
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

[Trans] S/Tweet Treat from Young Saeng

Somehow yesterday, I just felt that Young Saeng was trying to be strong in front of everyone when he and Hyung Jun sent off Kyu Jong to the military.  When I read his tweet this morning, I confirmed that feeling.

Here is Young Saeng's long sentimental translated by @shirbo21.  Thanks!


[Trans] S/Tweet Treat 07.25.12
Korean to English Translation by @shirbo21/

Today I sent Kyu Jong to the army. Somehow it touched me.. Come back well!! Don't get hurt and~ learn lots and come out!! Although~ he can't see this tweet right now...ㅠ

I'm the sensitive friend who can't sleep.. This guy is sleeping well? I'm worried without any reason.. I am very nervous even thought I don't seem like it.. We don't have a big age difference.. but you call me hyung (older brother) so I worry a lot.. KK don't know~ Kim Kyu Jong will do well!!! KKKKK

Even though because of schedule reasons, there weren't five people there's been a long time since we shout together "Hello! We are SS 501~~~".. so it was good..^^ Next time, let's gather all five people and do the greeting.. "Until now, we are SS501!! Thank you~"


  1. yyann6:48 AM

    It really touches me when I open up my lappy to check twitter. YS is just a sweet guy who hides his emotion from the public. Hwaiting 501~ Im such all of us will be waiting for them, and they know it. (= <3 <3 <3

  2. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Saengie, we'll love you and support you forever. Please be strong and concentrate on your work and meet your fans frequently to feel the love. YS Fighting!!

  3. Mishelle7:45 AM

    thats why SS501 is so different compared to other groups, i knew it since day 1 and i was not wrong. they just deserve our love wholeheartedly. saengie ah, stop making me cry! really feel like crying now :(

  4. Anonymous8:30 AM right..they different..sangie hard to show his feeling but desclare his feeling through twitter is so sweet..i always cry when i c them..

  5. Anonymous8:39 AM

    The last tweet puts a smile on my face but also made my eyes teary.... We will forever be supporting them n wait patiently for the day all 5 of them to greet us "Hello we are SS501" again! <3

  6. Anonymous8:44 AM

    doesn't matter how hard he tries to portray the bad boy image but deep down this prince is actually a very sweet sentimental boy

  7. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Omg, I'm teary, what a sweet message. Am sure that Jung Min and Hyun Joong were likewise thinking of Kyu Jong, and feel the same way as Young Saeng and Hyung Jun during yesterday's send off. SS501 forever!

  8. slimz4:33 PM

    For us who noe YS.. he must have felt strongly to write those msges.. he is normally one who don't express himself so openly (for e.g. when he was asked mushy questions during HJB's FM...he was so reluctant to comment,its just so him)

    The 3rd one brought tears to my reports about how HJL and PJM thou weren't able to be there but still had private moments with Kyu separately...our boys sure love each other ya ^^

    girls, know what? we have now 729days (instead of 730days) left to see Kyu again ^^ Happy counting down!

  9. hello slimz! thanks for dropping by.

    oh yeah 729... oh in a few hours it'llbe 728 days to go. ^_^


  10. Anonymous12:07 AM sweet, young saeng~ :)
    i also notice he keep smiling when sending kyu off..but deep inside he is sad..this guy can really hide his true feelings well..
    young saeng don't just keep to yourself, okey? we are here~ :P

    (Next time, let's gather all five people and do the greeting.. ) i'll keep on to that words saengie!! hehe XD

  11. saengprince1:16 AM

    sangie, please be strong... we all know you really close to our kyu jonggie.. you always smile when you send him off but we know inside your heart you feel lonely without him.

    you such a good hyung... worried too much about his dongsaeng. we also feel the pain n it's really make me cry again...:(

    just believe, we always beside you and support you.... saranghae^^
