
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sweet, Caring & Thoughtful Words from Kyu Jong

Really, Kyu Jong is sweet... no I correct that, he is the sweetest. How can one not love him, right? Kyu Jong... Kyu Jong... Kyu Jong... you make us miss you so much.

Here is translation of Kyu Jong's handwritten letter to all his pretties, translated and share by xiaochu in Quainte501 and SGNoonas blog.  Heap of thanks xiaochu!


[Trans] KyuJong Letter from Army
Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @ &


To. Triple S and! ThanKYU ~

Hi! Is everyone doing well?! I am doing well in the short 4-weeks training~

Oh! I received the letters send by you fans~^^ All thanks to them, it gave me strength and so I am enjoying and doing well~

I am really curious if Pretties are doing well or not! I wanted check out your well-being everyday through SNS but though it is a little frustrating, but I believe that you are definitely doing well^^ Because you’ve always been like that~ Even more so in the future too!^^

I miss you lots~ While in the training, when the training-mates asked me random stuffs, days of debut since 2005 and my members kept coming to my mind~ It is already year 2012..!

And seems like we have been together for really a long time..^^

We will be together in the future too, and making fun memories, beautiful remembrance and precious happiness~^^!

Just only few days have passed but.. I misses the members too.. TT Also misses Pretties..! I have a new feeling towards the meaning of ‘precious’~

The word ‘We’ is not a word that is used meaninglessly..^^ It’s a word that is used really only in the relationship like ours!~ The dongsaengs in my dormitory who are beside me, kept asking me to sing our songs..haha..

Even though I like singing, but I felt shy and embarrassed here.^^~

Aigoo~ It’s a letter which I haven’t wrote for a long time but the contents are inconsistent.. I’m so out of my mind!

Please understand~ I hope Pretties can always be smiling and stay positive~

And looking forward to the smiling days together when we meet again!^^



As if the letter of Kyu Jong is not enough, here is something that I read earlier which tells us that he's sweet and nice even to friends.

It was earlier in the news that KangIn (SuperJunior) will be taking the role of Prince Shin in the musical 'Goong'. According to the tweet of @TingTingLoveKyu from KangIn's interview posted in JPNews he mentioned Kyu Jong.

Here is the rough translation courtesy of @TingTingLoveKyu shared in Twitter:

KangIn : I also received a call from Kyu Jong before enlisting" Kyu:"Hyeong,I heard you participate in Goong?" "It would be great if we could do it together" Although it's a pity but still cheered for me. I also gave Kyu Jong a watch as a gift. Because watch is a must thing in the army...Through this work I've been getting lots help from many people.

Source : JPNews


  1. Anonymous5:22 PM

    he can't use SNS now...

    but he sure miss his pretties.. ^^

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    i just smiled broadly while reading the letter~ and sad at the same time
    really kyu jong is the sweetest man on earth!! xD

  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

    "We will be together in the future too, and making fun memories, beautiful remembrance and precious happiness~^^!"
    "The word ‘We’ is not a word that is used meaninglessly..^^ It’s a word that is used really only in the relationship like ours!~"
    KyuJong-ah, you are truly SS501' forever center. Miss you sooooo much.

  4. "he is the sweetest. How can one not love him, right? Kyu Jong... Kyu Jong... Kyu Jong... you make us miss you so much."
    agree so much.

    his words are beautiful,meaningful and thoughtful like always
    "I hope Pretties can always be smiling and stay positive~

    And looking forward to the smiling days together when we meet again!^^"

    Kyu Jong ah please stay strong and return safely <3

  5. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Aigoo, kyu is such a sweet person.looking forward for that days to come.ss501 reunion.miss u kyu!

  6. Anonymous12:29 AM

    thankyu for this letter kyu ^^ i'm so happy to know that u doing well in army..that dongsaeng is so cute,he ask kyu to singing SS501 songs ^^ and to kangin: thanx for supporting our kyu ;)

  7. He's a soft, warm blanket on a cold winter night.

  8. tks for sharing ^^ love his letterpaper.. sooooo cute
    of course love the contents .. can't imagine being his girlfriend... would be swept over by his honeyed words and yet also jealous of him leaving such sweet words for Triple S and ThanKyus
