
Friday, July 27, 2012

[Vids & Pix] Hyun Joong Zipped Off to Bangkok 07.27.12

A few minutes ago, Hyun Joong arrived at Suvarnabhumi Airport. He is in Bangkok for the scheduled fan meeting tomorrow. Here are a fancam taken from Incheon when Hyun Joong left earlier. And I added in this post (@1:25am) media pix from (@pingbooknews)

Much thanks to for sharing the video in YouTube.  Thanks to veggiedelight for the email.

Please DO NOT edit and/or report videos in any other streaming sites including Youtube.

Another video courtesy of shared in Twitter.  Thanks to @rainaftershine for the tip on Twitter.

Below video is courtesy of .

Following are photos from kimhyunjoon24  taken at Incheon as well.

Media photos of Hyun Joong's arrival at Suvarnabhumi Airport courtesy of  Thanks again to veggiedelight for the email.


  1. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Gorgeous baby! Loving his current fetish with sleeveless tops! He sure has the droolicious body and arms to flaunt^^^

  2. Anonymous12:24 AM

    woah he doesn't look too happy, in fact he looks really grumpy. is it due to the weather? or is he travelling too much? anyway i didn't know about FM in bangkok. was it announced?

  3. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Yea, it's announced 1.5 months ago.
    Fans in Vietnam, Hongkong have been ordered tickets since 23-Jun.

  4. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Omg Hyun Joong is handsome in spite of his deadly tight schedules.

  5. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Airport security is handsome like a movie star
