
Sunday, July 01, 2012

[Pix & Vids] Hyun Joong, Young Saeng & Kyu Jong Attended a Wedding 06.30.12

I am late it sharing this, blame it to my migraine.

Anyway, sharing with you photos that you've seen yesterday shared in many SNS and sites of Hyun Joong, Young Saeng and Kyu Jong who attended the wedding of Artmatic leader.

Much thanks veggiedelight for sharing the photos in my email.

Here is the very handsome wedding singer who sang 'Thank You'... he is no less than Kim Hyun Joong.

Thanks to for sharing the video in YouTube.  Please DO NOT edit and/or re-upload in any streaming sites including YouTube.

Here is another vid courtesy of . Thanks to @rainaftershine for the tip.


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Hyunjoong :)

  2. Anonymous1:39 PM

    HJ seems happy with the wedding.
    I image that he is bridegroom ....

  3. Anonymous1:48 PM

    HJ is so sweet for singing at the wedding. He looked so happy also.

  4. Anonymous4:19 PM

    i'm sure he's very happy for his dancer hyung. they are very close aren't they? what i admire though is how gorgeous the 3 (hyunjoongie, saengie, sweetkyu) of them looked even with a simple suit and shirt. wouldn't you like to be surrounded by those 3 dream-boats? but i've to confess, hyunjoongie'll always be the one to tug my boat, anytime......

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      @4:19pm Me too :)

  5. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Three dashing men in suits, sigh. I have seen HJL and he took my breath away. I imagine my knees would buckle and I'd totally hyperventilate if I saw all three of them there in person. :-)

  6. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Happy to see Hyun Joong smiles.
    Good luck for your Album Heat and new drama, Hyun Joong ah.

  7. Anonymous10:00 PM


  8. One, Two, Three.... All in a row... My eyes don't know what to do!!! All so handsome and oh so very 'Yummy'!!!!! hahaha....

  9. Is it coincidence that the three boys wear the same outfit? anyway they look dapper and handsome. So rare again to our SS501 wear the same outfit and post for photo together. Love their union

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      You're right. Now it makes me think they were groomsmen, or at any rate, part of the entourage.

  10. Anonymous12:59 PM

    They still share the same coordi-noonas, don't they? Probably they were dictated by their noonas to wear similar type of suits and shirts~ However, whoever dressed them definitely knew that the boys would make them proud with their choice cuz they are darn fine-looking men afterall^^^

  11. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I can't wait to see HJ smiling at his own wedding, although my heart will be in a million pieces. :(

  12. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Lovely and warm atmosphere with the three guys together. Shows how close they really are. It is nice when leader signalled for Kyu to join the line up. He didnt have to say anything just by motioning and signalling and both were by his side. Go leader.

  13. Anonymous8:53 AM

    oh my God, that man (HJL's manager/bodyguard/staff or whoever he is) is so damn gorgeous. I've seen him quite a lot in every HJL's fancam. so, who is anyway?

    *forgive my ignorance

  14. Anonymous4:35 PM

    @ 8:53 AM

    He is HJ's bodyguard. He has been with HJ since HJ joined Keyeast.

  15. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Yeah isn't he one gorgeous bodyguard. With HJ even the bodyguard is damn good looking. Go leader. Btw, liz, please upload let's party...cant wait to see it here.
