
Thursday, August 09, 2012

[Article] Jung Min's Management Company to Appeal

Everyone was so happy when Jung Min tweeted early this morning about ROMEO then articles about CNR appealing to the earlier ruling by the court in favor of Jung Min regarding termination of contract were published. 

This many not seem a good news but I am very confident that Jung Min will be able to overcome this hurdle.

Here is translation of the article translated by @cll_slam10 (I am sorry if I made any error in my translation... I already did my best translating it) and shared HERE.  Much thanks Slam for doing this.


[News] Park Jung Min Management Company To Appeal “Park Jung Min Wants to Terminate His Contract, With Unreasonable Demands Of 700 Million”

Chinese Trans: No.43 Park

Eng Trans: cllslam10

Park Jung Min Management Company to appeal.

Regarding singer Park Jung Min injunction against exclusive contract disputes, management company CNR Media gave their official statement.

On the 9th, CNR Media states, after looking thru the official reported documentations ‘Head Office and Legal Affairs of the China entertainment Corporate, cannot accept the decision on the preliminary injunction thus they decided to appeal against this injunction’.

According to CNR Media, from 2011 the company overall expenditure is approximately 1.1 billion. In order to sign the 400 million contract with Park Jung Min, they paid (Park Jung Min) the same amount of 50 million contract conditions which is of the same level of the best artistes.

But when Park Jung Min was carrying out liquidation in the second half of 2011, asking for the agency to pay for the equivalent of more than 80% of the 700 million income. CNR media thus states that “(Park) without any evidence or proposition to terminate the contract with the company made by the imposition of unreasonable propostion.”

Moreover, CNR Media stated again “Park Jung Min said, ‘Therefore, the application for the preliminary injunction is due to that they do not carry out the liquidation’ despite the efforts by the company, but with the required amount requested by Park Jung Min, the difference is too huge, with that the company cannot agree.

Furthermore, CNR Media side, legal CETV states, “This incident, it is the artiste himself who disregard the company who wants to solve the liquidation problem, making unreasonable demands, not cooperating to negotiate with the company and resolve, making his own decision to terminate the contract, disregard the company when undergoing his solo activities. Dissatisfied with the preliminary injunction decision, thus decided to appeal. Relevant documentation are already in the confirmation stage.”

Regarding this matter between CNR and Park Jung Min, it is being on hot discussion and in the news “Park Jung Min kept working without getting any money” creating hot topics. (The company) suffered huge losses, but also stressed that because this matter, now in the entertainment industry, it has come to a state that they do not know whether can they continue to work.

On the other hand, Park Jung Min during Oct 2010 the collaboration between Taiwan and S.Korea company CNR Media which has a 3 year contract, on Apr 2012 applied for the injunction against to demand to an end to the effectiveness of the management contract.. This year on 31 Jul Seoul Central District Court rule in favour of Park Jung Min with regard to the preliminary injunction.


In one article that also came out today in which @sunshine8743 gave a snippet on Twitter, she wrote :

The bottom part of this article (liezle: referring to another article) is as follow:

'Park Jungmin's Spokesman said "It's not worth to response(to CNR's saying).", "CNR Media got a lot of properties through promotions of Asian countries, But nothing had returned back to Jungmin. Even CNR stopped the caring for Jungmin, but they're continue to progressing events by their one-sided, So Jungmin had to hire some stylist team by himself to attend fanmeeting." The Spokesman contradicted CNR's claim.'


  1. Anonymous12:28 AM

    i thought it was already settled down??!! why CNR make such statements now?? make it looks like jung min the bad guy!! grrrrr!! this just boils me up >,>

  2. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Woah very messy indeed numbers being revealed not looking good on park jungmin.....400million won to sign jungmin on no wonder they count every penny that jungmin can bring in for them.I hope he can resolve it soon he cannot be free agent too long he needs to work and earn moneyyyyyy.I think he dont need any agency he can run the work himself with his family help,,Anways goodluck jungmin

  3. Anonymous12:43 AM

    That's JM.

