
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Articles] She Said... He Said...

Rumors/scandals are not news that we want to read.  But since it's all over, I am sharing these articles here. 

The day started with news about Jung Min being in a relationship with the designer of Dominic's Way.

I am shoving here one of the few articles that shocked us as well as Jung Min's reply to the allegation.

When you read the first article take everything she says with a pinch of salt. It's interesting to read the reports in the newspapers, but I tend to take them with a grain of salt.

[News] Designer Song Hye Myung reveals she was dating SS501′s Park Jung Min?
Source: Newsen via Nate, Song Hye Myung’s Facebook, and Star News
by jennywill / AllKPop

Designer Song Hye Myung revealed her secret relationship with SS501‘s Park Jung Min.

On October 29th, the designer wrote the following on her Facebook page, “Park Jung Min, thanks for making me pitiful.” After snagging fans’ attention with the first line, she continued to reveal how she had dated Park Jung Min, and that she had continuously held him in favor but he had only used her.

In a post that she has since deleted, she wrote, “I’m human, too, so I think I’m going to beat my chest and have high blood pressure from frustration for the next 500 years if I don’t say anything. I have to live, so I’m going to reveal everything. They say time heals everything, so time will just pass on without having much effect on your work, my work or life.”

Song Hye Myung continued, “You were first for me from the start. I did my best for you. I’m talking about how I withstood everything. I thought that you couldn’t help but drift far from me because of problems with your label, and your group’s albums. I was sure that I shouldn’t be a bother to you.”

She explained that she had a lot of friction with Park Jung Min, and they continued to date on and off. She wrote, “You contacted me again last November, and at the time you had another problem because you were taking legal measures against your label. Even though we couldn’t date like normal people, it was a relationship where we were certain about our feelings. You tried your best, so I was satisfied.”

She then said, “What was I to you? I’m not just disappointed, I feel betrayed. Was I such an easy person that you could use whenever you felt like it? I came when you called and left when you said to. When I was in difficult situations, you left me and didn’t protect me. I didn’t let that happen because I was an easy person. I treated you sincerely, so I understood it. And you told me a lot of things that you couldn’t tell anyone else, so I thought I was a big strength to you as well. To be honest, you contacted me when you were facing difficulties.”

Lastly, Song Hye Myung finished with, “It’s no longer my business who you date. Just respect me. I don’t know if you kept seeing me on and off while you had someone else on your mind. I snapped to my senses because I realized the connection I had with you wasn’t real. Don’t contact me for petty things. Don’t even pretend to know me if we meet during work“.

The post has since been deleted from her Facebook, and she has instead written, “I think I said something that wasn’t worth talking about. I’m not even good at arguing.. But everyone just treats me like a mental patient.. I don’t even want to think about it.. I’m just not a flimsy person who gets upset by herself and is done with it.. My own opinions are important to me. I’m not smart, so I don’t lie. Doesn’t it just get more complex because it gets big later on? It’s blackmail…? I’m a bit strong, but what could I wish for that I’d blackmail with this????? Time is medicine. I’ve said everything I wanted, and I’m not someone who lives in a fantasy.. Have I had my revenge? If it’s like this.. I’ll delete the post.”

When asked about this issue, Park Jung Min’s representative replied, “It’s true that the two are friends, but they never dated. It’s not true, and this is all from a misunderstanding. The two rarely met outside of work.”


[News] Park Jung Min denies dating designer Song Hye Myung
Source: Star In
by elliefilet / AllKPop

Park Jung Min of SS501 has denied dating designer Song Hye Myung, who made Facebook posts about their alleged breakup.

A representative stated on the 30th, “Though the two do know each other, the rumor that they’ve dated is 100% false.” According to Park Jung Min’s agency, Song Hye Myung participated in the clothing concept for SS501′s ‘Destination‘ album as well as Park Jung Min’s music video for his Japanese project, ‘ROMEO‘.

The agency stated, “Though it’s possible that they had chances to be alone together for business reasons like staff meetings, outings, and clothing fittings, they’ve never met for personal reasons… Park Jung Min said, ‘I’m okay. Let’s not worry about it, and prepare for my comeback in November. I didn’t think what she said was that important, and I didn’t know things would get this out of hand.’”

