
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

[Vid] Kyu Jong & Jung Min @ Hyung Jun's Showcase 06.29.12

Finally we get to see a glimpse of Jung Min.

Here is a very short video of Jung Min and Kyu Jong seated together at Hyung Jun's Showcase last 29th of June.  Much thanks to for sharing this in YouTube and to @iamsom and to @OnlyYouOnlyMin for tweeting the tip.

Nowadays, anything about Jung Min and Kyu Jong are kind of precious to many of us.

Hee, Jung Min's smile brightens up even the less lighting shot like this. ^_^  Thanks to at  AllforPJM for the screenshots.


  1. Just a glimpse in the dark... Yet that JM smile shines brightly!

  2. ouww~ Jun Min lo extraño tanto y mi Kyu tan bello sonriendo...^^)

  3. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Saw a screencaps of d vids n JM's smile actually glows in d dark! Oh how I miss my Mal. :))))

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    ahhh~ so good to see jung min's smile again!! i miss him >,<

  5. Why are the pictures so dark? Anyway happy to see Jung Min together with Kyu Jong

  6. krstnrs12:06 AM

    you're right liezle... anything and everything about jungminnie & kyu are precious to us!!! I'm glad i could see that Mal's smile again! ^_^

  7. Anonymous1:21 AM

    kyusaengbabymal.... are the precious oneSSSS to me, i love them so much. they are my #1 ssss....

  8. You're right, @1:56 PM, his smile glows in the dark!

  9. Anonymous8:37 AM

    happy to see jung min keeps his support to hyung jun despite everything happen lately to him, as well happy to see his support to magnae before kyu jong's enlistment,

  10. Anonymous6:17 AM

    @ 1:21 AM

    Your "stepchild" is doing quite well for himself without your support.

  11. Anonymous9:35 AM

    @ 1.21

    Good job to you showing your love to your biases but do you know how karma works if you try to malign someone especially if that someone doesnt hurt others he will be blessed with more wealth and sucess and yr biases only god knows.So live well and dont hurt others.....
