

Kyu Jong was sent off by fans at 12:30 today. SS501 members were also there to send him off. But media pix only show Young Saeng and Hyung Jun .

Starting today, Kyu Jong will undergo basic military training in  JeonJu Division 35 Training Centre for four weeks.  After which he will be serving public service office. Kyu Jong was exempted from military service as a hepatitis B carrier before.  With this he has to do public service instead of military training.

Here are photos of Kyu Jong lifted from Naver and Daum.

We will meet you again Kyu Jong!


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    So sad.

  2. Army Haircut looks good on him...

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    why arent pics of leader and jun min there? i wish someone would have taken a video of them.. i wanted to see kyu hugging each one of them, specially leader!!!

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    his hair is not that short! in other countries they would really that it all off, luckily they didn't do it to him, our precious kyu *phew*

  5. Anonymous1:16 PM

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  6. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Kyu is undergoing late modern SK rite of passage to manhood. it is said,employer asked if MS had been done. There was a time promotion in jobs depend on graduating from MS-i don't know if it is still being done today.

    Kyu will undergo 1 month mandatory training then will go out to serve his public service duty.But the good thing is after the 9-5 work he goes to his own home to sleep.Back to normal life except work is not entertainer/performer

  7. Anonymous2:18 PM

    anonymous 1:16 pm..what the lady said?i'm so curious..this is why i love SS501..always be there for a members..i sad but i hope 2 years come very fast

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    anon 1:17 - thanks for the enlightenment, thats cool! 9-5 and able to go home everyday. doing his military service in jeonju means its closer to his family as that is his hometown. so what does a public service officer does, any idea?

  9. Anonymous2:31 PM

    and, anon 1:16 - why are you bringing all these up? if you're trying to create a rift here you're gonna have to try harder. i'm sure leader is not there because he was afraid of kyu's fans. to them, anti fans are everywhere you think they bother about what a few girls said?

  10. Anonymous2:55 PM

    @anon 1:16
    u dont need to bring up the past..its really meaningless..

    im also want to see leader send kyu off, bcoz i think kyu is leader fav member n i love them the most in sure leader have strong reason for not being there..

  11. Anonymous8:09 PM

    hi, @12:19 PM, yes, it is nice to see that moment. but most of the time, love may not express & show but in our heart.
    to be honest, i hope leader will be able to have even a little rest at this moment, it will be good for his health.
    kyu sure is the precious one to all of us, but leader also the valuable one to me.
    when you are thinking of kyu, hope there will be just a second hjL there.
    it is kyu's day, so let's wish him all the best.

  12. Anonymous10:27 PM

    the other article said that leader met Kyu last night right after he's back from japan, and Min called Kyu to say bye.

    anyway leader had CF filming today that he can't go there. i don't know Min's schedule but maybe he has his own excuse. so let's stay cool girls.

  13. Anonymous11:48 PM

    kyu jong looks handsome in this haircut!! hehe.although it seems like he didn't like it.. his expression on the photos feels gloomy..kyu jong, don't worry and do your military service wholeheartedly, okey!! ^_^

    btw~ YS looks adorable in's like his the maknae.. XD

  14. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Our Kyu is so handsome! He looks good in any haircut ;) I'm glad Baby&Saengie was able to make it there. Pretty sure Leader & Minie did said their farewells already. I love these boys & im glad they stick together. TS fighting !! Hwaiting !!

  15. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Heard that so many ppl joined for tour pay much money. And korean TS even didn't know KJ's enlistment day but as schedules for tour enlistment day was announced to japanese tourist. Even KJ said goodbye for tourist to take on tourbus. What is B2m doing for KJ? And i heard B2M & KJ didn't pay composer for KJ's last song. B2M really bad company? They are crazy on money and so mean. I have nothing to say just sigh..

  16. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Way to go lieze. Put a stop to all the unnessasary comments that can hurt one another. The day is a sad one for all kyu's fan and ss501's already, we dont need the extra bashing from someone who doesnt care abt other's feelings. To khj and pjm, even you were not there, the true fans know that kyu is someone special in your heart. You must have said goodbyr to him in your own ways. We know that.

  17. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Only hvg to serve like a 9-5 job means Kyu will hv more time to spend with his family. Just that he couldn't perform as an artist in d entertainment industry. I'm sure the boys will hang-out together whenever their schedule permits. <3

  18. There are photos of YS and Baby kept looking at Kyu Jong' head. Same with them, i cannot get used to Kyu' new hair. I still need more time b'coz I cannot accept the fact that he is in military already and 23 July 2012 has passed. Baby and YS do looks sad releasing him into the military gate.