Park Jung Min stated in a phone call with his agency, “There’s no reason to disappoint my fans. I believe they’ll cheer me on. The fans are extremely well informed, and if I had done something to create a misunderstanding, they would know first. I’m fine, so I’ll stay quiet about the issue.”

Jung Min, FIGHTING! Waiting for your comeback. ^^


  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    she should not write that thing in fb.even if she really want, she should not mention jm's name.please think carefully next time bcoz this things doesn't give any benefit for both. yeah, jungminnie ah,hwaiting for your comeback.don't worry, we'll always support you.^_^

  2. Anonymous10:11 PM

    she has all the time and opportunity in the world (din she said he contacted her in Nov?) but she chooses now - after JM's Korea comeback was announced; to post this???... you think this is a mere coincident??? Plzzz....
    She don't tell lie bcz she is not smart. But we can discern between the truth and bullshits bcz we fans & TS are smart!

    Jung Min-ah, YES you are right! We will believe in you and stand by you always just as you had believed in us.

  3. Anonymous10:17 PM

    anon 10.11 pm yeah,why now. when jm comeback is around the corner?anyway minne, don't worry.we'll support you ^^

  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    @10:11, we shared the same thought on the timing. "Someone/party" is not very happy with his comeback that's for sure.
    I do not understand what made her thinks JM "only want to use her"?! Frankly, what will JM benefits from her. What I see here is the other way where she is using him to gain herself publicity and "fame". Yeah, she is very "pitiful" indeed!

  5. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I'm very proud of how Jung Min handled this issue. Staying quiet is the best and let the truth proves itself.
    Minnie-ah, don't worry and just concentrate on your comeback. We are anticipating with much eagarness. All the best to Romeo's 2nd single release tomorrow too! Jung Min HWAITING!!!! You are the BEST!!!

  6. Anonymous10:37 PM

    i can only see a woman suffering from schizophrenia talking here, she's indeed a nut case.

  7. Anonymous10:42 PM

    they say the most lethal animal on earth is neither a lion nor a shark; but it's WOMAN. She is like "if I can't have him, I might as well destroy him".... a very serious nut case!!

  8. why is it everytime a relationship's always the woman that gets backlash. No one knows the truth except two people! also she must've had a reason for her action.

    please don't judge people without knowing the whole truth!

    1. Anonymous10:35 PM

      I agree. There are so many things about his personal life that we don't know. So let's not criticize this woman so harshly and jump into conclusion.

  9. Anonymous1:10 AM

    LvKprogram..yeah she has her reason. But how would you know if she doesn't have malicious intent? That can be one of the reason.

    Between nov last year till now. That's a PRETTTTTTTTTY long time. Maybe because he stopped contacting her altogether (after working together on Onstyle Magazine, supposedly a collaboration between Dominic's Way and RoyalAve which failed) and she felt she could no longer use him? Or maybe she just got jealous seeing him working closely with another woman, all along thinking that PJM likes her? We never know. But I guess all of us are not pleased with the fact that she chose NOW to voice this out PUBLICLY. like wtf?

  10. Anonymous1:35 AM

    agree, no matter what shouldn't have aired dirty linen in public. so anon 1:10AM, you think theres another woman? suddenly wuri jungmin looks so womanizing lol

  11. JM reached out to her last Nov after a long time of no contact; it's not that Nov'11 was the last time they were in touch. JM posted a picture with her celebrating his bday in April. Have you forgotten JM's Dark Angel runway walk? That was her show. And of course all of ROMEO's outfits for the two videos and his Contact fanmeets were all Song Hye Myung/Dominic's Way designs. She has a substantial career and is damaging her own reputation as much as JM's. It was a mutually beneficial relationship but she developed feelings for him and got her heart broken. She was wrong to publicize this and I hate what this is doing to JM, but I feel sorry for her.

  12. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Hum i heard she is more famous than JungMin in korea. She was sincere and truly loved him but he just used her heart whenever he needed. That's it. Even if from msg of facebook i can feel her care of JungMin. Anyway i'm so angry he made ss501's reputation badly. Why he always!?

