
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

[Vid & Trans] Kyu Jong's Video Message 07.19.12

A video message by Kyu Jong recorded on the 19th of July has been posted by  in today. Content of the message is somehow the same as the message he gave at JeongJu.

Here is the video in which translation by @superstarsubs can be found below.

[Trans] From. Kyu Jong 2012.07.19
Korean to English translation by @superstarsubs / Twitter

Hello, this is Kim Kyu Jong. Yeah, is this yet another awkward greeting? Anyway, we, SS501, debuted in the year 2005, and now it is already the year 2012, it is a really long time, a long time has passed. I'll be leaving everyone's side for a while. Because I'll be enlisting soon, we'll have to spend the next 2 years apart, for a while. It has been 7, 8 years since we've met so I think that 2 years is considered a short time in comparison. Everyone, always stay healthy and happy. Also, I've released an album this time round, an album titled "Meet Me Again", so I hope you'll have a great time while listening to the album. In the time that I'm in the army, our members will be actively promoting so please show them lots of support. I sincerely wish that only good things will fill up your life. Then, I'll be greeting everyone often. This has been Kim Kyu Jong and 2 years later, SS501's Kim Kyu Jong will return.


  1. slimz9:21 PM

    [Engsubbed] Kim Kyu Jong Army Enlistment by Innolife

  2. slimz9:23 PM

    aiya! left the wrong link!
    shld be this

  3. Anonymous10:52 PM

    I want a piscean man!

  4. Anonymous4:48 PM

    so sad..try to smile but still canot hide they feeling..huhuhu
