
Monday, July 23, 2012

[Pix] Kyu Jong Arrives at JeonJun 07.23.12

It is the day, Kyu Jong will be enlisting after lunch.  Fans have already gathered at the parking lot of JeonJu Division 35 Training Centre
and Kyu Jong arrived early

Here are photos from the tweets of @YOYO501TW shared on their YOYO 501 Taiwan Fanclub's Page in Facebook.

courtesy of @chi501naji

courtesy of @chi501naji

Photos courtesy of @LuvKyu501 shared in Twitter.

According to the tweet of @YOYO501TW

Kyu boarded the bus which consist of his japanese fans who came to send him off RT @YOYO501TW: [120723] 奎鐘入伍 (from:misakyu)


  1. latchimi11:00 AM

    tearing , can't hold it in

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Wish all best for Kyu Jong.

  3. He looks happy... ^^ I'm happily send him too...^^ take care my sweet gentle prince kyu jong... I love you..<3<3<3 ^^