  4. Hi 12:28.

    JM won the 1st round as he was given a preliminary injunction by the court. This is to prevents CNR from managing his career. CNR though can make an appeal to the court. This will approximately take another 3 to 4 months. But I think JM can work despite the appeal.

    I believe in JM and I think he has a good case. Let's continue to support him and give him encouragement, k.

  5. Anonymous12:58 AM

    CNR said it is as if JM is not doing part of the contract by doing solo activities. If this is the case why didn't they sue JM first? The same as you Liezle I think JM has a good case. We all know the CNR overworked him and messed up his schedule when Fondant Garden was filming. Since December last year we have been hearing about JM's contract problem with CNR.

    I am echoing Liezle, let us continue supporting Minnie and give me encouragement.

  6. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Hmn.. This trans pls take it with pinch of salt. It was trans from korean to chinese then english. These are legal stuff I admire fans who trans but sometimes meaning & context may get lost in translation.

  7. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Oh my poor Minie :( stay strong oppa. We are all here for you!! OnlyMin are always by your side. FIGHTING!!

  8. Anonymous6:25 AM

    So it's all about not releasing money, isn't it? A tug-o-war of sorts. Oh JungMin, CNR doesn't want you to get a lot.

    Are they claiming that you want more than you deserve and bigger than the best artistes? Well, they entered into a contract and that should be honored.

  9. Anonymous7:32 AM

    JM never talks about 400 Mil for the contract.
    So he is the most expensive member of SS501.
    Is JM the most talent?

  10. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Well what goes round will come back. In the first place he shld tell he is the one out from the group rather keep quite...

  11. Anonymous7:53 AM

    jung min know what he doing right?he always honest so without jung min statement it consider not true from his management..why it become more complicated?hope it settle quickly cause jung min need promote his album now..hope everything ok..jung min fighting..

  12. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I'm not a bit surprise at all as I already foresee this coming. JM is d "money tree" for CNR, how could they let him go so easily?! If they let him go just like that, there will be nobody to "lay golden eggs" for them! They will try all ways to destroy him bcz of this. CNR really makes me SICK!!!! Nothing but a bunch of sore losers!

    JungMin-ah! Please stay strong and always always remember you are NOT ALONE. We will always and forever be here for you. Girls' let's show that crap CnR some "green power"!!!

  13. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Wow, 400M? That's a lot. I didn't know he was that popular.

  14. Anonymous2:25 PM

    How much for JM if SS501 release a album?
    Hope that HJ not uses his private money.

  15. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Here's another translation...

    According to this translation, it's 400 Million Won which is equals to approximately $355,000 USD.

  16. Anonymous3:32 PM

    @2:36 PM - Thanks for the link. I was able to understand that translation better but then from reading that, it was like JM was all about the money. It kind of made him look bad.

  17. Oh no. I don't like this kind of things happen to our SS501 boys. Jung Min run a bussines before and is very good in calculation. No way he will allow people or company to cheat him. He will goes all out to fight them no matter what. I believe in Jung Min. Poor Jung Min. Always talented but lack of luck.

  18. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Bad guy image.

  19. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Poor thing. He thinks too highly of himself i supposed to be asking for that kind of money. Lesson for all the members.

  20. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I think other members do not over-evalute themself.

  21. Anonymous8:30 PM

    The CNR lawyer was doing his job in the press release, but so is Jungmin's lawyer. Hoping that the appeals judge upholds the first ruling. Best of luck Jungmin.

  22. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I think Jung min didn't have much activities for CNR to pay him a lot, album sale was not too good, fondant garden was a flop,they probably didn't make much profit at all to pay him..

  23. Anonymous9:53 PM

    i will always support u jungmin,be strong ya!

  24. Anonymous10:21 PM

    "Nobody is guilty until proven otherwise". It's unfair for any party to put on judgement just based on one side of the story/statement.
    I believe if JM's lawyer did not shown sufficient proofs, the court wouldn't had given them the favor in the first place. It's a legal proceeding, it's for the lawyers to submit and go tru all the required procedures which includes giving legal advice to JM. It's not like suddenly he woke up one fine morning with a $$ figure than he could just take a paper and walk into the court and the judge would grant him the winning.
    @6:25am is right. When the co had gone into a contract, the co is liable to honor it.

