
Monday, July 02, 2012

[Trans] B2M Staff Report - Kim Kyu Jong

Are the days  getting shorter or is time going faster?  It is not suppose to because autumn is still very far from coming.  But when we think of Kyu Jong's enlistment these are the thoughts that come to our mind.

As the day approaches, B2M and Kyu Jong are thinking of plans to make Kyu Jong's prior to enlistment date memorable to everyone before he returns after two years.

Here is translation of B2M Staff Report courtesy of xiaochu chared on Quainte501 and SGNoonas.

[Trans] B2M Staff Report – Kim KyuJong
Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @ &


Hello. This is the person-in-charge.
It has been really a long time since I published a report here.

Prior to the announcement of enlistment, this is KyuJong’s last present before his enlistment which he built up with the memories with everyone… Album production is in progress.
Attaching the photo!! Received the master CD and is at the final stages of the production.

And about the ‘fan song’ music source which we received telephone and email queries on,
We will probably have a confirmation of (release) date by this week.

One more thing to tell you…
The title of the song which fans have called it ‘Fan Song’ is ^^
[ Thank you ]

We are also planning for something that allows everyone to spend time together, please be there.

Weather has turned hotter. Please drink lots of water!
Rainy season is also starting.
Listen to KyuJong’s recommended song in the rainy days^^

Well then, will be checking back again!!


  1. Time flies. This CD will be a nice present for the fans. Beginning to miss him already.

  2. Anonymous10:40 PM

    can time please don't come? not ready to say goodbye yet...but it's impossible to stop the time going right?haiz silly me...

  3. Anonymous1:25 AM

    We'll be all in tears when that day comes...take care kj and god be with you.

  4. @Kelly... Time does fly. All our Boys will eventually need to serve. But we will patiently wait for them all. And yes it will be hard at times but I was thinking..... Hmmmm...... They sure get more and more gorgeous with each passing day...

    OMG!!!!!!! So when they return can you imagine!!!!! I'll just want to pounce on them and get my hands on their.... Oooooops sorry... Call me a 'Cougar'... grrrrrrr......

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... So just need to keep that imagine in my head.... As I purrrrrrrrr for their return!!!!


  5. This article makes me sad. They are trying hard to do everything for Kyu Jong before his enlistment. Two years are too long to wait
