
Monday, August 27, 2012

[Vid] Hyung Jun Back in S. Korea After Ending 'KIMHYUNGJUN 2012 2nd Story in Japan'

After finishing off the last leg of 'KIMHYUNGJUN 2012 2nd Story in Japan' on the 26th of August, Hyung Jun in back in S. Korea once again.

At the end of the Nagoya shown, Hyung Jun left tweets. Here are translated tweets of Hyung Jun courtesy of xiaochu1004 in Twitter.
@HyungJun87 : The long awaited 2012 Kim HyungJun Zepp Tour 9th concert has ended very very perfectly. Even though there are lots of mental stress and difficult times, all thanks to the harmony of sound and passion of many who believed and cared for me, it became a really blissful tour.

@HyungJun87 : Album achieved good results too. Thank you everyone for the enthusiastic support. I will do my best to be able to see you again as an upgraded Kim HyungJun by developing bit by bit and little by little. I am very happy...^^ it is a good evening!! I want to say thank you to everyone who went through a lot of hardships. Good night!
Here is video of Hyung Jun's arrival this morning at Incheon International Airport courtesy of .  Thanks to veggiedelight for the tip.


  1. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I really like what Hyung Jun said about building himself up little by little. Since starting his solo career, each project he's done has been an improvement on the one before and you can sense him maturing with each one. It was also obvious that he really enjoyed himself during this promotion period which was great to see. I can't wait to see what he does next musically and with his acting. I heard that during his Japan tour he told fans he will be coming back with a drama towards the end of the year. I hope this is true because I can't wait to seem him back on screen. Congratulations Hyung Jun! Your album was great!

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    he looks tired but he is done with 9 concert.take care of your health baby. is really important to us that yoy sleep well... you eyes look so tired.