  25. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Scandal to get the attention for new album?

  26. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Sorry for being curious but did PJM's drama really flopped and his album sales wasn't that great either? Admittedly, I've never been a fan of his or the other 3 SS501 members^^ so not much knowledge on his/their success or non-success. After reading the article though, not sure who to blame; CNR for putting too much or high of an expectation on him delivering or PJM for being too eager to grab the rather unrealistic 'windfall'..... Gives a rather unpleasant impression on both sides, unfortunately. The lesson learnt; better make damned sure you investigate the company's history/reputation before signing on the dotted line or get stars in your eyes for their supposed fabulous offer because now, there's no use crying over spilt milk if the verdict is unfavourable ^^ Just saying.....

  27. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Totally agreed with @10:21PM. I believe in Jung Min and that he has a good case. Everything will work out fine eventually.

    Coming to a conclusion so soon on his contract being expensive and doubting his talent... I know of many foreign artists getting many times more than what JM is getting... don't feel that he is overpaid.

    Should I say CNR has a strange business strategy of having only one artist under it's wings. It doesn't make logical business sense... shouldn't they have more artists to shoulder the business running cost. What is providing documentary evidence of their cost going to prove... that CNR adopts a wrong business strategy!!!

  28. Anonymous2:22 AM

    I also totally agreed with @10:21 PM...

  29. Anonymous3:56 AM

    if it was provisioned that he gets a fix amount for every project, then he is entitled to get that regardless of the outcome. if it's just a percentage share, then his projects should really make money before he gets anything. since we are not privy to the details of the contract, let's just wait and see.

    if i recall correctly, CNR treated him like a king when he first signed up with them. remember that limo ride when they fetch him in an airport in Japan? i dunno what went wrong. They might have over estimated his value? but then again, not JM's fault. It's the job of the artist to market himself and it's the job of the agency to look for or come up with projects that suits the artist.

    Objectively speaking, JM is talented. He just needs to get the right break, the right people around him and good judgment to get going. an occasional reality check might help also.

    anyhow, i hope he comes thru this successfully.

  30. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I think CNR has over estimated JM's values.
    He is the most selffish in SS501.

  31. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Sadly to say, i have to agree with u. He has talents but he also is as what u said. Always thinks highly of himself unlike other members . A lesson for him. Some people just dont have the luck and he is one of those.

  32. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Its sad to hear bout jungmin predicaments but in my opinion he is to easily trusting towards people.He open two business with friends(online and boutique cafe) and it closes down and he trusted angie chai soo much and he got played out by her evil slavery contract.I think jungmin is not smart in business he is just sexy charisma...dont have to agree with me dough

  33. Anonymous11:59 AM

    i agree with u,i really hope after this jm will not trust people so easily..whatever happen,really hope all this problem will solve..why don't cnr just let him go?

  34. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Cannot call it as "slavery contract".
    It's not fair for CNR.
    I think no company can accept the rate of 80%.

  35. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I read in a local newspaper that Kingone Wong ( the 2nd main of FG) is also discontinuing his contract with Comic Ritz upon its expiry due to unfair wedges issue too. Seemed like tis is common for CnR.
    Wether overrated, acceptable or not. The thing is CnR had already went into contract with it n it's their duty to fulfill the contract terms. Luck is not an excuse to be used in a legal bonding contract. If non of us here r of the professional side or hv actually seen the actual contract. It's better to leave the job to the professionals than speculating and spreading false rumors.

  36. Anonymous3:02 PM

    @ 1:33pm are you ref to this news?
    I'm a fan if Kingone so I was shocked and saddened by the news too. Any normal workers cld earn more than NT2m/mth. I can't imagine how cld those celebs under Comics Ritz survived?! This is really bad.