  13. Anonymous8:28 AM

    @7.15 am - even if designer soong is more famous than JM, even if she truly loved him, and cared for Jung Min, that does not necessarily translate into a relationship. I think this is merely a sheer business relationship turned sour. And who's ruining whose reputation? She had many many months to let out her anger, or frustration, or sort things out, but why now? I certainly agree there are people that are not happy with Jung Min's comeback. Lots of antis out there. And please dont judge anybody without knowing the whole truth. I guess most people, esp. overseas fans dont even know her, and by her making such a public statement, which is quite damaging to all parties concerned, she is the one who is "gaining", not Jung Min. Luckily, true Minnies have complete faith in Park Jung Min. Jung Min fighting, get ready for your comeback.

  14. Anonymous8:51 AM

    7:15 - Seriously, what are you? Are you really a TripleS? Your statement really cannot be more bias (in a bad way). Are you him, or her? If you are not, don't pass judgement so casually. If JM wanted to ruin SS501's reputation he would have done it much earlier, when they were still together and the impact would be greater. I really doubt your intelligence, or the lack of it.

  15. Anonymous8:59 AM

    @8:28 I couldn't hv said it better! Thanks!
    Yeah, maybe bcz the business relationship turns sour when she realizes that his new album was t going to use her dark misty concept at all.... Anyway, we are nobody to judge. Just as @10:31 said, the truth will speaks for itself. JM trusted us and we should give our trust & support to him too.
    Jung Min fighting!!!! We will be here for you always. <3

  16. Anonymous11:22 AM

    7.15 AM - what did Jung Min do to make SS501 reputation badly? Why did you say "why he always?" I love SS501 and when was SS501 reputation bad?

  17. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I may be bashed for saying this but I think there may be some truth to what she's saying. I don't see a reason for her to make this all up. She's successful and famous so this would only hurt her career. She's a grown woman - I would think she knows whether she's in a relationship or not.

    Well for the timing of this news, I don't think it will have any affect on JM's comeback. His fans will continue to support him.

  18. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Agree absolutely with Anon @11:22.

  19. Anonymous12:23 PM

    To be more precise, I agree absolutely with Anon@11:22, what the designer said may have some truth.

  20. Anonymous12:32 PM

    There is no bigger fury than a woman scorned. However, as a grown woman with her own career and rep to protect, she has to think many times and sleep on it before posting. idk, only insiders know the real score, as to whether they dated or not, whether this is a one sided relationship and his friendliness is misunderstood, and why the timing of this fb post is such. I think JM and management are handling the issue the best they can, given the sensitivity of the issue. Wishing JM success in his upcoming album.

  21. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Whether some truth, all true or no truth at all. As per @12:32 said, she is a grown woman. So she should be able to think first b4 she acts and to be fully responsible of the outcome. Not being smart is not an excuse to run away from responsibility.
    Anyway, as most of the commentators mentioned. None of us here are either she or he. Our assumptions doesn't help the already sensitive situation at all. As true Minnies & Ts, we should respect JungMin's decision to stay quiet about it and to fully concentrate on his comeback and give him our utmost support like we always does.
    We are going to show them our boys will stay and remain strong no matter what and nothing could break them bcz they always have us TS to stand by and support them! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  22. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Nice timing for a controversy. Pity both of them. Nobody knows the truth. Of course denying when being accused is the best thing to do. But what will she gain from it? Ah...yes. Instant popularity. From nobody now everbody knowswho she is. Then again, why would she endure all the backlashes knowing she is dealing with a singer who has a strong fan is like suicide. Let us just see how this hot issue is unfolding. Should b interesting...and all i can say...what a blasting comeback for Jm.

  23. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Anoymous 10:31 PM
    i agree with u...jung minnie handle this problem carefully..i don't understand this...she create so cheap rumor..please don't do it will fail cause triple s never trust you..

  24. Anonymous2:12 PM

    i hope this rumor stop faster..i really2 hope even its true or not, don't make statement or openly comment..keep yourself..settle in closely..hurt both of pity this rumors spread everywhere

  25. Anonymous2:14 PM

    i hope this rumor stop faster..i really2 hope even its true or not, don't make statement or openly comment..keep yourself..settle in closely..hurt both of pity this rumors spread everywhere

  26. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I don't really care what she says.. seriously she's more than 10 years older than him so exactly whats in it for JungMin in a relationship with a woman almost in her 40s when he has tons of girls in their 20s and his age running after him?

  27. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Cheap publicity for both parties...Poor Jm. He becomes popular for the wrong reason..again and just about the time for his so called comeback.
    How unlucky can one be!!! Good luck Jm.

