
Thursday, August 23, 2012

[Photo] Hyun Joong Emotionally Embraces Jung Yu Mi

A photo of Hyun Joong emotionally embracing Jung Yu Mi was released today by the production team of 'City Conquest'. Below photo was shot in Japan in July.

According to KeyEast, Hyun Joong in this scene was able to perfectly emote the concern, sadness and pain while embracing Jung Yu Min, who plays as his lover in the upcoming drama.

'City Conquest' is a production by the same production team as 'IRIS' which Lee Byung Hun starred in. It is an action drama based on a popular cartoon series.


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM

    WOW! Unexpectedly blown away by the display of emotions. With the right direction, he can be a good actor. We'll just see.

  2. Anonymous3:27 PM

    He is a good actor.He was only victimized by unfair accusations and made to pay for decisions he didn't do by himself.

    There are so many stiff and wooden actors out there. Perhaps they just have to fault him to bring him down.So sorry to those who tried their best but they can't bring a good and hard working person down.

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Totally agree. He is a fine actor given the right opportunity. He has proven to those unbelivers out there that he was born to be a star. When he sets his mind on something he will give his might. Well done and way to go.

  4. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Many are surprised how he can reap so many followers despite the fact that he is not an excellent actor or singer. It maybe due to the underdog concept that is so appealing. He is not gifted per se. But he tries his darn best. Many can relate to that in real life. His determination is so inspiring.

    I wish him all the best. I hope this TV series will help him attain the elusive respect accorded to him as an actor.

    1. Anonymous9:09 PM

      @ 7:57
      Many mean who? As Like you anti? Hyun Joong is good actor and singer. Your saying is exactly same what anti say.

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      He may not be the best singer or actor, but he has that X factor elusive to many. Top it with his penchant for hard work and determination, good looks and good management, it is clear why he is at the top.

  5. Anonymous8:48 PM

    7:57 p.m.

    "He is not gifted per se??" Cannot understand this statement.

    Charisma and talent and hard work go hand in hand for success. The three go together. Maybe you mean he may not be the most gifted..he certainly has gifts...

  6. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Come, come, everyone! Anon @7:57 is just voicing what some fans and netizens are thinking. Besides, she is actually complimenting darling HJ...somewhat, and wishing him all the best. Let's take that in a positive manner and continue showing darling boy our full support and love for his coming drama and future activities. After all, as long as we, his devoted and loving fans, keep giving him encouraging support, whatever the nay-sayers will say won't matter much...... Love you, HJ baby! Hwaiting!

  7. Anonymous10:54 PM

    After seeing this beautiful and emotional picture of HJ, some say like that. I really can't understand. HJ is very emotional. I'm dying to want to see hj's drama!!!!

  8. Anonymous12:59 AM

    can't wait for the drama! hjl'll show 'em his acting chops, m sure! a bit off-topic n since this is a post of hjl's, i'll just give a personal opinion. read/saw a tweet about hjb's collection of sport cars a few minutes ago. just thinking to meself, the initials may be the same - khj - but the two sure have polar personalities/attitudes in some things ^^ one guy seems to be busy collecting expensive toys for himself whereas the other and elder, who happens to be richer or so the fans say, is more interested in giving away his money to the needy, having free concerts for his fans etc. not even sure if he has a car of his own, expensive or otherwise, yet fans are always harping that he should treat the others since he has more money, which mind u, he uses in a very effective way. don't sport cars cost a lot? so where does it come about that the others are supposedly less rich? i guess since their priorities are different, the only one we'll see giving free concerts or helping the less fortunates for some time to come will probably still be the much-abused elder khj....but m sure he still can't do anything right in the eyes of some 'fans'~ as i've said just my po ^^^

  9. Anonymous2:02 AM

    hi, @12:59am personal opinion, you are really out of the topic.
    there is no need to make a comparison between he and his member on what they do.
    ... no only them, even you and me, we have every right to decide how to spend our own money.
    this article is only for hj and his incoming drama, so let's focus on this. there is no need to create something unnecessary topic :)
    go go him hyun joong, looking forward to the "City Conquest" !!

  10. Anonymous2:26 AM

    don't ever try to compare our boys! this is kim hyun joong article.learn how to respect people first!

  11. Anonymous6:25 AM

    For discussion purposes, i will also be straying off the topic. This blog showcases 5 men and their individual paths. So one cannot help but compare and contrast their behaviour and decisions. Which is a better one to take interest in? Who will be more inspiring and more in tune with the values we hold dear?

    So Anon 12:59 is just voicing an observation among the two personalities. No offense noted.

    Also, why are some people so quick to label 'antis'? It is a divisive attitude. No human elements in the same group think alike. We are all SS501 fans or a member fan. Let us open ourselves for discussion and hear others. Okey?

  12. Anonymous7:34 AM

    This is a SS501 blog so if you want to compare the members please go do it on the individual member blogs where people might be more receptive to your opinions. On here it only causes drama. SS501 fans already have enough drama lately without creating it unnecessarily and Hyun Joong has enough antis already so please don't create more.

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      @ 7:34
      Hyun Joong had no antis before 2010. It's true that some fans of other members were mean to HJ. And now so called antis of HJ are almost them. Not many. It's so sad thing. But from 2010 till now, korean people know HJ but sadly also other members are not.

