
Sunday, July 22, 2012

[Vid] Hyun Joong at KBS Entertainment Weekly 07.21.12

Hyun Joong was featured yesterday at KBS Entertainment Weekly yesterday highlighting the premium event at Saitama Arena .

Here is the video of the portion of his interview shared by on her YouTube channel.


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    That looks fun. Translation please anybody?

  2. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Great done by Hyun Joong.

    Maybe some other fans aren't satisfied with Hyun Joong's successes in both music and drama.
    But criticis only motivates him to work and pratice more to improve so much.

    Go go, Hyun Joong ah.

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Love the sea of green! Agree with the Japanese fans, he is kawa-i !! Congrats to Hyun Joong, for the successful concerts. He wasn't feeling physically good but he still still stretched himself to his limits. Hoping Hyun Joong finds time to recharge during this ultra hectic period.

  4. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Hyun Joong's voice proves that he was not good condition but he is still very funny and sooooooooo handsome. Go go hyun joong! You are so sweet and i'll support you forever with so many your fans:)

  5. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Sigh! Hyunjoong-ah! Why are u so beautiful?!! Aren't u supposed to be sick? Yet u still look drop-dead gorgeous^^^ Lol! Your 4D-ness never fail even when u are unwell! Take care of yourself darling hyunjoong cuz we'll be worried sick if anything were to happen to u^^ Hyunjoong Hwaiting!