  37. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Good grief! Didn't jungmin research about the company before he signed up with them? Or was he too eager and blinded by the fab deal they were giving? Doesn't give a person a good impression of his business-acumen or his hasty attitude<< Come on now, I find it unbelievable that the self-proclaimed smart, sexy, whatever jungmin didn't know that they were practically hangiing their hopes on him to boost their income/image. And he accepted the challenge, didn't he, since he signed with them? I remember what the anon above said about being welcomed in a limousine etc....and now the love has gone sour ^^^ No offence, but what a melodrama<<<

    1. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Agree. When he was in the group he acted like he knew more than others and in few occasions he always wantef to be the man of the show that it came to the point being annoying esp with his facial expression. Serves him right. The new project Romeo is also quite baffling. Is he having identity crisis or what? Y cant he b realistic for once n b like the rest. It is a pity kyu is not around. Yeong seng and baby is taking things slow n fans seem to appreciate their projects. Leader is the King of hallyu. So lets not compare him with the rest. Jm needs a reality check or he will fall hard. Didnt ha try to commit suicide once?

  38. Anonymous5:41 PM

    80-20 is unthinkable, don't you think?

    i'm not sure if any company or individual with a business sense would agree to this.

  39. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Many TripleS want SS501 to release an album.
    If it comes, hope JM doesn't request the rate of 80% (20% remind for others). Hope HJL should not use his private money to pay for others.

  40. Anonymous10:44 PM

    why did all of u think jm will request 80% from his fellow members? why would leader use his private money? they already known each other for more than 7years,so they know jungmin better than us..
    this case still not over we still don't know the truth..don't just simply said like this is all jungmin's fault.

  41. Anonymous11:02 PM

    @10:44 PM
    maybe because this bruhaha started w/ the 80% share...

    and maybe because it's in hyun joong's character to bail out his friends in crisis... (although, i doubt this will happen in JM's case... but who knows?)

  42. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Hyun joong spend his private money to buy SS501's songs when they released 'love like this'. that's why ppl worried about if he does this again. all of members has the same responsibility for SS501's album. they're all grown up now. then they have to learn how things goes on like hyun joong already knows.

  43. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Hyun joong spend his private money to buy SS501's songs when they released 'love like this'. that's why ppl worried about if he does this again. all of members has the same responsibility for SS501's album. they're all grown up now. then they have to learn how things goes on like hyun joong already knows.

  44. Anonymous12:09 AM

    oops! it doubled. sorry!

  45. Anonymous12:18 AM

    i know about 'love like this', but i don't think other members will become greedy when it's about their profit when they are together.and for jm's case,there's must be a reason why he did that.

    1. Anonymous6:51 AM

      @ 12:18 am
      They were greedy. Have you heard radio pgm which come out HJ&KJ together last year? There KJ said he didn't know he had problems to sing for 7years. Heard that HJ sadly said we had small part of singing when they were in SS501. To be honestly, dividing singing parts of each members is important thing for group. It is about their self-respect and each member's pride so it can be in troubles between all members. But when they were in same situation KJ was just good so he just said after all decided then give me remain part. HJ said this to KJ sadly and KJ laughed bitterly. But my remember is right, it was HJ who had smallest singing part of Love Like This between 5members. HJ had only 7s even if he had bought song. So i didn't know HJ's singing is really good before he come out solo.

  46. Anonymous12:47 AM

    I see anon 10.44 point and reasoning the case is still ongoing and we should not assume anything one sided.We should give some understanding and support for the fans who believes in jungmin.
    Peace to the world!!!

  47. Anonymous1:04 AM

    anon 12:05AM
    i know this is out of topic, but do you mind share the info about hyun joong spend his money to buy SS501 you have a link or something? just curious~ ^^

  48. Anonymous1:08 AM

    dare i ask which one of you have actually read or even seen the contract yourself?????????

    some of the comments here are so damn ridiculous that it's actually funny

  49. Anonymous1:08 AM

    @12:47 AM
    hahaha! yeah, peace to the world. it's a healthy discussion, no one's gone overboard just yet. ^^

  50. Anonymous1:14 AM

    as they say, "you reap what you sow"...

    so be nice people...

  51. Anonymous2:10 AM

    I don't think he will be asking for 80% from future group activities. He would be hated by the members, that's for sure. I don't think the members will agree to this either so fans don't need to worry about this.

