
Sunday, August 12, 2012

[Pix] Young Saeng @ Uljin Music Festival 08.04.14

On the 4th of August, Young Saeng was amongst the guest performers in at the Music Festival in Uljin.  For his performance he sang 'Let It Go' and 'Crying'.

I have already shared HERE videos courtesy of Madelaine.  Now I am sharing in this post wonderful photos taken by the shutterbug of Madeleine homepage ( Thanks to @cll_slam10 for the tip.

There is not much news about Young Saeng recently though we know via SNS that he watched Team Korea played football on the 4th of August and that he went to watch Infinite's concert last Friday. Aside from these news we all know as well that Young Saeng is currently busy preparing  for his debut in Japan next month.  


  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    i freaking miss him soo much!! i guess we can get more of young saeng next month~ >,<

  2. Anonymous8:58 PM

    YS went to infinite concert last friday?? how come i don't know this?

  3. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Which outfit is it?

  4. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I also miss YS badly and very thankful to Liezle for posting his news which make me happy!

    I really hope that this time his album and concerts will have lots of promotion and marketing before it is released, so that YS and his talents can be seen. Not that I agree with it but nowadays marketing is so much more critical than it should be.

  5. Anonymous10:36 PM

    He looks so damn fine and handsome in these photos^^ I love to see Saengie more and more. When he doesn't smile, he's so cool and hot, and when he smiles, he brings sunshine to everyone.

  6. saengprince10:51 PM

    I miss him so badly too.. Can't wait to see him more next month... huhu. This is a long period for me but I also hope he do well...miss him:(

  7. Anonymous12:27 PM

    i don't know why but even a slightest news of him makes me giggle and fangirling much~ LOL
    i hate his outfit but i love him!! xD

  8. Anonymous11:52 AM

    He is so perfect - his singing, dancing, acting, appearance, character....I wonder if he has any idea how attractive he is and how much we want to see him.