  28. Anonymous8:51 PM

    was JM leading her on to say that there was nothing between them?

    was he being a flirt and dropping hints?

    ooohhhh.. naughty Jung Min. you need spanking.


    fans can only claim to believe that one is saying the truth.

    well, it is easy to believe someone that you know rather than someone that you hardly know.

    well, that's the role of fans. Fighting for someone even if they don't know the truth.

    don't engage yourselves too much in this 'he said', 'she said'.

  30. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Agree with @7:42 PM. Not trying to be insulting or insensitive but jungmin seems to have the knack for attracting media focus. Unfortunately though for the wrong kind of publicity^^ Yeah, this is becoming like 'he said', 'she said' saga^^

  31. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Agree with @ 742 &@942. If the whole thing gets blown out of proportion until his comeback date, then I really pity pjm. Romeo will b a laughing stock...double personalities??? A good case study . ...

  32. Anonymous1:30 AM

    WE know what is showbiz is? If Jung Min decided to keep quiet let us support him in his decision i know it will be more helpful to him. Let's not talk about it the more we give one sided comment the more things will become complicated. All we have to do is to give all our support for his upcoming comeback.

    Jung Min hwaiting!!!!wish you all the best.

  33. Anonymous1:35 AM

    hi liezel i'm trying to leave a comment but it's not register.

  34. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Funny how his antis are always the first to comment on his articles.So much dedication. Anyway, good luck Jung Min for your comeback.
    Fighting!! ^_^

  35. Anonymous6:48 AM

    4.43 am - agree, agree. Just dont understand why JM has so many antis. Well, Jung Min, never mind what's going on around you, just concentrate on your CB and Romeo activities. Love ya, always.

  36. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Just because some readers are not agree with your point of view makes them ANTIS? Trust me Jung Min is not the only Kpop artist have many antis. Every Kpop artist has!

  37. Anonymous9:20 AM

    You are right @813. Why must one be over sensitive. People just gave their opinion and so far nobody has gone overboard yet. Those who keep their open minds on the issue are labelled Antis....????? Too shallow.

  38. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I have had enough of this scandal, but if Jung Min happens to be having a hard time in dealing with this problem, I am sure the members will provide their unconditional support to him so that is a big relief. I wish Jung MIn the best on his comeback because he deserves it for being very talented. I love his voice and he always seems to be creative with his albums and etc. I am really anticipating his comeback so wish him success. I 'll try to do my part and support him in everything I can.

  39. fanny1:45 PM

    So many replies in this topic! wow

  40. Anonymous3:05 PM

    There were some TripleS who witnessed Jungmin dated with designer in the car. But last interview he said he had never neen meet a girl just a once from debut of SS501 to now. To be honest, it's no matter jungmin meet a girl or not cause he's now 26years man. I want he is just happy like other ppl. But why is he lying? We don't know their relation was true or not but actually there were many proofs and witnesses even by fan(it was jungmin's sasaeng fan). Even know all that, i supported members and i think i'll but his many lies make me disappointed especially this time as a woman. To be honest with you guys(sorry it's my opinion), i feel sorry for her as a same woman.

  41. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Well said Anon @3:05PM though there are some gramatical errors but I get where you are coming exactly. Why would a matured woman bother to smear JM if he didn't hurt her? Heard of no smoke without fire? Well, I can understand JM's situation especially with his management agency, he's in quite a fix over this.
    I find this very common problem or type of scandal with celebrities amusing.

  42. Anonymous5:47 PM

    3:30 - Its NOT amusing when it happens to your favorite celeb.

  43. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Your fave celeb can do NO wrong?

  44. Anonymous6:41 PM

    yea.i'm a fan of jm and for sure i don't know the truth.but why did she tell people about this when jm's comeback is nearer? what ever it is,i'll always support him.^^

  45. Anonymous9:24 PM

    She is a lot older.... friendship and a noona/dongsaeng situation probably, but I don't get the romance angle of this. As for seeing them in the car, or in a resto for that matter, I don't get why people would immediately conclude that they are in a relationship.

  46. Anonymous8:37 AM

    6:10 - Read carefully, I just said its NOT amusing I didn't call them saints.