  13. Anonymous8:19 AM

    @ 7:34AM well said...agree with u 100%

  14. Anonymous7:35 PM

    @12:59 I guess not everyone is receptive or in denial especially when it hits too near to the truth. 'Daebak!' they wrote, 'maknae is rich, kekeke' - wonder what the tune would be if that was hyunjoongie instead<<< Just an observation, my dears, so don't get your pants in a twist^^ Anyway, waiting for 'Conquest of the City' with eager anticipation! More power to him, the 4D hyunjoongie!!!

  15. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I come here for pics, articles and so on about my favorite ss501 members. This is pics of HJ's drama. I want to see happy and pleasant and many inspiring comments. Every ppl can support their idol. Like this unnessary comments are only i don't want to visit here.

  16. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Oh please people dont do this again.The tweet about baby jun's car collection may not be even true.They said they heard its his collection but who knows it may just be sponsors for photoshoots.I care for leader too much to be targeted this way.I know some has honest intention but to stay on a topic is best for everyone...cherios peeps.

  17. Anonymous9:20 PM

    i think it's a shame that this person compared this you said this blog is for when we read ther articles we should be happy for them not compared the members. so lest respect our kim hyung jun and our leder even if we have own piasevery member need our respect too.and this is kim hyun joon article so dont write about other members when they not in this we shoul be happy if you dont compare again

  18. Anonymous9:31 PM

    obs sorry i forgot (g)for leader name. they have similar names.

  19. Anonymous5:12 AM

    I am 7:34 AM. I know that Hyun Joong got a lot of antis because of SS501 going solo. I know many blamed him and I have seen the hate he gets even from some SS501 fans and I understand the need to defend him but there is a difference between defending and instigating. Coming onto an article about Hyun Joong and going totally off topic and comparing him to another member is not defending. It is instigating. Doing things like that only makes things worse. I do truly believe those of you doing this think you are helping him but can't you see that you are not helping at all so I am begging you to please stop doing it. Now don't misunderstand me though. If someone makes an untrue accusation or ugly comment against Hyun Joong or any of the members then by all means defend and I will be right there with you but please stop the instigating. I hope you all understand what I am trying to say.

  20. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Thanks a lot 7.34 AM and 5.12 AM. I totally agree with you. I 100% support your opinion.

    Please stop comparing HJ with other members. It will not do any good to anyone.

  21. Anonymous6:55 AM

    looking forward to "City Conquest"
    hj fighting !!

  22. Anonymous6:55 AM

    looking forward to "City Conquest"
    hj fighting !!

  23. Anonymous8:27 AM

    another hug - front hug :)

  24. Anonymous8:30 AM

    well, for me, i have different opinion.
    when you get popular, some more people will dislike you for any reasons or no reason while you gain much more fans on the same time. it happens to anyone who is rising.
    but there one thing is NOT that cool. some are really like to go around & create the topics. Do they really "admire" hj that much? or they just pretend to be ... ?!
    When you praise hj on the otherS’ articles, you can already imagine what will be the outcome---‘both hj and his fans will become the target & be blamed by others. "
    The same, when you compare hj with the other members, you know what is waiting for hj and his fans. It will only give more excuses to the others to attack him & his fans.
    Then it comes to my mind --- you do this deliberately!! Who will be that carelessly & like to look for troubles for his idol ?? Especially this is not the 1ST time happening & he and his fans gain nothing about it except being blamed.
    Just want to say, please respect him & the others even if you dislike him. thank you.

  25. Anonymous10:53 AM

    So please don't mention other members with HJ's articules. I always see when HJ got good record or something there are comments like other members are better than him. I don't want to see that comments. It looks like loser and that comments just only make thier bias miserable.

  26. Anonymous2:36 PM

    @10.30 N 8.30
    Way to go.....Peace to the world!!!

  27. Anonymous9:57 PM

    I am a fan of KHJ and two others but there are specific points that KHJ 'antis' point out that I agree on. But that doesn't diminish my admiration for KHJ. Does that make me an 'anti'? And does that warrant people to attack me when I point out issues that i find valid?

    I see this kind of scenario in this blog. I can sense that a person is a fan and is quite honest in saying something that is not to his/her liking. Then like a mob, many beat the person up with words. Words like respect comes up every now and then. It is like a magic word to silence people to say something. Respect means hearing the person's ideas and leave it as is because that is his/her thoughts. It is not forcing the person into cowering with fear.

    Be realistic people. Best thing is to not become too emotionally involved because this is supposed to be a happy place where fans gather.

  28. Anonymous11:55 PM

    well is hard seeing 2 guys with the same group, are compared. that's why we find those comment and leder have enough.! anyway i think we should try to stop creating problem for leder and ofcourse for the other members too. if you are a tru fans.:)

  29. Anonymous8:15 AM

    hope this drama will air on the channel i can watch and the time is suitable to me ^^

  30. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Yup, this place is supposed to be a happy place where we gain the info about the boy or boyS we have interest in.
    furthermore, let’s show our respect to the blogger who works hard to search & collect the info for all of us in her spare time.
    Here, it is a 5 boys' blog. Besides the stop by, some are the fans of the group, and some are the individual fans of each member.
    ...It includes at least 6 fan bases, that is why it need all of us work gather to maintain the peacefulness here ^^