    I heard about "Love Like This" but what I didn't and still don't understand is that HJ is only 1/5 of the group. If they split profits equally, they should split expenditures equally also. That's fair. I know they may not have as much money as him but I'm pretty sure they have money too. They each have a responsibility to the group, no matter what role they play within the group.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      @ 2:10 am
      I agree with you. Yes other members all have money. Someone was proud of his expensive Ferriri and someone said his movement to new house even by news. But there were no pay for ss501.

  52. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Totally agreed with @10:44 PM & @1:08 AM for the below comment ....

    dare i ask which one of you have actually read or even seen the contract yourself?????????

  53. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Wow some of these comments really offend me. I believe our Minie is a generous person. There must be a reason he filed the lawsuit. Wait for the actual ruling before saying anything bad about him.

  54. Anonymous7:23 AM

    All this talk of being greedy is ridiculous. Jung Min is known for making decisions quickly and being too trusting. My brother has the same personality trait and as do many others. This does not mean that they are a bad people. Most people if given a contract that paid them generously from an agency that was willing to produce a drama for you and put out a well produced album would jump at the chance. Again this does not mean he's a greedy or bad person for wanting to take advantage of this. Now he won the first round of the case which means that the court believes he had sufficient evidence to back up his claim. We also know that CNR is going to show themselves off in the best possible light. Both sides may have some truth to what they are saying but we should wait until everything is settled before making judgment calls on a person's character.

    As for how payment is divided between members when they do group activities, it's actually pretty simple. They each keep the amount they make from variety show appearances. Group appearances from performances are split five ways as is the singing fee from when they recorded the song. All profits from sales are also split five ways and if one member bought a song then they would get additional payments for being the owner of the song. Just like how if one member writes a song he would get additional payments for being the writer of the song.

    As for how singing parts are divided between members they are almost always uneven for all groups. This is why some members are known as lead singers. Lead singers will almost always have the most singing time. A group may decide between themselves on who will sing which part but final decision is made by the producer and agency.

    Sorry for the long post.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Haha you say well. Lead singer? Who do you think is lead singer of SS501? YS? But last songs HJB and JM's part is more than YS. That's the reason why fans have problems between HJB and YS. Actually there were no lead singer of SS501. YS sang only very difficult part for singing. And it is natural thing to sing a member who is most popular in group just sing 7second of more than 3minutes song. Do you really think producer decide that? Haha then i can say like you about their dirty querrel between members. Before Boys of flowers, HJ had many part of song and he always be at center of stage. But after BOF HJ was always stand the end of stage. I cannot find him. Why? I wonder.

  55. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Jessie J's Pricetag

  56. Anonymous7:36 AM

    @ 7:23

    How do you know these things about SS501's profit sharing scheme? What's your source?

  57. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Like someone said it ealier no one has gone overboard yet but i think the discussion has just gone unhealthy, digressing everywhere and whatsoever....sos call 911 im having a heart attack!!!

  58. Anonymous8:03 AM

    @7:33 I don't have a source. The members have stated publicly before that what they make on variety shows they keep themselves. Sorry I don't remember where they said it. As for the other stuff that's just generally how all artists get paid whether its in Korea or in the US. Its not special to SS501. Artists get paid for the work they do which in a group is split evenly. For any song, the one who owns the rights to a song and the one who writes the song will also get paid. If members have additional roles like owner of a song or as a writer of a song then they would get paid for those roles in addition to what they make for singing the song. This is why HJL fans shouldn't worry that he had to pay his own money to buy a song. Because if he actually does own the rights to the song then he should be making profits every time the song is used. HJL fans should actually be happy that he did this.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      @ 8:03am
      You are HJL's fan? Please don't say like all is certain. HJL's fans are happy for buying song by HJL? I never heard that till now.

