
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

[Pix] Hyun Joong Wearing VANTVAART

In one of the photoshoots and interviews of Hyun Joong when he was in Japan,  VANTVAART which  stands for VANT(AVANTGARDE) + VAART(VISUALART) sponsored his clothes.

Here is the photo of Hyun Joong lifted from VANTAART Unplugged Museum.

Much thanks to veggiedelight for the tip.

For added information, VANTVAART is a unique fashion brand for men's style and it stimulates the visual senses by the elements of the avantgarde in various ways. You may click HERE to explore VANTAART website.


  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    So handsome.
    Only Hyun Joong's fans believe that he can fly so high since solo.
    Go go, my prince.

  2. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Not again. Pls don't rile others.

  3. @4:29 Let her praise HJL all she wants. It becomes a problem and riles others when she goes on other members' posts just to put them down in order to praise him. Although I don't understand why it's necessary to insult others while supporting her bias, better to do it here than elsewhere on a post that has nothing to do with HJL.

  4. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Well said, totally agreed with @4:29 & 5:37 AM.

  5. Anonymous3:20 PM

    @ 9:34.

     Though i have two biases, i check other members' posts. Seeing a sweeping statement of 'Only' hyun joong's fans believing in him is so untrue. 

  6. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Hyun Joong is so handsome everyday.

  7. Anonymous1:19 AM

    it looks like some one talking to himself and fill this comment box in full ... thank you :)
    no matter you are going around to "praise" khjL on otherS articles OR you are stepping on him on the articles of him will never be able to bring him down.
    a second deed will never be able to touch deep to someone's heart. as khjL, he always show the true of himself to his fans from the beginning to now. fans love him because who he is.
    fans love him will remain to support him. if the fans can be dominated by others opinions so easily, then they are not true fans.
    If you really love someone, you will always want to protect him in any occasion. just put the case to our real life, WHO will go around to praise her “lover” in front of the other people while the people celebrate or are happy for their own works ?! especially nothing related to your “lover” & no one ask about him ... !!
    it is NOT hard to understand, you are doing this on purpose. you want to create something !! I am doubting a Real Fan will do this to the artist he/her love ……
    anyway, it does not matter who you are just like i mentioned before. fans love him will continue to stand by his side on matter what. they believe the one they follow, and they believe in him !!
    kim hyun joong fighting !!

  8. Raven3:03 AM

    A fan should only love their idol, not hate on anyone else. Especially if all the love-hate is directed towards members of the same group. Come on people, isn't there enough hate in the world? And wouldn't your idol be so hurt if he knew one of his fans was hating on one of his brothers?

  9. Anonymous3:43 AM

    hj's new fashion ^^

  10. Anonymous6:32 AM

    to anon 1:19

    u sound confused and defensive of what a fan down. don't be emotional.

  11. Anonymous6:34 AM

    it is very informational, thanks for sharing.

  12. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I love SS501. All 5. So don't get me wrong. I read an article years ago. Hyun Joong was included in a list of boy band members at the time who will likely do well solo.

  13. Anonymous8:28 AM

    hi, @6:32am, your words suit you better.

  14. Anonymous10:52 PM

    @11:34 AM The writer of the article was quite right and kudos to him/her for being able to detect the potentials of the individual members. For me, ever since I got into SS501 some years back, I've always felt that among the 5, he was and is the most outstanding. I'm not hating on the others but just stating my own observation. Yeah sure, he may not be the best singer in the group or the most eloquent, ie a big gabster, if you know what I mean, or a fast learner when it comes to other languages or even having the best fan-service in public. But, he has the 'it' factor or 'x' factor that makes a person/artiste stand out, in spades. Heck, even DSP recognised that in recruiting him cuz as he told it, he didn't even have to play his guitar or sing. He was just asked his height, weight etc and told to come back the next day whatever happens. So, from what I've noticed, he has always stayed true to who he is ~ slightly wacky, blunt to a fault, somewhat silly, shy yet strong-willed and a hard-worker. But most importantly, he has never been the type to give empty or repeated assurances just to make the fans happy. He only relays something when he has something concrete to convey. That's my humble observation of hyunjoong, the leader. By the way, I think what anon @9:34 PM meant is that non-hyunjoong fans have always felt that he has the least talent('shrugs' that's what I've been reading) so no doubt also felt that he'd not succeed so much on his own, whereas his fans, Henecians or TripleS(hyunjoong-biased) held the opposite view. So, her conclusion, 'only-hyunjoong fans' have had faith in his ability to soar high on his own. Peace!
