
Friday, October 12, 2012

[Article] Hyung Jun Scolded Hoobaes in Twitter

As expected the tweet of Hyung Jun is on the news in some of today's portal. Here's the English news that I lifted from AllKPop. Thanks to VITALSIGN for the article.

I really do hope that these hoobaes will contemplate on what they did and will learn from it.  Quiet sad that it had to be them who did this to Hyung Jun.


[News] Kim Hyung Jun reprimands junior idols for failing to greet properly
 Source + Photos: TV Daily via Nate

SS501‘s Kim Hyung Jun has left some reprimanding words for his industry juniors.

On October 11th, he tweeted, “These days, I’ve been noticing that the dongsengs have been slyly trying to avoid bowing. I was so mad today while at Mok-dong. Dongsengs, please don’t get caught in front of me again.”

Kim Hyung Jun is currently a DJ on SBS Radio‘s ‘Kim Hyung Jun’s Music High‘, so it is speculated that he experienced the upsetting incident while at the broadcast building.

Although it may not seem like a big deal to some, in traditional Korean culture as well as many other Asian cultures, showing respect to those older and those who have been working in a field longer than you have by bowing and greeting, is seen as highly important.

In related news, Kim Hyung Jun is currently promoting his solo album in Japan while simultaneously juggling his Korean activities.


  1. Anonymous6:40 PM

    no, its a big deal indeed. if baby thinks its a big deal then it is. because he's seldom mad, he's usually friendly, calm and easy going. BUT if something can make him so mad, it really shows something.

    those newbies won't get far if they're not gonna learn some respect NOW.

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    @6:40 PM -A big "YES!!!!" on what you said. Those arrogant NEWBIES!!!!!!! A little fame are already getting into their heads. Nothing really beats SS501.. A lot of people knows how popular they are yet they keep on saying they aren't that famous. Very down to earth. It's the reason why fans never leave and always supports them. Fighting! Oh, I'm a fan too.. :D Obviously, right? hehe!

  3. Anonymous8:25 PM

    when baby tweet about the incident,i never thought that the group is the one baby talk about.after everything baby and the other members done to helped wonder hyung jun mad about that incident.and i can some of that group fans bash maknae and tripleS's ok baby, we will always support you.u r the best maknae ^_^ hwaiting!!!

  4. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Is the hobae group U-Kiss thats rude to hyun jun?Oh what an ingrate group....

  5. Anonymous9:25 PM

    hmm someone on twitter said "lots of rookie idols don't respect ukiss but do you see them complaining?" thats rude. so they implying hyung jun is kicking up a big fuss for nothing?

  6. Anonymous9:27 PM

    based on fan acoount,that is what happen..and on twitter,their fans also bash our maknae..pity him =( have u read this?

  7. Anonymous9:30 PM

    based on fan acoount,that is what happen..and on twitter,their fans also bash our maknae..pity him =( have u read this?

  8. Anonymous9:40 PM

    HyungJun at MokDong. See who are on the same parking area

  9. Anonymous9:50 PM

    thank you anon 9:30 for sharing this with us, much appreciated! yes indeed, even towards a stranger sunbae aka a senior from the industry whom you don't know well, you BOW and show respect! i even seen yonghwa, who's just a few mths younger than daesung call him hyung! this is how important senority is in their culture. if ukiss obviously knew this, then they must be doing it on purpose. but why? whats going on between hyung jun and them??

  10. Anonymous9:53 PM

    If it's true that the so-called ignorant junior is that group mentioned above,first it's unbelievable and second, if this is proved,I felt very upset and disappointed on them. But anyway,whoever it is, they should have felt shameful that they don't behave well infront of their seniors.Respecting the elders is a very basic manner no matter who,where and what you are. As part of the Y-generation,I don't want my peers become like that,I hope that they'll learn from their mistake and realise how important it is to have the correct attitude to survive in this world. Sorry for making long elaborates here, just voicing out my opinion, hope you'll understand^^

  11. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I still don't think Hyung Jun is as upset as people are making him out to be. He probably was irritated that he wasn't greeted and mentioned it on twitter just to let the other party know that he noticed their behavior. After that I think he let it go. From his tweets afterward you can tell he wasn't depressed or angry still. I've seen the photos that are supposed to be proof and it really doesn't prove much except that he and the other group were in the same place. The fan account is one person's interpretation of events. Hyung Jun is smiling in the photos and didn't directly say he was upset to his fans. Hyung Jun made his tweet in a way to not reveal who he's talking about so I hope people will respect that. I know people are upset at how Hyung Jun was treated but hopefully people will follow his example. Express only your disappointment and then move on.

  12. Raven8:51 PM

    Oh Baby...I'm so sorry you didn't get the respect you have earned! SS501 is well known all over the world. All five of you guys, have your own group of fans who are loyal to you and "love your dirty drawers" as they say in the States.But all of us love SS501. All of us loved the beautiful child you five fantastic fathers created...SS501.
    If this new generation of idols are showing disrespect to all the sunbaes, then maybe they're trying to shed the old ways. So HJB, keep a watchful eye and check it out. But I don't blame you for being upset. You are a very respectful man and you expect the same returned to you. Keep up the good work, babe, proud of all of you.....Raven

  13. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Anon 8:14am - Thats a very rational explanation BUT you surely you don't expect him to tweet a whole bunch of annoyed stuff right? He's not the type who goes on ranting, he doesn't want to upset his fans.

  14. Anonymous8:58 AM

    @9:04 I agree, it's not his style to upset his fans and only the people close to him can truly know how upset he was. The main point, I was trying to make is that I just hope people don't go overboard in criticizing the other group. Especially, since it is just a rumor at this point. Thankfully, it seems most Triple S are doing a good job by being respectful in their comments. I also hope the person who made the fan account isn't being attacked too harshly by fans of the other group. I may not agree with her writing that fan account (mainly because she made it very obvious which group she was referring to) but I could tell her heart was in the right place.