  47. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The question is - your fave celeb can do NO wrong? Think carefully.

  48. Anonymous3:18 PM

    The question is, you don't even understand what people said. Why the F are you emphasizing about doing wrong or no wrong. That is not even the issue. Human beings ALL MAKE MISTAKES AND DO WRONG, THEY ARE NOT GOD. Get it? The thing is, when it happens to your bias you're bound to feel more pain than a random celeb or stranger. Whats wrong with you understanding such simple fact? Don't act stupid if you are not.

  49. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I find it interesting that seeing 2 people in the car, or having dinners together is considered "dating". Dont people eat and dine with their business contacts and/or "friends"? I am really confused with the definiition of friends, as opposed to boyfriend/girl friend. If indeed they were dating, I would love to see some photos. And fans seeing Jung Min dating a woman, and in a car, wouldnt we see photos the next minute? This is getting very interesting. Anyway, Jung Min concentrate on your comeback activities, with your talents and dedication to work, nothing would hurt you further.

  50. Anonymous9:30 AM

    So dirty here

  51. Anonymous11:44 AM

    the designer is famous more than pjm in korea. there should be good truth on the reason why she revealed it despite of ruining her self-pride and reputation as a career woman.

    have thought if one of 501 members is related in this kind of matter, it's closest to pjm, considering his behavior during 501 days. he's the first one who made a contract and pretend he didn't....and saw other similar cases. this just shows a bit of his true personality i believe.

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

      @ 11:44 AM
      seems that he is now deceived by his own trick.

  52. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Quite positive Jung Min wasn't the first one to sign contract as solo. Who got in touch with other agencies first?

    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      @ 3:10
      Jungmin is first. Now everybody knows. But important thing is he pretend he did not and he cheated fans with his lie.

  53. Anonymous2:30 PM

    @6:08 AM ... for your information, I never knew that jung min was the first. from what I knew from the media hyun joong was the first, but I DON'T CARE!!

    ALL the members said that they discuss with each other and all agreed to go as a solo temporarily. SO even if Jung min was the first who sign contract as solo!! WHO CARES?? it's OK since they already discussed and planned for their next move. jung min will never do something effects SS501 in bad way.. he LOVES SS501 .. "he pretend he did not"?? maybe he was waiting for the right time to announce that.. as TripleS as SS501 fans we should believe in them, in the end we weren't there so we don't know what really happened..

  54. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Hyun Joong is not first one and now who cares that? But to Jungmin it must be very very important thing. Do you remember jungmin's last msg at official site? He wrote very immediately he's not first one when media pointed it's Jungmin. So after his msg, many TS and 4bakja strongly condemned HJ till now. That is JungMin's cunning i know.

  55. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Well said @2.30 PM, 100% totally agreed with you .....

  56. Anonymous12:09 AM

    who hate jung min will always blame him for anything that comes up.. those kind of people we can't change their mind no matter how much we try coz they already set him as "GUILTY" even if the truth didn't show up yet..
    SO Everyone just stop fighting with each other and believe in what you believe...SIMPLE!! ^^

    I believe in Jung Min and SS501 ^^

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      @12:09 AM
      Truth.. Yes it's truth all about this love affair. I can sure this is true and i heard from one member's mouth several months ago. But different thing is he dated with a designer not a lover but a sponsor.

  57. Anonymous11:00 AM

    6.08 am and 4:15 pm - I just dont get it. Please check this out, its not from me, or from any fanclub news, its from wikipedia:

    In June 2010, upon the expiration of the group's contract with DSP Media, all the members then subsequently signed with other management companies. Kim Hyun Joong signed with KeyEast Entertainment in late June.[15] This was followed, in August, by Park Jung Min who joined CNR Media[16] and Kim Hyung Jun with S-Plus Entertainment.[17] Lastly in October Heo Young Saeng and Kim Kyu Jong, both signed with B2M Entertainment.[18]
    In June 2010, SS501 released their last album entitled Destination, produced by Steven Lee. Its title song "Love Ya" was well received, rating high in record sales and online music stores, and topped Music Bank's K-Chart. Due to their ending contract with DSP Media, however, the group ended promotions after only two weeks.
    On June 19, 2010, Kim appeared at a concert in the Philippines alongside BEAST.
    On June 28, 2010, it was announced that Kim had officially left DSP Media and joined Bae Yong-joon's KeyEast Entertainment company.[4]
    2010: Solo artist
    In June 2010, upon the expiration of Park's contract with DSP Media, he signed with CNr Media on 10 August 2010,
    2010: Solo artist
    In June 2010, upon the expiration of Kim's contract with DSP Media, he signed with S-Plus Entertainment in August 2010, to embark on his solo career.

