
Saturday, September 15, 2012

[Pix] Hyun Joong Sighting 09.13.12

Oh yes, there was a sighting of Hyun Joong yesterday in Jaksal's  Isu outlet.

Photos of him that  something that we have not seen him doing before which is washing dishes have been shared on the net.  Here are the photos and heaps of thanks to those who gave the tips.

courtesy of @pink_floccus and

thanks to @harukhj for tweeting this

lifted from the tweet of  @pink_floccus
thanks as well to to

After washing the dishes for about twenty minutes he then came out to greet fans and give gave autograph. Thanks to @baebb for the English translation in Twitter.

thanks to @pink_floccus for sharing on Twitter
and to

courtesy of @0606kh shared in Twitter

 Below are few more photos taken by fans which came from the tweets of @lyn0522.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Wow! So envious with the fans ..wish I was also there!! Btw, Ms. Liezle is it really Jaksal Isu? Another branch of Jaksal? Where is it located? He owned it also?SSory I have many questions...

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Wow! So envious with the fans ..wish I was also there!! Btw, Ms. Liezle is it really Jaksal Isu? Another branch of Jaksal? Where is it located? He owned it also?SSory I have many questions...

  3. Hi 12:05.

    Isu is the latest outlet of Jaksal. Here is the address:

    In Korean:
    서울시 동작구 사당동 708-437번지 1층 작살치킨 입니다.문의전화: 02-3482-5414

    In English :
    L1, 708-437, Sadang-dong, Dong Jak-gu, Seoul, South Korea.Phone number: 02-3482-5414)

    How to get there:
    At Isu station (이수역), exit via Exit 10. Look for the seafood restaurant. Once seen, take a turn in the corner. A few more walk you will see Jaksal.

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    OMG I really, really love him. Fame hasn't gotten to his head. He's still that hard working guy no matter what he does. I've been missing him like crazy each day.

  5. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Wow...this can only happens in South Korea. Top Hallyu star washing dishes...What a unique culture. I am so vsry impressed.

  6. Anonymous1:50 AM

    khj, was appearing on his chicken store & doing the chores ...
    can not clearly see his face but happy enough to read this piece of news & watch the sharing pictures about him while longing for his updated activities. thanks for uploading & the info ^^
    Washing isn’t a chore, it’s recreation to him - just kidding :) But his relaxed manner made doing the household work fun instead of a chore (^J^)
    hope he will service as a minute waiter if i visit one of his chicken stores in Korean in the future & run into him
    … *dreaming* …
    fighting hjL & myself

  7. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Darling Hyunjoong has always been unique, that is, down-to-earth and modest. I guess he didn't even think about not washing dishes since he's a star kind-of-thing or that he's part-owner of the resto. Perhaps it's just natural for him to help out if there's help needed.
    Anyway, really happy to see him again and to know that he's maximising his resting period with friends. First with his dancer hyungs, then with joshrose and friends and this time around with friends too at his resto. Hope he'll continue to enjoy himself and keep himself healthy^^^

  8. Anonymous1:00 AM

    OMG! Hyun Joongah i really really love you. I really love your natural and everything!!!!

  9. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I just love everything of hyun joong.

  10. Anonymous11:03 AM

    thanKYU Ms. Liezle for the address and direction.. I do hope I can see Him when we visit that Jaksal Branch...

  11. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Ms.Liezle, I have searched in my subway map.. but i didnt find isu station then i googled it.. it says also known as Chongsin University Station.. is this correct?
    SSory for bothering you,thanKYU!
