
Monday, September 24, 2012

[Vids] Young Saeng at 'Overjoyed' Concert in Tokyo 09.22.12

Following are fancams from last Saturday's 'Overjoyed' concert of Young Saeng held at Shibuya-AX in Tokyo.  Heaps of thanks to and to of  Madeleine for sharing the following videos in YouTube.  Thanks as well to veggiedelight for emailing the links.

Here are the videos for your enjoyment.

First 3 videos are all courtesy of

Following are courtesy of HYS Fansite Madeleine

Last is from the YouTube channel of .

As of this writing, Young Saeng is currently having his 2nd concert in ZEPP Namba in Osaka.  Let's all hope that we get to read highlights from the concert and see some nicely taken photos and videos.


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I can't have enough of YS^^ When will the DVD be on sale.... I'll buy it no matter what price!!

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Oh no...the yssilver1103 vids are private. Do you know what you have to do to watch private videos?