  59. Anonymous8:43 AM

    @8:29 He's seems like a nice guy but he's not my bias. I never said that this was fact. What I said was IF he bought the song like his fans say he did then its not a bad thing because he SHOULD be making money from owning the rights. This is just how the industry tends to work. Again I'm talking in generality not just for SS501 specifically. Its the same concept as someone writing a song.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      @ 8:43 am
      Don't misunderstand. Owning song by composing or writing lyrics and just buying song is different. HJ just paid his money and no right for making money. There is no case like HJ from idol groups.

  60. Anonymous9:00 AM

    It's good that for SS501 to go solo.
    All can show their capability, skills,...
    And after 2 years we can evaluate some things, right?

  61. Anonymous9:18 AM

    8:43 AM

    buying songs doesn't mean HJL has any right of them. only Steven Lee has the right because he wrote it. please don't confuse it.

    what HJL did is just pay for it because DSP didn't this for them. how rediculous! HJL made big money for DSP, but they didn't give them an album before HJL buying songs with his personal money.

    all of you remember HJL's last message on DSP' official page. he said they have no song untill almost mid of May. what a poor. i think this kind of things made him very disappointed.

    but i still have a question. why always HJL? what about other members? their album not for HJL only. actually, HJL has the least part and the end(edge?) of the stage. then why he had to have the reponsibility for their album by himself? this is so weird.

    please don't say it's because of his personality. then what are other's? this kind of things is so unnatural and unfair. if they're group, they had to do everytying together. i meant not equally but at least together.

  62. Anonymous9:53 AM

    @ 9:18 AM
    Exactly what i want to say. 100% agree with u!!

  63. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Came in to read abt Mal's contract problems & comments. After finishing reading all above comments, that had many digress - I feel painful as old wounds are open, remembered again how badly HyunJoong was treated, how dispectful some were towards him, how he shouldered many burdens .. I am just glad and so so happy for him, for all he is achieving with his single solo effort.
    As for Mal, non of us really know the content of the contract, so there really not much we can comment constructively.
    Whatever the outcome and why all this is happening - he need to face up to it. Both sides probably expecting too much from each other, and Over estimated each worth!!! Reflection on his part would probably goes a long way. Be realistic, be thankful and ya be humble and more respectful to others.
    Regardless of all that had passed, I wish him well - becos of HyunJoong.. he would want every one of them to be well and successful too.
    I like and enjoy HyunJoong more that he is a solo artiste and my sincere wish and desire that he stays this way ... same as some TS who want them together! It just individual (personal) desire.

  64. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Yup! 'Overestimated' is the right word on both sides. CNR overestimated PJM's value/popularity/fame and PJM overestimated the capability of CNR to further his career. @11:20 AM Agree to what you had written above and fervently agree to your personal wish/desire too! I prefer, infinitely prefer hyunjoong as a solo artiste ^^^ He's having the time of his life exploring and achieving his goals/dreams one by one...and along the way getting all these wonderful opportunies at breakneck speed! Just take care of your health hyunjoong-ah!

  65. Anonymous1:46 PM

    i was just fine reading the comments last night. but now, why am i feeling Hyun Joong's pain?

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      @ 1:46 PM
      It's okay now;) Let's support and love sooooooo much hyun joong together!

    2. Anonymous8:33 PM

      @ 1:46 pn
      Show our love to Hyun Joong!!

  66. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Well said @7:23 AM, totally agreed with your comments ....

  67. Wow, there are so many comments in this post. Some are interesting and some are not. Some stayed on the topic and some are really out of the topic. Some are pleasant and kind and some are vicious and malicious.

    It has come to my attention that the posts here made some of my visitors affected in one way or the other. Either happy or sad whoever is reading this can make a guess.

    Honestly, the kind of posts made here tell us somehow the kind of personality of the person posting. Many may be hiding under the Anonymous name but I tell you that is who you are as reflected in your post.

    At this point, let me just say this, rumors are done by people who are mad at the target. They spread this to people who are gullible and narrow-minded. Are you gullible and narrow-minded to believe in rumors spread by mad people? Remember, dog barks if they don't know the person.

    With this, I hope that peace will remain in my blog.


    P.S. I thank visitors who emailed and very much concerned about my blog. Don't worry I will not waver. And thank you for always visiting despite issues that come once in a while.
