
Thursday, September 27, 2012

S/Tweet Treats from Hyung Jun Jung Min & Young Saeng 09.27.12

Some four hours ago, Hyung Jun tweeted a photo of a missing dog that looks like Choco. Here is translation of Hyung Jun's tweet courtesy of @xiaochu1004 on Twitter.
@HyungJun87 : Someone finding lost puppy. Please contact the person if u see the dog TT-TT

I believe that the dog above is not Choco.  I guess Hyung Jun is showing compassion to the  owner and tweeted the photo above to help him/her look for the dog. The owner must be missing his toy dog a lot.  I should know because last weekend I got a scare too when I though that my pug was missing after drying her after she took a bath.  I look all over our house, garage, backyard and even went outside to look for her and asked around if they saw a small dog.  Lucky after looking for her for 30 minutes I found my Coco underneath the bed of my brother sleeping soundly. Whew!

Alright enough of that. ^_^

A few hours after Hyung Jun tweeted,  Jung Min went to Twitter and tweeted that he is zipping off to somewhere.  Here is Jung Min's tweet and photos taken at Gimpo Airport.  Much thanks to @shirbo21 for the translation in Twitter.

Btw, I just added Jung Min's latest tweet when he arrived Japan tonight.  Thanks to @RenriSak0830 for the translation in Twitter.

JungMin0403 Hi~~^^ I am taking a trip again now~~~~~~!! Enjoy the trip well and come back!!!!!^~^

Jungmin0403 my all fans are so good!! hahaha Thank you. (wanna give u) 100Heart

After Jung Min tweeted,  @p_jungmin43 shared on Twitter some snapshots of Jung Min as they sent him off at the airport.

As Jung Min zipped off to Japan tonight, Young Saeng on the other hand just returned to S Korea after successfully debuting in Japa with the release of his album and two concerts in Tokyo and Osaka.

Here is a tweet from Young Saeng tonight translated by @xiaochu1004 in Twitter. Heaps of thanks again!
mystyle1103 : Hyung-nim who lived in Japan, opened a Korean restaurant keke please be a big hit!!! Keke It is opposite Roppongi midtown~~


  1. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Finally!!! Miss Min soooo much!
    I think he is heading to Japan for Romeo's 2nd contact.. if I'm not wrong.

    Jung Min fighting!!!

  2. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Aww. That SMILE!!! Just <3 it!!!
    Go Jung Min GO GO!!! Romeo hwaiting!!!

  3. Anonymous9:40 PM

    my heart almost fell when I saw the picture w/o translation. I thought Choco was missing... PHEW!!!

  4. Anonymous10:27 PM

    baby love his Choco so much.

  5. Mishelle4:33 AM

    i knew that dog wasn't choco since baby said kangaji which means puppy and choco isn't a puppy. anyhow i hope the owner finds his/her dog soon!

    totally loving minnie's hairstyle. he looks good with black hair!!

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Young Saeng is so cute. How can anyone not love him^^

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Min looks greeaatt!!! I'll do anything to be held in the broad chest/arms!!! Mmmm..... ok ok I'll dream on!!! Lol!

    @9:40, yeah. I had the same feeling too. Luckily it wasn't Choco.

  8. This is what my day. TQ Liezle for posting such a nice articles. Really-realy anticipated tweets from three of them: Baby, Jung Min and YS. Jung Min looks different with the new hair style. What makes me more happy is that Jung Min's drama Fondant Garden will be aired in my country from 1/10/12 onwards. I knew a lot of fans have watched it long time ago but I haven't and now the tv is going to show it. Yeah! It may be a bit late but still worth the wait.

  9. Ling@10:36am Jung Min was so so good in Fondant Garden. You'll love the show and his performance. I envy you experiencing the drama for the first time. Makes me want to watch it all over again! :)

  10. Anonymous11:56 AM

    ah, me too! if ever it's my 3rd time. i really love when his "bad person" is playing in the background. fell in love with him because of his superb singing. i didnt know him who he was but now im a a fan.

  11. Anonymous5:25 PM

    @Ling, We r from d same country but I had watched FG. I even had d show CD and copied them into a thumbdrive so I can carry it and watch over and over again wherever I go. hehehehe....

    Today, I saw d ad on the TV station abt FG going to show BUT, they pronouced his surname as "BIAO" i/o "PU".. oohh.. I was so mad!!! I'm so going to complain to the station producers!!! >.<