    I did not make these up. The above info is "OFFICIAL", and if you google these elsewhere, I am 100% sure you would get the same answers.

    It does NOT matter to me who signed first, the members all agreed to go solo and what's wrong with signing solo first, or 2nd or last?? As a matter of fact leader and Key East Bae Yong Jun's contract did not happen overnight. They had been in contact long before DSP contract expiry. These are also well documented in the internet.

    People that hate Jung Min always always put the blame on Jung Min, and Minnies have always been very tolerant, cos its not worth anybody's time to fight over these things. I am pretty upset when people very wrongly accused Jung Min of this and that.

    12:09 AM and 2:30 PM - VERY WELL SAID. I dont really care what people say, I have complete faith and trust in Park Jung Min, a great artist.

  58. Anonymous11:39 AM

    @11:00, I'll throw you a BiG Hug if you are in front of me! Lol! You've basically said 501% what I was planning to say and I was about to post some links as proof too... But then, yeah, WHO CARES which member signed first or last? Their contracts are ending with DSP, and it was HJL whom said that NO agency would want to sign them as a group at that time, so what do you expect them to do??!! Sit and wait until one kind soul or maybe even a fan to set up an agency and sign them all up??? Idols are humans too. They need to live n earn a living as well.
    I'm really disgust with some people whom claimed that they are true Ts but yet still hovering over past issues and blaming this and that. Our boys have been on solo for more than 2 years, can't you just let whatever past be history and move on like what they boys have been doing?
    Support them always and look forward for "the day" isn't what we Ts should be doing now instead of fighting with each other over history that no one can change?!

  59. Anonymous12:08 PM

    @ 11:39 am
    I can feel who you are. You say no one care who contract first but why are u so angry and attached that in a couple of days? It's so weird;-)

  60. Anonymous12:30 PM

    @12:00 PM
    If he dated then let it be!! that's his personal life why interfere in it? everyone dating so why it's not allowed for JM?
    for me if JM said that he didn't date that designer then I believe him..
    but wait a minute!! you want to convince me that one of SS501 told you that JM is dating that designer!! excuse me R U that member manger to tell you such a personal thing?
    OH!! pleeeeeeeeeas!! I believe that designer story than your's =..=

    ADVICE "You have a wide imagination used in something useful"

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Sadly it's true. I heard Jung Min's story from one member's mouth several months ago. He got drunk and said everything. He even said he bought new carpet at his living room. And he also said abt CNR. There are many things you don't know. So go and believe what you want.

  61. Anonymous1:02 PM

    It's okay Minnies. My history teacher used to tell me to respect those that lived (and still living) in the past... bcz they are ancient and near to extinction. (^_−)−☆ so just let them be. What they said and accused will not break JM. Infact it'll make him even stronger and strive higher. Let's all leave this and concentrate on his cb which is just around the corner.
    Jung Min mansea! Jung Min fighting!!!

  62. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Jung Min's beautiful teaser is out. Stunning. All these controversies made Jung Min even stronger. Please go and watch the teaser, its addictive. Dream about you... think about you... Jung Min is so full of talents and his vocal is god gifted, so unique, so deep, so sexy. All these hurdles make Jung Min stronger and he is gorgeous now. BTW, even if there is some truth in the designer story, what is wrong with ending a relationship? Its nobody's business besides the two. BUT, why aired dirty linen in public????

  63. Anonymous1:33 PM

    12:30 PM <<~ It's meee xD !!
    I loved @12:00 PM story to the point that I made ​​a mistake " used = use it" ..

    @1:02 PM
    I agree with U ... YEAAAH let's concentrate on his come back .. the teaser is already out!!!

