
Friday, July 13, 2012

[Pix] Today's 'God of Cookery' Filming 07.13.12

It's Friday the 13th and seems like we are having quite luck in getting the latest about our favorites.

As announced in many SNS, SS501 sub-unit, Young Saeng, Kyu Jong and Hyung Jun all met up today to film 'God of Cookery' wherein Kyu Jong is a mainstay until his enlistment.

Fans started sharing photos of the three on the web and I am sharing some here though they are in LQ. I will be sharing later HQ pix once they are out.

courtesy of @ss_road twitter

courtesy of @Rosemary1202

courtesy of @Rosemary1202

courtesy of @Rosemary1202

courtesy of @Rosemary1202

courtesy of @prettyboy_jun

courtesy of @prettyboy_jun

'God of Cookery'is shown every Saturday at noon on Y-Star. In the upcoming episode on the 14th of July the group will be inroducing a top-grade beef restaurant and a Chinese cold noodle restaurant. I this episode, Kyu Jong said, 'I want to eat bibimbap the most before joining the army'.

And I am adding there the tweet of Hyung Jun this afternoon with a photo of him and Kyu Jong attached. Thanks to @xiaochu1004 for the translation in Twitter.
HyungJun87 : with KyuJong


  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Our Saengie, Kyu & Baby are together again!!. Oh how I miss them. So glad to see them spend time together before Kyubby goes to the army. Wish that Leader & Minie can find time so all 5 of my babies can be together. So handsome !!

  2. Anonymous4:12 PM sweet~ SS501 sub unit is so handsome..all of them ^^
    i can't wait for the videos~ :D

  3. Anonymous4:38 PM

    jeong ha ahjussi must be close with SS501 members right..look comfortable with him

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    saengie lost so much weight!!

  5. Anonymous6:21 PM

    aah I hope when it aired, somebody could sub it in english.... want to see it so bad... :)

  6. Anonymous6:48 PM

    awww , they all look so cute together !

  7. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Love that the sub-unit are together. Any time they meet up is a joy to us SS501fans. Wonder if Jung Min & Hyun Joong will be able to meet somehow despite busy scheds, as both are in Japan. If they do, I hope they take a photo, I don't mind if selca.

  8. Anonymous1:21 AM

    they're together with smile.
    looks so good.
