
Sunday, July 15, 2012

[Pix] ‘Kim Hyun Joong Heat 2012 in Japan‘ 07.15.12 by MurdererQ

Today Hyun Joong gave out free special premium events at Saitama Arena for fans that purchased his album 'HEAT'.

First event took place at around 3PM and the other one started an hour late because it was reported on SNS that Hyun Joong was not feeling well (hoarse throat) during the 1st event (read that he filmed until 5AM today & went to the hospital after the 1st event). He actually did not sing all the songs that was lined up for him to sing and that he felt apologetic to the fans and cried. But on the 2nd event, he was feeling better and was able to sing all the songs. Also, according to several tweets, he was very very thankful to everyone. As a parting words he said that from now on he will be concentrating to be Baek Mi Reu (HJ's name in City Conquest).

I read that it's doubly difficult to take photos from yesterday to today's events. Fans caught are being taken away and photos from their camera were deleted.  I have seen such things happened a few times not only in concerts also in music show and it's scary.

Though difficult to take a snapshots, MurdererQ was still able to do some magic and share with us photos she has painstakingly took at the events in her blog in Baidu.  Here are her photos for everyone's enjoyment.  PLEASE as MurdererQ unselfishly sharing her photos with us, DO NOT EDIT them.  Let us respect her hard work, K?  Thank you so much MurdererQ!

※재업로드,2차 변형 금지!!!


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I'm really moved by HJ. He's great and amazing. I love you more and more and more..... Always!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous10:06 PM

    The arms, omg. He is getting more muscular by the day. He is so credible for City Conquest.

    HJ certainly loves his fans, evident in the photos.

  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Poor love! He works so hard to give his fans enjoyment! But dear hyunjoong love, please take care and not overwork yourself ^^^ Your fans love you too much to want to see you suffering so. We certainly do not want to see you cry since we know that you have always given your best! So, no more crying please.....

  4. Anonymous11:11 PM

    It is Hyun Joong not Hyung Joon.

  5. Anonymous11:40 PM

    aww~ hyun joong don't cry!!
    please take care of your health more.. hwaiting!! :D

  6. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Leader please don't overwork yourself. TS are already very so proud of you. Take care of yourself & gets loads of rest. We will patiently wait for City Conquest. Love you oppa!! (:

  7. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Hyun Joong ah, slow down.
    Give yourself some hours to rest.
    Why so hard work?
    I cry and worry for your health.
    Love you and support you forever.

  8. Anonymous2:31 PM

    What more can i say. Fans fall in love with him over and over again. He is getting all the attention that he deserves and I am so proud of him. Good looking as usual evethough heard he was not feeling well. Way to go leader. I have never thought you would be sitting high on the throne like now. So proud of you.

  9. Omooo,,his arms *o*