  64. Anonymous8:09 PM

    @ 11:00 pm
    wow you have so much time! You say it does NOT matter to you who signed first but i think you can get a doctor's degree of who first:) There were some news about Jung Min's visit for taiwan in april 2010. And CNR opened in August 2010. It means what? CNR is a foreign company in Korea. They needed so much processes and time to open the company. If you mention leader and Key East's contract did not happen overnight, how about JUNG MIN and CNR? Their processing time is more looooooonger than domestic company. It's sure that Jung Min and CNR get in touch with long time before at April 2010.
    Now almost all of Korean TS aknowledge Jung Min is first member who contract new agency. If you have friends, ask them. And from 2010 till now, who first is not important thing really. But it's JUNG MIN who make that a big thing and ascribe to the arrows of blame to leader. Suppose if Jung Min was not really first one, why he could not wait for his brothers? It's his actual pesonality behind fake smile. Last month, HJB said he doesn't contact with Jung Min.

  65. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Quoted "Last month, HJB said he doesn't contact with Jung Min."

    copied from the next post's translation link ->
    **Sina : do you keep in touch with ss501 members?

    KHJun : of course. And I’m jot kidding, we have been brothers for more than 9 years, nearing 10 years. Shinhwa sunbaes are our role model, they have stayed together. We are also working hard towards the goal to become the next long lived idol group, we will definitely not disband. Although we are having solo activities mow, but now it’s the time for us to fully charge ourselves to become better. **Not long ago, when Jung min was preparing for his November album, I went to cheer for him. Kyu Jong is in army now, I went to visit him too. Young saeng and hyun Joong are often in touch too, so we have never grow apart from each other.

    copied from this blog itself -

    Oh my... we must be seeing ghost here...... O_o"

  66. Anonymous9:19 PM

    @8:09 PM
    HJB said he doesn't contact with Jung Min?? from where you got your news?? 2 weeks a go HJB visit JM at his MV filming site and uploaded photos from there!! and also in his last interview, HJB said that he contact with all the members and went to visit KJ in military

  67. Anonymous9:21 PM

    @9:18 PM..

    OMO!! XD .. you already said that before me ^^

  68. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Feels so stupid above comments. 8:09 said so many important things but just stick to last one sentence. What are you doing now? What is really important to you?

  69. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I actually agree with 8:09pm about the timeline. The news was in the chinese blog Apple Daily. I read it. Angie ( CNR ) is dating the Pres. of Sony Greater China. Sony in Korea announced that PJM signed with Sony Taiwan on July 2nd but then PJM denied it on July 3rd on his blog site, which means they have been in talks for a longtime even before July 2nd. PJM and maknae went to Taiwan for the Golden Song award show on June 26, 2010 while the other 3 was barred from going to Taiwan. Since some of the people here are arguing about the timeline after they left DSP, I am just sharing with you what I read.

  70. Anonymous2:29 PM

    This is already getting way off. We were talking abt the scandal werent we? Sometimes it just bugs me how fans of each member of ss501 come down to this?No sense of respect towards each other....if this keeps on, let us just forget about a reunion let alone a comeback.

  71. Anonymous6:24 PM

    @6:49 AM
    Isn't this show that we REALLY don't care about "WHO SIGN 1ST" matter anymore?!!
    now, the most important thing to us is the relationship between the boySS remain the same as before

    the boySS asked us to believe and trust them, so this is what we do and what we should do..
    since they discussed with each other and agreed on their future plans.. they MOVE ON so why we still argue??
    in the end we love and cheer for the same band SS501 we are a family we need to stick together and move on isn't that what families do..

    1. Anonymous12:14 AM

      @ 6:24 pm
      I think you must tell others not 6:49. About the question who first, many conments say Jung Min is not first but it doesn't matter. What is their or your real intention? It seems only an excuse for Jung Min. If you really don't care, you don't need to say anything. They move on and we don't need to argue? You feel it's arguing? For what? I can see the truth of the past. The past is not just disappear. Our boys are living in the present. But we learn the present through the past. I love SS501 so even more the exact truth is needed.

  72. Anonymous2:05 AM

    WOW article on she said... he said... turn into full blown to SS501 family feud?
    Many arguments here go on fruitlessly!'s not worth fighting over!

  73. Anonymous12:01 PM

    whatever the truth is, this scandal really bothers me because uri Minnie's comeback is just right around the corner and then BAM! this?! this lawsuit is enough already... gahh, i dont want to choose sides so please Minnie, let your action prove your innocence. LOVE YOU!! fighting oppa <3
