
Saturday, July 07, 2012

[Pix & Vid] Handshake Event of Hyun Joong in Osaka by MurdererQ 07.07.12

 'HEAT' wave continues in Osaka, Japan.

Today,  a huge turn out of crowd once again was registered for the handshake event of Hyun Joong's 'HEAT'. Here is a set of wonderfully taken photos once again of MurdererQ shared on her Baidu blog.  Super thanks again for this wonderful treat.

※재업로드,2차 변형 금지!!!

Here is a short video from the event share by MurdererQ on her YouTube channel 

Please DO NOT edit and re-upload videos in any other streaming sites including YouTube. 

※ 嚴禁修改及切勿再上傳在線!!!
※ 재업로드, 2차 변형 금지!!!
※ 映画の転载・二次加工禁止です!!!


  1. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I wanna go Japan. I really envy japanese henecia!!

  2. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Thanks lieze. Been checking your blog since morning for the latest news on HJ. Wonderful photos. One thing for sure, our HJ is not human. How can he look so fresh and superbly gorgeous after the long grueling handshake session held two days back and the stopping here and there to promote his album. How did he manage to look like that??? And how can we fans not love this guy. He is not one of a kind but the only kind that exist. Go leader.

  3. Anonymous10:50 PM

    @ 9:17 me too since yesterday I've been checking here about the updates of HJ's HEAT promotions hehehe! But why his face suddenly looks a little bit thinner. Maybe its just my imagination...

  4. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Absolutely the Best the one and Only KHJ.

  5. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Omg! He's here in japan?? I hope you come here in Tochigi ken.. Can somebody tell me his promotions sched?? Kekeke.... I super love him!!

  6. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Tochigi? Isn't that the place where he'll have his 1st shooting for the drama 'City Conquest'? Or perhaps i'm mistaken,lol! Sorry! Anyway @11:53 PM, there'll be the 2 days' concerts at Saitama on the 14th and 15th, remember? The 15th one is free but the tickets can only be obtained through lottery for those who purchased his album. Then he'll be shooting for his drama in Japan starting this 10th and will continue for 2 to 3 weeks? Not too sure about this either though. It is a fact that Kim Hyun Joong looks wonderful any which way, even sleeping.

  7. Anonymous5:31 AM

    He looks so good even after all those hours of handshaking. I read he bought bottled water for all the fans there. It just shows how generous and caring he is towards his fans. It's hard not to love him. :)

    I really, really hope that he will be #1 on the Oricon weekly singles chart this week. It's not because I love him. It's because I love both songs on the single. It's funny how HJ's albums always consists of songs from different genres. All in one album! Its so random (just like how he is) but there's something for everyone.

  8. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Our leader is so handsome !

  9. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Handsome as always. Is it just me or are his eyes a bit smaller in this Osaka event due to somewhat swollen lids? Proud of HJL for his accomplishments. But he needs to rest up a bit to shoot the new drama and hold the 2 concerts.

  10. Anonymous9:20 PM

    So handsome and cute.
    Wish Hyun Joong gets to #1 on Or. chart thí week.

  11. Thanks to MurdererQ for always sharing with us the best photos of HJ. She is so good.
    I guess it really helps that she has a gorgeous subject in HJ. HJ looks good in all angles.

  12. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Murderer Q is everywhere. Unless this is a group of people, I don't know how she manages. Thank you to Murderer Q, she takes great photos.
