
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

[Article] PressCon for 'City Conquest' Slated in Japan in October

I shared HERE last September 20, few details about the Premium Event for 'City Conquest' in Japan sometime in January. But before that, on the 4th of October there is something that all fans of Hyun Joong must look forward to and that is a press conference for City Conquest in Japan.

Here is an article detailing the press conferences which will be attended by 400 reporters from different media. Thanks to of schmangela of AKP.


[News] Kim Hyun Joong’s ‘City Conquest’ press conference expected to draw 16,000 fans in Japan
Courtesy of schmangela / AllKPop

The upcoming drama ‘City Conquest‘ is scheduled to hold a press conference in Japan.

Scheduled for 7PM on October 4th at Japan’s famous venue, Budokan, the large-scale showcase event will host nearly 16,000 Japanese fans along with an estimated 400 reporters from media outlets such as NHK, TBS, and FujiTV.

In particular, television station NHK has assigned a ‘documentary team’ just for the drama, proving that the drama starring Kim Hyun Joong is attracting considerable attention.

The press conference will include appearances by Kim Hyun Joong himself, co-star Jung Yu Mi, and other drama representatives. Special promotional footage will also be revealed during the event.

In addition, the showcase event will also include the 1 year anniversary celebration of Kim Hyun Joong’s fan club.

Meanwhile, the upcoming press conference is prospected to help ‘warm up’ the currently chilly relationship between South Korea and Japan, all the while playing a part in further spreading Hallyu culture.


  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Dear hyunjoong love, hoping & praying the best for your coming drama! I feel nervous & yet excited for the coming event. Nervous coz if there really is going to be 400 media people, then I pray the drama will be a wonderful success ^^^ 16 000 fans for a press conference is, well really unique, isn't it? Hope the Japanese fans will come out in droves to support him ^^^ Hyunjoong Hwaiting!

  2. Anonymous10:30 PM

    16,000 is plenty, but doable, knowing Hyun Jung's stature. Heat was no. 1. I just realized that Saitama arena was filled with some 30,000 fans multiplied by 2 days; assuming there were avid supporters who also watched on the second day, there should still be at least 50,000 people, if not more, who watched. That is no small feat. No wonder City Conquest is premiering in Japan, and no wonder NHK has fielded a team to do the feature. Kudos to Key East and his handlers in Japan, and to HJL himself, who all worked hard to make this happen.
